Racial Comrades: Being a National Socialist and not some kind of a right-wing reactionary, I understand that my IDEOLOGY involves much more than simply the "Racial Issue". Unlike most other "racialist organizations", the American Nazi Party IS concerned about SOCIAL JUSTICE for WHITE WORKING CLASS people, the people whom we believe "make or break" revolutions against the "powers that be" within any given state or nation. People who make up the wealthy class, for the large part...HAVE...an interest in upholding that system, whereas the very … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 17, 2003
ANP Report for October 12, 2003
Racial Comrades: Being a National Socialist and not some kind of a right-wing reactionary, I understand that my IDEOLOGY involves much more than simply the "Racial Issue." Unlike most other "racialist organizations," the American Nazi Party IS concerned about SOCIAL JUSTICE for WHITE WORKING CLASS people, the people whom we believe "make or break" revolutions against the "powers that be" within any given state or nation. People who make up the wealthy class, for the large part...HAS...an interest in upholding … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 12, 2003
ANP Report for October 06, 2003
Racial Comrades: Do you remember that old rock & roll song that had the refrain " ...and the beat goes on...," over and over tirelessly? Well, the recent U.S.Census report from DANIEL WEINBURG...who "oversees the bureau's housing and household economic statistics department" (love those titles!) stated a few days ago, that "official poverty levels" INCREASED to 12.1 percent of the population (remember, these are the "official" stats- there's a hell of a lot more borderline and otherwise that are ignored or fall through the bean counters … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 06, 2003
ANP Report for September 26, 2003
Racial Comrades: Often we are asked "why do we want to subjugate non-Whites," or "what gives you the right to expel all the negroes from America, when they have lived here for generations," etc, and ad nauseam. Well, today I'd like to set the record straight, at least from MY viewpoint...on "what it is" that I am striving for. #1 Being a RACIAL SEPARATIST, I DO NOT wish to "subjugate, make a slave of, or even HAVE AROUND"....ANY Non-White in MY "homeland"...except as a "guest, visitor, or tourist," and even then...ONLY in extremely limited numbers, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 26, 2003
ANP Report for September 21, 2003
Racial Comrades: According to "Forbes Magazine", the ECONOMY is IMPROVING for America's RICHEST PEOPLE. The Total Net Worth of these bloodsucking parasites, ROSE 10%...to $955 BILLION DOLLARS this year from 2002, in their latest ranking of the nation's "400 wealthiest individuals." Having said that, I'd like to share an experience I had yesterday as I went weekly grocery shopping at the local Food-Monster. After returning cans, and shuffling through coupons, trying to save a few bucks and adding up every item, so as not to "go over our budget"...I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 21, 2003
ANP Report for September 13, 2003
Racial Comrades: Lord, does our "movement" LOVE diverting junk! Recently I received a message from a Comrade (one of many such that we get on a regular basis) which contained a "link" to another website selling..."U.S. Army Surplus" crap. There was the inevitable "Blond female" dressed up in an "outfit," holding the ONLY item that they DIDN'T offer...a WEAPON. Now friends, let me explain myself. Having "toys" to play with and fondle is of course fun, and for MOST of you reading this...a pretty "harmless" pastime. BUT, haven't YOU been READING what I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 13, 2003
ANP Report for September 06, 2003
Racial Comrades: I saw a "Poll" yesterday on the jew-tube, that 90% of the population thought that the PRIMARY "issue" in the next upcoming national electoral shell-game farce, would be the ECONOMIC/JOB LOSS problem in the "lovely-wonderful-garden of Eden" old Jew-S-A.....not even the "terrorist threat" ranked anywhere near it....the Iraq war was LAST at 9%. This falls right in line with what I have been preaching for years now, that the ECONOMIC ISSUE would open the door to "US"...IF...we were willing to get off our old collective hobby-horse of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 06, 2003
ANP Report for August 27, 2003
Racial Comrades: Everyday, the Party receives messages from people "interested" in our organization, and although we do answer just about every intelligent query we receive...I thought I would take the time to answer a few of them in advance...therefore giving everyone a clearer picture up-front about "who and what we are"..."what we stand for"..."why we stand for it"...and "what WE EXPECT from adherents" of the American Nazi Party. Of course, these are GENERALIZED Q&A's, but I'm sure astute readers will "get the message"..............Question: … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 27, 2003
ANP Report for August 19, 2003
Racial Comrades: As I was one of those who experienced the recent blackout, here in Detroit...I'd like to give you a few observations regarding it. First off, I would like to state that it reminded me strongly of the "Nightmare" scenario that you may read about in the "Rockwell's writings" section of our website. There was no warning of any kind, and suddenly the POWER, the WATER, all the TV's, gas pumps...EVERYTHING this system DEPENDS upon...QUIT WORKING! Now I was a bit more fortunate that 99% of the sheeple out there. I was "somewhat" … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 19, 2003
ANP Report for August 08, 2003
Racial Comrades: If you have just recently made contact with the American Nazi Party and this website, one of the first things you have probably noticed is that we DON'T give you the "same old tired right- wing line of nigger-nigger/kike-kike" diatribe. In fact, we probably spend MORE time in exposing the REAL culprits in our society-the SYSTEMITES-who by and large are nominally "white"...and without whom, NONE of "THIS" could possibly occur, as 99% of all the REAL POWER and INFLUENCE in this nation, is in their hands. All the rest are simply … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 08, 2003
ANP Report for July 16, 2003
Racial Comrades: As you can see, we are finally back up and operationally running as an organization after a period of several difficult months. We have both a new up to date website and a new domain as well. There are going to be a number of changes in the way we operate versus the past. Security is going to have to take a much more prominent position in our operations in an attempt to stave off further attacks and disruptions like what we have faced recently. What isn't news, is how so many Racial-Dissident organizations have been hit over the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 16, 2003