Racial Comrades: Today, I'm not going to give you a rousing, kick-ass speech about the coming New Year - just some thoughts and clinkers, that might answer a few of the many questions and statements that you send me everyday.First off - "RON PAUL". Its very strange to me how many right-wing reactionaries still cling to the notion that "we can vot'em out of power"...especially utilizing the SYSTEM APPROVED CANDIDATES that are prancing about on the "campaign stage" like that freakish jew "Tiny Tim". Look people, IF ANY of these creatures were honestly … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 01, 2008
ANP Report for December 15, 2007
Racial Comrades: Are you one of those unfortunate souls, who has difficulty making your bill payments, food costs, and filling your car with an even half-a-tank of gas? Well, what I'm about to mention ought to warm the cockles of your heart.Your "representatives in congress", you know - those folks who supposedly are looking out for YOUR "best interests" - well, they last week approved a measly 506.9 BILLION DOLLARS of your tax monies - for, you guessed it...NOT all you folks who have been hit this year by wild-fires, or floods, or hurricanes...NAW! … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 15, 2007
ANP Report for December 09, 2007
Racial Comrades: I am often asked, " Why don't I report more on ( nigger crime/the latest jew outrage, etc et al ) like most other "prominent movement personalities" do on their websites and internet "radio shows".Well, to tell you the truth - Myself, and I suppose any hard-boiled activist who has been in this for any period of time - are pretty much fed up with the repetition of "Oh My God! Look at what THEY have done this time...". SO WHAT�S "NEW"? This crap is happening everyday, and its BEEN happening ever since I myself first got involved, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 09, 2007
ANP Report for December 02, 2007
Racial Comrades: Over the several months since we have put a down-loadable edition of Mein Kampf upon the front page of our website, I have received so many positive responses, that truthfully I was astonished.Being a lifelong "book reader" myself, I assumed ( wrongly, I guess ) that Mein Kampf was such a popular and easily found book...it's in just about every major bookstore and library...that availability to it was open to anybody to read.Well, I'm very glad to have corrected that misjudgement! Perhaps now, with its availability "right there" - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 02, 2007
ANP Report for November 24, 2007
Racial Comrades: Every once in a while, I receive a letter from an individual, who see's in National Socialism, "MORE" than just "White Power", or the historic trappings of the 3rd Reich.Because of the "holiday", this ANPReport is a shortie - but, still worthwhile.Chairman Suhayda:I noticed no reference about how you intend to restructure society to generate more freedom. The answer seems to come from the original Nazi Party. As opposed to Communism and Capitalism, both Jewish inventions, National Socialism is Anti-Capitalist. Corporations in … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 24, 2007
ANP Report for November 13, 2007
Racial Comrades: One of the biggest fallacies of the right-wing, "racialist movement" in the past has been its assertion that "publicity" is the number one goal that must be attained at any price.I believe otherwise. What we need is POSITIVE publicity - and forgoing that - at the minimum...at LEAST - NEUTRAL "publicity". Getting totally NEGATIVE "publicity" is pointless. Its like being a decent person, and having someone in your town constantly spreading false and negative opinions about yourself to everyone where you live. Sure - EVERYONE in … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 13, 2007
ANP Report for November 05, 2007
Racial Comrades: Well, the news on the Economic Front just keeps on getting grimmer and darker - Chrysler last week announced - just AFTER the union ratified the new contract, that next year it will be getting rid of ONE THIRD of its American employee's...totaling around 25,000 jobs! Add this, to the fact that the union members decided to accept the terms for the company's "Two-Tier" work force - which basically means that the old workers SOLD OUT the new workers coming in, who will be earning HALF or LESS of what they make...shows clearly just … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 05, 2007
ANP Report for October 26, 2007
Racial Comrades: If there is one single thing that I've noticed in the so-called "neo-nazi" grouplets that have existed here in America over the years, is their complete misunderstanding of just "what" National Socialism really IS. In so many of these re-enacters minds, it appears that National Socialism is #1 - a "HATER" movement - instead of a National Salvation movement for the survival and betterment of Aryan mankind. In July, our idiot of a sock-puppet for Judeo-Capitalist big business - Emperor Red Beak Bush - stated that "things … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 26, 2007
ANP Report for October 16, 2007
Racial Comrades: Having nothing pressing to do one evening, I decided to flick through the channels of the boob-tube, and see if I could find some "entertainment" worth watching. Not wishing to reduce my intelligence to that of a village idiot, I was set to turn it off until I came upon what I thought was a Civil War movie - "Glory". Now "Glory" is supposedly the tale of negro soldiers in the Union Army in the Civil War. It is filled with the typical prejudices against the White man...and the "Heroic Bravery" of the black male....ho hum.Having been … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 16, 2007
ANP Report for October 08, 2007
Racial Comrades: One thing that I've noticed being Chairman of the American Nazi Party, is unlike most "racial-websites", that cater to pretty much their own little, peculiar crowd - we get a varied cross-section of the population visiting us, and from their comments - they are often ( even overtly "anti" ) surprised that we "don't fit the mold" of the "usual racist"...and often admit that we make a "few interesting points" that they are amazed us "Nazi's" care about. Today, I would like to review an assortment of a few of the various … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 08, 2007
ANP Report for October 01, 2007
Racial Comrades: I am really fed up - NO, I mean I am REALLY fed up!I'm fed up with a system that can plan on spending ANOTHER 40 BILLION DOLLARS on a war in Iraq and Afghanistan next year - while at present, Michigan's government is closed down because it has "no money" to operate for its citizens.I'm fed up - that MY nation, can be INVADED by millions upon MILLIONS of swarthy, NON-WHITE creatures from around the globe - "legally" AND "illegally" - and are told by "MY" government - that NOTHING can be done about it. Yet, they can sure find enough … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 01, 2007
ANP Report for September 24, 2007
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to comment upon a letter we recently received, that is very common. Perhaps, by answering it openly like this, it might make others think a bit about my response.Hello,I'm a mid-20s white male living in the NYC area. Every time I go to Manhattan to spend time with friends I'm disgusted and discouraged by the number of slobbering and drunk black men and women degrading the city. I and most white people know that black people have a strange sense of entitlement, are chronically lazy, uneducated, and are all too … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 24, 2007
ANP Report for September 16, 2007
Racial Comrades: In a society that simply LOVES celebrating various "anniversaries" - be it "graduation from kindergarten"....to "Silver & Golden" wedding dates - I have to be human enough to feel a bit disappointed that only one Comrade bothered to "congratulate" me on my Service to the Folk and National Socialism of 40 years, this month.Yes, I have "been active in this"...for 40 years. I myself don't know of anyone who matches my record - hell, I was a young Stormtrooper in the streets, when Tom Metzger was still fiddling around with the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 16, 2007
ANP Report for September 10, 2007
Racial Comrades: The one thing that seems to be confusing to many White people, and one that is perpetuated by the antics of the "3rd Reich" re-enacter bunch - is that somehow National Socialism is a "German thing" - and not simply an IDEOLOGY for ALL White/Aryan people's in the world to embrace.Believing in this doctrine of "Nordicism" uber alles, for many years play-acting Hollywierd-Nazi's...strove to emulate "German this" and "German that" - instead of the principal of the Waffen SS - which was WHITE UNITY of ALL Aryan peoples.The jew of course, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 10, 2007
ANP Report for September 01, 2007
Racial Comrades: Sometimes this "racial movement" just gets stranger and stranger - and having been involved in it - for 40 years, this month, that's saying a LOT.Those who have followed these ANPReports, know how I feel about all the degenerates, misfits and morons who populate the reactionary right-wing...but, sometimes I'm literally forced, when I've thought that I've "seen everything"...to have to pause, take a deep breath, and shake my head.Of ALL the various situations, that one faces when dealing with the opposition - be it anger, ridicule or … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 01, 2007
ANP Report for August 26, 2007
Racial Comrades: On the 25th of August George Lincoln Rockwell was assassinated by those who sought to destroy his dream of a resurgent National Socialist Struggle here in America.Now, decades after his death we are at the crossroads - do we CHOOSE to SUCCEED - or, do we through lack of WILL, SACRIFICE, and EFFORT...prepare to die the death of the defeated, with a whimper and a groan? Today, the National Socialist Struggle is basically divided into two distinct camps - the "Hollywood 3rd Reich Re-enacters" - or, the American Nazi Party. The … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 26, 2007