Dear Comrades: Recently I wrote a "rebuttal" to a statement by afellow who stated that "Big Government" was THE "problem" that waseffecting America. He went on to denigrate National Socialism underAdolf Hitler, as not a viable alternative as well. I thought youmight enjoy my reply -Dear Sir: Having received this, this morning and being a believer inthe National Socialist ideology...I felt impelled to reply. First off,Bob seems a bit confused in linking Jewish originated "MarxistSocialism" together with Aryan "National Socialism."While he condemns … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 19, 2004
ANP Report for July 02, 2004
Racial Comrades: After thinking about the recent "Protocol"announced by David "Riverboat Gambler" Duke last month, and hismotley circle of "WP BUSINESSMEN ASSOCIATES"...who all agreed that"evil violence" to achieve the 14WORDS...shall NOT enter their minds,speech or deeds. We decided to go it one better and announce our ownset of PROTOCOLS, hence to be known as "THE PROTOCOLS"! LOL, Wesincerely hope that the entire "movement" will heartily embrace thesePROTOCOLS, and that through our "Gandhi/MLK" approach to"REVOLUTION"...we MIGHT be taken off the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 02, 2004
ANP Report for June 20, 2004
Racial Comrades: Since it is once again "election year" in the Tweedle Dee-TweedleDum fantasyland of "D-MOCK-RO-SEE," I thought that it might be the time to stateCLEARLY...WHY...we National Socialists condemn said democracy as not only a SHAM anda FRAUD, but also one of the MAIN obstacles of HARM in the liberation and well beingof our Aryan Folk. In the National Socialist ideology, we believe in the "LeadershipPrincipal" as the prime tenet of our organizational way of life. In the NSworld-view, the populace chooses a "Leader"...whether it be on a … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 20, 2004
ANP Report for May 30, 2004
Racial Comrades: Well, in my last report I asked the question of youreaders..."WHAT would it TAKE to get you to FIGHT"? And I must saythat I was surprised at the turnout of replies received, almost twohundred! The main gist of your replies fell into two basiccategories, both of which seemingly overlapped. The first was..." Itwasn't TIME yet for Direct Action "...and the vast majority wereinclined to add that they were against involving themselves in"ANYTHING ILLEGAL" in their "fighting" the destroyers of our Folk andNation. Secondly, the general … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 30, 2004
ANP Report for May 15, 2004
Racial Comrades: Nothing is more satisfying to an Aryan Activist,than seeing a "do-gooder liberal race-destroyer"...get a result of THEIR destructive activities, and at thehands of their own petard. An example would be a lily-white NAACPmember getting robbed, raped, or replaced in their employment by anon-Aryan. The same can be said about this ZOG system getting a goodtaste of "NUREMBURG JUSTICE," over this Iraqi POW episode! For manyyears, the National Socialist German population was tortured,bullied, and KILLED...over..." I was … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 15, 2004
ANP Report for April 22, 2004
Racial Comrades: Being "what I am", as Chairman of the AmericanNazi Party it is at times a mostly frustrating business. You have todeal with morons, like the "leader" of some Hollywood "nazi"org...who wrote me that HE thought that "Hitler and Mein Kampf wasn'tso important, as Hitler didn't invent National Socialism...he onlypromoted it"!? WHERE do these creatures get such ideas? I guess hethought HIS "improvements" to the National Socialist doctrine werefar superior to the "original." LOL It reminds me of my kidssometimes taking "liberties" and … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 22, 2004
ANP Report for April 08, 2004
Racial Comrades: Well, today's ANP Report will no doubt "offend" aportion of you out there...but, at times the TRUTH does wehad all best learn to live with it and move along. Today I'm going totalk about "race" in America, more specifically...the "White" race.To be blunt, unlike the Aryans who populate our Europeanhomelands...MOST "White Americans" are a "NEW TRIBAL ENTITY"...aMONGREL one. What I mean is that in Europe you will find PURE"Irish," "French", etc...but, HERE...most Whites are likemyself, a "mixture." (I'm Dutch/Hungarian) IE, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 08, 2004
ANP Report for March 28, 2004
Racial Comrades: Today?s ANP Report will be a bit different thanformer one's. The main body of the message, will be a letter wereceived from a supporter, that really made my day! It's items likethis, that keep me from throwing in the towel...perhaps, justPERHAPS...I'm getting through to a FEW of you of the SERIOUSNESS ofwhat it is we are facing, and the path we must consider, IF we are tostart overcoming it. First off though, a few interesting "tidbits" Inoted in the news recently... (A) Those two White men I recentlywrote about, the ones who … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 28, 2004
ANP Report for March 20, 2004
Racial Comrades: Do you know what the term "DENIAL" refers to? Itbasically means that an individual REFUSES to ACCEPT....FACTS orREALITIES...which are unpleasant to them. In the case of drug addictsor alcoholics, it might mean that they refuse to accept that the bearhas them...and it is going to be near impossible for them to bettertheir long as they REFUSE to ACCEPT that they evenHAVE ONE. The same could be said about the "White NationalistMovement." A vast majority of these people obviously appear to prefer"believing" that this is … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 20, 2004
ANP Report for March 08, 2004
Racial Comrades: Recently, here in Detroit we had the MOST typical series of occurrences...that I believe SHOW MORE CLEARLY than anything I could "write up"..."WHY" the great majority of "white people" can be PRESENTLY written off, as of ANY REAL VALUE to the Aryan Liberation Struggle and its adherents. It starts off like this, two White kids from the SUBURBS...a male and a female...join the Detroit "police department" to "save Detroit and make a difference." LOL Next, comes along their being assigned the "Fourth … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 08, 2004
ANP Report for February 28, 2004
Racial Comrades: Often I am asked by people not of our Faith, "Why bother any more?" in regards to my adherence to Racialism and even more so...National Socialism. They rightfully point out our lack of significant growth as a "movement" to any real degree, and any REAL support from even our own Folk...those whom we are "fighting for"...and the overwhelming "acceptance" of the present state of affairs, as proof that we are doomed to failure...forever. Ergo, in their minds only a fool, or an idiot would endeavor to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 28, 2004
ANP Report for February 17, 2004
Racial Comrades: One of the things in life that has never ceased to astound me, is that America is supposed to have a population of around 300 million, and out of these there are let us suppose 100 million "Whites." That really is quite a lot of nominal "Aryans" isn't it? Yet, out of that 100 MILLION FEW...seem to find the ideology of NATIONAL SOCIALISM interesting and/or appealing. Oh sure, there is a surfeit of books, movies, etc on the "subject," and to be also sure there is also a sizeable number … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 17, 2004
ANP Report for February 09, 2004
Racial Comrades: I thought today that I would wander around with a few personal observations, that it seems as you get older, your mind more often dwells on issues like these than when you were younger. On the 16th of this month, I will have reached my 52nd year on this tired old planet Earth. IF I was to be given three wishes as "birthday presents" (regarding our Cause) I think that they would be the following in regards to myself and the Dissident Movement struggle that I have taken part in. So here goes Old … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 09, 2004
ANP Report for February 02, 2004
Racial Comrades: There is an awful lot of hot air RHETORIC in the racial movement about "educating the masses," as if simply leaving the "safety" of your home and entering into the REAL WORLD outside, wouldn't be ENOUGH "education" for anyone to realize the situation is desperate in the extreme for decent and wholesome White people. LOOK....IF you are 17 years of age or younger...YOU ARE ALREADY A MINORITY IN AMERICA...according to the last U.S. Census, ONLY 23% of the American population under the age of 18 are of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 02, 2004
ANP Report for January 26, 2004
Racial Comrades: Today's ANP Report is going to be a simple catharsis for myself. Yeah, I'm going to blow off some steam and "let it all hang out," as the Hippies used to say. LOL To start off, I want to bring up the subject of my "making myself available" to all and sundry...24/7/365...and the gripes about my not doing so, to everyone's satisfaction. I have these lonely people who "write me" just about EVERY FRIGGING DAY...with what I would call "nonsense" messages. Now I'm NOT talking about being spammed by … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 26, 2004
ANP Report for January 19, 2004
Racial Comrades: I believe that today is another day best spent in "answering questions" that are repeatedly sent to us, for the benefit of getting them out of the way before folks contact us. Question #1 About replying to youth under the age of majority. ANSWER #1 We DO NOT reply to MINORS for the very simple reason that we do not wish their PARENTS to hassle us LEGALLY for "corrupting or influencing" their children. I realize that I myself joined the ANP back in 1967 at the age of 16, but that was then and "TIMES … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 19, 2004