Racial Comrades: On August 25th, 1967 Commander George Lincoln Rockwell was murdered for our beliefs. I myself was only 16 years old at the time, but I was an Official Supporter who donated my $5 a month out of my allowance. I have been in the front-lines ever since. In all this time I have served both honorably, and made many personal sacrifices for the National Socialist Struggle, and unlike many "prominent movement personalities"...I have never been tarred with "skeletons in the closet", or corruption. I have both fought and bled for our beliefs … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 23, 2006
ANP Report for August 13, 2006
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to share with you a letter we received from a racial comrade, exploring what I like to refer to as the "silent threat", to our White homelands. Far too often, the negroes and mexicans who"stand out" clearly as an obvious example of the non-White racial explosion in formerly Aryan lands cloud the fact, of ALL THE "OTHERS" who are INVADING OUR NATIONS as well.Along with the Arabs, Paki-Indians, et al - are the literal BILLIONS of ASIANS who are coming in, in a veritable FLOOD - which if not stopped, will eventually … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 13, 2006
ANP Report for August 09, 2006
Racial Comrades: It seems like almost every day, we are receiving messages from people who are telling us that "the real enemy of Aryan Folk are the Arabs/Muslims"...and NOT the..."jews, negroes, mexicans, etc et al". I'm finding this a bit suspicious, especially at this time, when the bloodthirsty JEWS are attempting to totally destroy and kill the much smaller nation of Lebanon - which has shown considerable bravery and courage in the face of the insane jewish war-crimes inflicted upon it.I wonder HOW MANY of these messages are flooding the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 09, 2006
ANP Report for July 31, 2006
Racial Comrades: We have been receiving an upsurge of messages from members of ZOG's armed forces lately. Many seem a bit "confused" about their "role" as a mercenary ( someone paid to fight ) in ZOG's imperial war machine. Indeed, more than a few seem to take umbrage at the fact of their traveling ACROSS the GLOBE, invading and destroying someone else's land - and, gee whiz " THEIR ACTUALLY SHOOTING AT US! ". Look, I'm going to be ONE "movement spokesman", who TELLS IT AS IT IS...regardless of "hurting someones feelings", OR "driving away the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 31, 2006
ANP Report for July 21, 2006
Racial Comrades: I am often amazed at the "double-speak" that this lying, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist system engages in. One of the most recent examples, is how their media lap-dogs now call the CAPTURE of their soldiers "KIDNAPING"!? Since when was a soldier in combat "kidnaped"? LOL But, I guess that that goes right along with ZOG holding its prisoners, not as POW's - but, as "battlefield detainee's". This allows them not to have the protections of the "Rules of War", as set forth by the Geneva Convention, you see. The same goes with this phrase … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 21, 2006
ANP Report for July 09, 2006
Racial Comrades: Since I have been accused on not issuing any "intellectual fare" lately, I submit the following for your perusal. I realize of course, that many of you already "know the score", and the FACTS below are nothing new - still, as we have many newbi's coming to our website - as well as the "anti's", who for some odd reason seem to go out of their way to "be offended" by our views...I thought that the following might enlighten them. As well, before we receive a flood of messages from our opponents, attempting to point out "fallacies" in … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 09, 2006
ANP Report for July 04, 2006
Racial Comrades: Usually I don't reproduce peoples e-mail addy's, who write to me. But, in this case I guess the urge to share with all of you this fellows brave message of " WILLING TO PICK UP A RIFLE...IF SOMEBODY ASKED HIM ", just was a bit too much to resist! lol "SOMEBODY" has to "ASK HIM" - you know, I myself have been continuously involved "in this", since I joined Rockwell's ANP back in 1967 at the age of 16. I am so GOD-DAMNED TIRED of these people coming along, out of no-where, and verbally suggesting that all the years I've served ( and … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 04, 2006
ANP Report for June 25, 2006
Racial Comrades: The story goes, that when Joan of Arc first entered the service of France, she went to the camp-site of the "Army of France", and was appalled by what she saw there. This sad "army", had lost every battle against the English and their Burgundian/French allies and basically were deleted down into a rag-tag, motley mess. Her very FIRST act of command - was to instantly REMOVE the whores and camp followers, chase away the peddlers and profiteers, ban drunkenness and gambling, and instill a sense of MORAL COMMITMENT to the hard-core … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 25, 2006
ANP Report for June 20, 2006
Racial Comrades: First off, I would wish to thank those of you who wrote me messages of concern and best wishes per my recent illness. I regret any inconvenience that it has caused, per ANP operations, and am doing my best to continue in my efforts to the best of my abilities. To those who saw fit to write, and hoped for "somethingworse" for myself...well, I'm afraid that at least for now - you're out of luck! lolToday, I would like to attempt to answer a few of the questions that the supporter below proposed -Mr.Suhayda,I am sure you receive plenty … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 20, 2006
ANP Report for June 10, 2006
Racial Comrades: Todays ANPReport is going to be a short one for two reasons - ONE, I have had a mild stroke ( I guess all those "curses" that I received from the "satanists" in lue of my exposing the "nsm-satanist connection" in earlier ANPReports, finally got to me! lol ) and while I'm told that I'll recover ok, my left arm hurts like hell. So please bear with me. TWO, I want you to READ and THINK about the below exchange that we received. ------ Original Message -----From: 'Vulgar Skins' vulgarskins@To: rsuhayda@earthlink.netSent: … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 10, 2006
ANP Report for May 30, 2006
Racial Comrades: Are you a RIGHT-WING REACTIONARY...or...a NATIONAL SOCIALIST REVOLUTIONARY? Read on - Comrade, I just read your ANP report for May,14 and I agree with you totally. I used to work at a chemical plant and a few years back the contractors there starting hiring lots of Mexicans to fill their insulating jobs. Most of these jobs used to belong to local White guys, many of which I grew up with. The biggest part of the Whites who had these jobs have now either had to move or work jobs paying less. And to think that I grew up … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 30, 2006
ANP Report for May 14, 2006
Racial Comrades: I would like to start off todays message, by sincerely thanking those Comrades who showed me such kind hospitality last week in my trip around the country reviewing our network of established Cells. Sometimes it is necessary to see up close and for oneself, just how far we have come...and how far we need to go...to gain a correct perspective of "what is", and what "needs to be". One BIG thing that stood out from all the rest, is the immensity of the non-White invasion of America - EVERYWHERE I went, non-Whites of every … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 14, 2006
ANP Report for May 02, 2006
Racial Comrades: Below is a letter that we received that I thought brought up several interesting points - Mr. Suhayda: I am writing you to ask some questions that I think you are in the best position to answer. I have been reading your ANP Reports for the last year or so, and I think you have an understanding of National Socialism that is totally different than the "players" of the NSM and other organizations. In reading your reports, I gather that you tend to think of National Socialism as more of a spiritual movement and a "world view" … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 02, 2006
ANP Report for April 24, 2006
Racial Comrades: Most of the people in the "mindless hater" section of the "movement", would probably dismiss the following letter below, with a few slurs. I hope that you will take the time to thoughtfully consider the future "possibilities" like true National Socialist Racial Revolutionaries -Sirs: I came across your site while reading wikipedia aboutpresa canairo dogs and that killing of some dyke in Sfby the dogs. Long story--anyway..I'm BLACK and quiteproud of my race and our accomplishments. I don'tbelieve in race mixing and I honestly believe … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 24, 2006
ANP Report for April 16, 2006
Racial Comrades: When you read today's letter from a supporter, please bear in mind that I have repeatedly stated over and over, that "todays right-wing"...WAS...yesterdays "left". What "happened" was quite simple really. The left hammered away at GETTING power, and NOW that they HAVE complete control - have become the "CONSERVATIVES"! LOL Yes, what do conservatives desire? To CONSERVE what "is". Do WE National Socialists want to "conserve" ANYTHING of this evil, rotten, pornographic edifice known as JUDEO-CORPORATE/CAPITALIST AMERIKA? Hell, NO! … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 16, 2006
ANP Report for April 09, 2006
Racial Comrades: Today I think that we have an unusual letter from a jewish gentleman that might interest you -- Dear. Mr. Suhayda, I was reading over your website, and as a Jewish man, I was mildly suprised that I agreed with some of the things your group professed: the evils of drugs, the desire to return to older moral values and standards, etc. However, I have a question that was not covered by your website: why do you consider Jews not "Aryan"? My family moved to this country from Europe (Germany) and my own father fought in the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 09, 2006