Racial Comrades: My last ANPReport generated a lot of interest and comments, as well as another letter from the negress who's message started it off. If she's reading this week, I strongly suggest that she take the time to check out the link, provided by todays writer, at the end off his missive - and check out what it contains - it may make her a bit sad, but the TRUTH and FACTS - ARE preferable to fantasies and wishful thinking. Dear Chairman SuhaydaI was reading your report for Feb. 11 and had to ask a few questions. First thing is did … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 20, 2007
ANP Report for February 11, 2007
Racial Comrades: Since this evil, debased, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist system has foisted "Black History Month" on all of us, and we recently received this message from an irate negro woman, I thought that I might utilize her letter, with my answers, as todays ANPReport. Comrades, lest you might think that her thoughts are the wishful ramblings of a typical negro, I have to state that my own children have brought home from public school...pamplets extolling "Black History"...with the very same nonsense. Such are the lies, fabrications and slimy … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 11, 2007
ANP Report for February 04, 2007
Racial Comrades: We often receive messages from "liberal whites" ( who's "liberalism" apparently DOESN'T extend to other White people who love and wish to preserve and protect their unique racial heritage, and struggle for Social Justice for Working Class Whites lol ) and today I would like to share one of these with you, and answer as best I can the issues that the writer seeks to confront us with. - Dear American Nazi PartyI have a few questions regarding not only your website, but also the entire movement.1) Do you really expect to attract … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 04, 2007
ANP Report for January 28, 2007
Racial Comrades: We continue to receive positive feedback from my earlier suggestion that the "racial movement" trash-can the "street corner nonsense", as the prime tool for "outreach" to the White Working Class masses, and instead ( for those who prefer to work "aboveground" rather than as an underground resistence Political Soldier ) concentrate upon utilizing LOCAL ELECTION campaigns as their platforms instead.I stress LOCAL elections, rather than "national" ones, for several important reasons. (A) the funds needed for a local operation are MUCH … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 28, 2007
ANP Report for January 21, 2007
Racial Comrades: These past few weeks, of only the first month of the New Year, have honestly been very both very demoralizing and yet most satisfying in many ways.For literally years now, I have been stressing the corruption and degeneracy in the reactionary right-wing "racial movement", and demanding that it be totally purged of the scum that infest it as a FIRST STEP towards creating the possibility of success for the regeneration and survival of our White Folk as a healthy racial entity.Over and again ( go back and READ the archived ANPReports … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 21, 2007
ANP Report for January 06, 2007
Racial Comrades: First off, I would like to thank those of you whom these past few weeks showed understanding and compliance with my wish to "take a break", and "re-charge my batteries", so to speak. I have appreciated the time off tremendously - it was nice to "have a life of my own", for even such a short period of time.Over this time, I did a lot of introspective thinking about "our situation", and speaking with the past experience of now four decades, this year, since I first joined Rockwell's ANP back in 1967 at the age of 16 - I believe that I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 06, 2007
ANP Report for December 17, 2006
Racial Comrades: I recently requested a few select Party Comrades to submit a message for the ANP Report, simply because I felt that I myself wasn't "getting through" to many of you, concerning the SERIOUSNESS of our Folks situation, and the American Nazi Party's "response" to it.I chose this letter, simply because I felt that it pretty well "covered the bases" in regards to what I wished you to hear and consider. While you can ignore any inferences to myself ( although I respectfully and gratefully thank the Comrade ) and my "importance" et al...I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 17, 2006
ANP Report for November 27, 2006
Racial Comrades: Everyday, I am both frustrated and amazed at the lackadaisical attitude of the White American population, especially those who ARE already "Racially Aware" - in response to what is facing our White Working Class people like an ever growing cancer of decay and eventualdeath.So few seem to suffer from the same degree of intenseness that I myself feel towards these issues. Its almost like they ARE "aware" of what IS occurring, but rather than DEAL with it NOW, when we can still have a major positive impact - they "blow it off" as if … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 27, 2006
ANP Report for November 15, 2006
Racial Comrades: Now that the farce known as "elections" is finally over, and the new fat-cats have entered their snouts into the public trough - I truly hope that those "racial reactionaries" of the "movement" will get their focus back unto the REAL Struggle ( ie, the fight for RACIAL SURVIVAL and SOCIAL JUSTICE for the WHITE WORKING CLASS ) and finally accept that "voting out" one batch of evil, fat faced crooks, and "voting in" ANOTHER...is simply a systemite shell-game meant to give the populace a fantasy of "having a say" in who rules over … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 15, 2006
ANP Report for November 04, 2006
Racial Comrades: You know what I like BEST about this rotten, Judeo/Capitalist systems little shell-game called "elections"? Its all the campaign "AD'S" that are shown on the jew-tube - telling the AWFUL TRUTHS about each and every system-approved "candidate"! LOL The incumbents, who "pledge"...GOOD, GOLLY - RE-ELECT ME and I'll Blah/Blah/Blah...makes you wonder just WHAT in hell they HAVE been "DOING" for all the past years that they've had their noses in the public trough, eh! And the wanna'bes - Oh Yeah! "Vote for ME - I'm for YOU!" LOL … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 04, 2006
ANP Report for October 25, 2006
Racial Comrades: How often we receive messages like that below! People who are angry about everything that we bring up - BUT, they STILL have this hang-up over "the jew"...little realizing that the PROBLEMS are 99.9% fomented and created by these "CHOSEN" ones. I suggested that IF he REALLY wished to understand the "jewish problem", that he go to the "Rockwell" section of our website and download and read his book "White Power". ( rather than me, attempting to give a "small, easy answer" ) After all, its FREE - and wouldn't it be worth HIS and YOUR … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 25, 2006
ANP Report for October 17, 2006
You should do more research when you post some thing like this,"If you have had enough, and are willing to join the ranks of your ancestors who forged this land from a wilderness teeming with savages, and to keep it from returning to that state, we urge you to become involved." When the first Europeans set foot in this American continent, the Aztec capital of Tenochtlitlan was the larges city in the world and the so called savages where more urban then tribal when Columbus arrived in North America in 1492. I believe you are mistaken when you sir say … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 17, 2006
ANP Report for October 11, 2006
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to comment on the following, interesting message that I received below from the "other side" - Chairman SuhaydaI found your site quite insightful. I am African and found most of the material on your site quite helpful in finding out where the bases of your ideology lies. I guess you could say it's good to know your adversary in The art of war. As expected I disagree with almost everything you stand for, BUT I must honestly say that I appreciate the honesty of how you feel about me and my people. I would … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 11, 2006
ANP Report for October 03, 2006
Racial Comrades: We received this message a little while ago, and I promised that I would reply to it - even though I believe that I have answered it pretty clearly in past ANPReports. In any case, due to "developments" in this "movement" during the past year...I guess its "timely" onceagain. ---Sir,I have a question about who should be allowed into the movement. I may be an elitist but should non-whites be accepted into the movement? I am talking about people that are mostly white but "a little" non-white. I am involved in an argument about this … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 03, 2006
ANP Report for September 25, 2006
Greetings fellow White Man,I've been searching high and low for others who feel like I do, but By God are ready to FIGHT BACK! One beef though I have with your intro.: You forgot the wet-backs who've inundated my city and state, and have made me, White Woman, the Minority. From what I hear, most White folks who are sick and tired of being "outnumbered" are moving away. NO OFFENSE SIR, BUT FUCK THAT!!!I work my ass off every day at a fast-paced office gig, and live in a one-bedroom apartment in the "barrio" (even UPS calls it that). I'm single with … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 25, 2006
ANP Report for September 16, 2006
Racial Comrades: I would like to lead off todays message, with a sincere Thank You, to all those Comrades who made our recent appeal for financial support such a success! We will resume publishing this month, as soon as the "Photo-Cell" arrives. Now to the following message that we received from one of our loyal adherents -Hello Rocky,Sorry for not being more prompt in my correspondence. You've answered many of these questions in one form or another in past reports but I wanted to get your answers on a few issues in no particular order:I. Why don't … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 16, 2006