Racial Comrades: Recently we were asked the Question - How can you ever imagine that the U.S. workers will ever support "revolution" in America, given their high standard of living? Answer - On November 16, DELPHI - the major auto-parts supplier in America announced cutting 24,000 blue-collar jobs over the next three years. On November 18, FORD announced its plans to reduce white-collar jobs by 4,000 workers come March, 2006. On November 21, GM announced that it will slash 30,000 blue-collar employee's over the next three years. As well, GM is … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 27, 2005
ANP Report for November 19, 2005
Racial Comrades: Today, I will answer more of the many questions that you continue to send us. I hope that they will be of interest and enlightenment. Question - What do you think of the group nsm and all their recent success's? Answer - "WHAT SUCCESS'S"? IF you consider getting flooded with NEGATIVE "PUBLICITY" a "success", well that�s where we part company! I realize that 99.9% of the Poohbahs and "Great Personalities" out there in movementland, believe that and I quote "there is no bad publicity"...I strongly disagree. The jews, as pointed out by … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 19, 2005
ANP Report for November 08, 2005
Racial Comrades: Today I will continue with the format of answering your many questions that you continue to send in to us, at least the ones that are so similar as to be called "repeaters". Perhaps through doing so, I can clear the air and do away with many of the myths and legends that the JEWISH BIG LIE media has polluted your minds with. #1 How can you expect to win utilizing open National Socialism as a vehicle for White/Aryan survival? ANSWER - In our minds, National Socialism...ADAPTED to the 21st century and not the re-enactment of some past … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 08, 2005
ANP Report for September 04, 2005
Racial Comrades: Looking at the "news" this past week, it reminded me of the old Si-Fi movie " The Day the Earth Stood Still "...as it appeared as if NOTHING ELSE was occurring in the world...but "Hurricane Katrina". LOL I'm not going to bother filling this space with anything about "Negroids ACTING like Negroids"...enough right-wingers have gotten their rocks off, doing that all week long. My response is - WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT? I really think sometimes, that the vast majority of "White Activists" REALLY exist in LILLY WHITE areas...where … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 04, 2005
ANP Report for August 27, 2005
Racial Comrades: Well, first it was in recent years, Alex Curtis' TNO and then Butlers Aryan Nations that went down the tubes, then Matt Hale and the W.C.O.T.C., next after William Pierces' death the N.A. fractured into three separate, useless "orgs", each run by a former big-wig who between the "fighting over the spoils", ruined the whole ball of wax ( of course, that WAS a huge amount of Zog-Bucks to catfight over! lol )...and now White Aryan Resistance looks like its having its turn. I have been asked by my friend and Comrade Tom Metzger to alert … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 27, 2005
ANP Report for August 21, 2005
Racial Comrades: Those of you who regularly read my comments, have come to expect me to be honest and blunt in my writings, and todays Report will be no different. One of the biggest obsticles to ANY type of "SUCCESS" from the decades old struggle of the "racial movement", is because of the movements' as a whole..."childlike simplicity"...when it comes to acting in the affairs of the "REAL WORLD". On the whole, the reactionary-rightwing collection tends to exist in a fantasy world dealing totally of "Black & White", with no "grey areas" in … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 21, 2005
ANP Report for August 14, 2005
Racial Comrades: Well, here's Old Rock to bring you another weeks dose of "Worse IS Better" ( for now...) or, perhaps you might call it another slap in the face "WAKE-UP CALL"...in response to all the Costumed Capered Crowds' "good news"...of NEW "T-Shirts, C.D.'s, trinkets and doo-dads, and ( pardon me while I gag ) " Fests & Demonstrations". lol Yes, while the Con-servative, Reactionary Right-Wingers continue along their idiotic path of the same old/same old - of spinning their wheels and achieving NOTHING positive in either HURTING this … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 14, 2005
ANP Report for August 07, 2005
Racial Comrades: To be SERIOUS, or NOT to be SERIOUS - THAT is the QUESTION! As I look around at the Aryan Folk, and the current situation of the White Worker Community in particular, I tend to HAVE to ask myself...are these people EVER going to take their "involvement" in the Aryan Resistance Struggle as seriously as they do their - "SPORTS", "HUNTING/FISHING", "MUSIC", you name it, ad nausium? Here we have a situation that effects not only their present LIVES, but the entire FUTURE of their CHILDREN...and they for the most part treat it as a … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 07, 2005
ANP Report for July 31, 2005
Racial Comrades: If there is ever a "reason" for White Workers to HATE this evil, corrupt JUDEO-CAPITALIST SYSTEM above and beyond ANYTHING - including - the actions of each and every non-White grouping in existance...it is because of the fact, that EVENTUALLY..."WE" the White Working class population, will be forced into a battle for survival against the CHINESE/ASIAN threat. What is MOST incredible, is that this bunch of greedy, souless money-making "elite"...is SELLING US OUT, to our possible eventual extermination...for a handful of dollars, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 31, 2005
ANP Report for July 25, 2005
Racial Comrades: Being "only human" myself, from time to time I feel the need to "purge myself" of all the spleen that builds up inside me, over my continuing involvement in this "The Movement". If you would rather not hear me "piss & moan", I suggest that you sign off now - because just as so many of you "out there" feel free to write to me with your many "problems with the you-name-its", "rants about what the BIG BAD ENEMY is DOING to YOU - INSTEAD of WHAT YOU are DOING to IT", and irritating "questions" like "are Aryans REALLY decended from … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 25, 2005
ANP Report for July 10, 2005
Racial Comrades: Unlike most "racialists" out there, I always attempt NOT to have a "knee jerk" reaction to events that occur and are "explained away" by the Zog "party line". While most anti-Zog fighters get a real high, whenever an act of "anti-Zog" resistance occurs anywhere around the globe...this recent set of "bombings" in the U.K. make me a bit suspicious. Now please be assured that I'm NOT some kind of "conspiracy freak", far from it. But, lets look at this from another perspective. Whenever Zog wishes to enact more … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 10, 2005
ANP Report for July 03, 2005
Racial Comrades: Once again we celebrate "Revolution Day", here in America... and its sad so many have FORGOTTEN "what it is" they are supposedly remembering...what with the "sales", bar-b-q's, and opportunities to get stoned. Our ANCESTORS had no qualms at all, DECLARING REVOLUTION against a system that they percieved to be against their best interests, so I wonder "WHY" so many even among the "Racial Right" feel that coming right out and DECLARING IT AGAIN...and "DOING" it...is such a "far out" idea? Could it be that our … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 03, 2005
ANP Report for June 25, 2005
Racial Comrades: Nigger, nigger, nigger/jew, jew, jew...ok, now that THAT'S out of the way - we can get down to some SERIOUS discussion. Many people lost in their own little dream-worlds of eating, sleeping and "having fun"...still haven't quite grasped just how FAR this corrupt judeo-capitalist system has gone down the dark hole of self-destruction. Let me give you some statistics that may well open your minds, and give your soul a bit of HOPE, in the eventual demise of the beast. The CURRENT GOVERNMENT DEBT - Federal-State-Local - IS $53 TRILLION … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 25, 2005
ANP Report for June 19, 2005
Racial Comrades: Today, I thought that I would share with you once again, another letter I received - and my replies to the statements posed by the sender. I hope that they are enlightening to you, as well as informative... ROCK 1. Dear Comrade R Suhayda: National Socialist greetings! My name is Michael C. a 38 year old National Socialist living in H. PA My phone number is ( 717 ) XXX-XXXX I have been reading your ANP reports and I am in complete agreement with the TRUTH that you speak about the state of the so-called "movement". I like … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 19, 2005
ANP Report for June 12, 2005
Racial Comrades: As the summertime is upon us, and the warm weather seems to draw out the costumed grasshoppers, who jump from one location to another around the country...in their endless quest for "publicity" ( always NEGATIVE - always the exact opposite of how we would prefer that we were recognized to BE. At least I HOPE so... ) from the judeo/systemite newsmedia...INSTEAD of CONCENTRATING their efforts in ONE location, as Adolf Hitler laid out in his blue-print book Mein Kampf...so as to actually BUILD strength "somewhere", as a power-base to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 12, 2005
ANP Report for June 06, 2005
Racial Comrades: There is a new motion picture coming out called "Cinderella Man". Now I have only seen "excerpts" about it...but I know the story...and I think it is one that "New Path Racialists" will enjoy. It is about Aryan Irish boxer Jim Braddock, who fought back in the 20's-30's during the depression days, and it is a true story of an Aryan who through determination and toughness...made it against all odds, to be a winner. If you like to see a White man pounding on negro "hollywood hero's", and even an ugly, arrogant JEW SUPREMACIST ( boxer … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 06, 2005