Racial Comrades: On March 9, 1918 the greatest American National Socialist - George Lincoln Rockwell - was born. It was he, who all ALONE formed the American Nazi Party in 1959, hanging up the Swastika banner in the window of his home on Williamsburg Blvd, in Arlington Virginia...to give post-war National Socialism rebirth outside its early cradle of Germany.Amazingly, unlike the first public Party HQ, on Randolph Street, which is gone, as is the old "Hate-Mongers Hill Stormtrooper Barracks" - Rockwell's home, still exists - and IF we only had the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 11, 2008
ANP Report for May 05, 2008
Racial Comrades: Below is a conversation that I had with a Klan organization that invited the American Nazi Party to join them in one of their "activities". I think that my response might be useful being shared with all of you, per "where we're coming from" in our outlook on "strategy and tactics" for the 21st century NS Political Soldier. While organizations like the "Klan" for the most part, are filled with many dedicated White people, still most if not all the leadership are still filled with those right-wing, reactionary viewpoints of the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 05, 2008
ANP Report for March 02, 2008
Racial Comrades: I have been involved in the Struggle for White/Aryan racial survival, since I first joined Rockwell's ANP back in 1967 at the age of 16. I honestly don't believe that anyone ( except those mini-minds, who like to portray themselves as "Mighty Poohbahs" with-in the failed reactionary, right-wing "movement", who's whole extensive racialist reason of being and understanding consists of " I HATE NIGGERS ", and acting like a scripted, costumed clown of the "Hollywierd-Hater" persuasion - and who on the whole fulfill a role, that if they … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 02, 2008
ANP Report for February 27, 2008
Racial Comrades: Often I am at a loss as to "how" to "motivate" those who OUGHT to be "SELF-MOTIVATED" - simply because they "KNOW the SCORE". When I review the America of 40-50 years ago ( I'm 56 ) and see the CHANGES that have taken place, and PROJECT future America 20-30 years from NOW - I can only shake my head in wonder, at the lackadaisical attitude of those of us already involved in this Struggle and wonder how they can be so "blase' " about "getting involved" - and I mean - SERIOUSLY INVOLVED. On the chat-boards, and in the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 27, 2008
ANP Report for February 18, 2008
Racial Comrades: The American Nazi Party is NOT "just one person" - it is the effort of a COLLECTION of dedicated White/Aryan men and women who see reality as it is - and desire for something MORE. And are willing to FIGHT and SACRIFICE FOR IT.From our Webmaster - to the Comrades who produce the NS Video's - the Swastika Stickers - the Rockwell CD's - ALL of US...WE ARE the PARTY. What makes the ANP "different" from the various Fantasy Orgs out there, is that we are a collection of people determined to SACRIFICE for the GOOD OF THE FOLK - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 18, 2008
ANP Report for February 10, 2008
Racial Comrades: Below is another letter that we received from another White American, who finds himself between the rock and the hard place. NOW, that "HE'S" lost his job, and is being replaced by cheap mestizo labor..."life ain't so grand anymore"...in the Good ol' Jew-S-A.! My compassion-meter has reached a new low folks, after all these years of battling away, and being ignored, We're getting these type of messages on a daily basis and all I can say to myself is - ITS TOO BAD THESE PEOPLE HAD TO - "LEARN THE HARD WAY".WHERE were all … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 10, 2008
ANP Report for February 03, 2008
Racial Comrades: Looking at today's Detroit Free Press newspaper, I notice the various headlines on the front-page. The main one, is of course about the bitch CLINTON and her mullato competitor for the high, head office of Chief Sock Puppet for Judeo-Capitalist Inc, "OBAMA".The next headline, is about Michigan's Governor - another dubious bitch - who's done her best to make our state an economic wasteland, GRANHOLM.As well, a third "Top Story" is about Detroits' negroid Mayor - "KWAME" KILPATRICK - who's current claim to fame, is that he LIED … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 03, 2008
ANP Report for January 28, 2008
Racial Comrades: While the system continues to drone that "economically everything is just fine, its only the usual ups and downs, folks...nothing to worry about" - still, its ACTIONS lately SHOW that the systemites too - are getting a bit sweaty about "what's coming" down the pike.Whereas the Feds were boasting last year how they weren't going to cut interest rates, this year they're almost dropping them on a weekly basis. As well, the government is seeing the money-power of the average American eroding so greatly, that they intend giving out … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 28, 2008
ANP Report for January 23, 2008
Racial Comrades: I remember as far back as when I was a kid, and I begin to read and study about Adolf Hitler and National Socialism, that one of the things that stood out in my mind, was how Adolf Hitler in his speeches - which unlike todays political whores,( who have their speecheswritten FOR them by "professional speech-writers"...mostly, jews ) concentrated on hitting the ISSUES that his adherents were CONCERNED about.He would talk about the high price of food, and or the paying of household bills - to the Aryan homemaker. He would talk about … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 23, 2008
ANP Report for January 15, 2008
Racial Comrades: While many years ago, I often participated in "public activities" and street demonstrations - probably, hundreds - to tell the truth...I am often asked today, by well-meaning, but ( in my mind ) backward-thinking, in the same old/same old rut type of individuals..."Why doesn't the ANP get out into the streets and protest?"After much EXPERIENCE, and careful thought and consideration, I have come to the conclusion that - WHY BOTHER, IT DOESN'T "WAKE PEOPLE UP" or ACHIEVE ANYTHING POSITIVE, besides exposing our small numbers of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 15, 2008
ANP Report for January 01, 2008
Racial Comrades: Today, I'm not going to give you a rousing, kick-ass speech about the coming New Year - just some thoughts and clinkers, that might answer a few of the many questions and statements that you send me everyday.First off - "RON PAUL". Its very strange to me how many right-wing reactionaries still cling to the notion that "we can vot'em out of power"...especially utilizing the SYSTEM APPROVED CANDIDATES that are prancing about on the "campaign stage" like that freakish jew "Tiny Tim". Look people, IF ANY of these creatures were honestly … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 01, 2008
ANP Report for December 15, 2007
Racial Comrades: Are you one of those unfortunate souls, who has difficulty making your bill payments, food costs, and filling your car with an even half-a-tank of gas? Well, what I'm about to mention ought to warm the cockles of your heart.Your "representatives in congress", you know - those folks who supposedly are looking out for YOUR "best interests" - well, they last week approved a measly 506.9 BILLION DOLLARS of your tax monies - for, you guessed it...NOT all you folks who have been hit this year by wild-fires, or floods, or hurricanes...NAW! … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 15, 2007
ANP Report for December 09, 2007
Racial Comrades: I am often asked, " Why don't I report more on ( nigger crime/the latest jew outrage, etc et al ) like most other "prominent movement personalities" do on their websites and internet "radio shows".Well, to tell you the truth - Myself, and I suppose any hard-boiled activist who has been in this for any period of time - are pretty much fed up with the repetition of "Oh My God! Look at what THEY have done this time...". SO WHAT�S "NEW"? This crap is happening everyday, and its BEEN happening ever since I myself first got involved, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 09, 2007
ANP Report for December 02, 2007
Racial Comrades: Over the several months since we have put a down-loadable edition of Mein Kampf upon the front page of our website, I have received so many positive responses, that truthfully I was astonished.Being a lifelong "book reader" myself, I assumed ( wrongly, I guess ) that Mein Kampf was such a popular and easily found book...it's in just about every major bookstore and library...that availability to it was open to anybody to read.Well, I'm very glad to have corrected that misjudgement! Perhaps now, with its availability "right there" - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 02, 2007
ANP Report for November 24, 2007
Racial Comrades: Every once in a while, I receive a letter from an individual, who see's in National Socialism, "MORE" than just "White Power", or the historic trappings of the 3rd Reich.Because of the "holiday", this ANPReport is a shortie - but, still worthwhile.Chairman Suhayda:I noticed no reference about how you intend to restructure society to generate more freedom. The answer seems to come from the original Nazi Party. As opposed to Communism and Capitalism, both Jewish inventions, National Socialism is Anti-Capitalist. Corporations in … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 24, 2007
ANP Report for November 13, 2007
Racial Comrades: One of the biggest fallacies of the right-wing, "racialist movement" in the past has been its assertion that "publicity" is the number one goal that must be attained at any price.I believe otherwise. What we need is POSITIVE publicity - and forgoing that - at the minimum...at LEAST - NEUTRAL "publicity". Getting totally NEGATIVE "publicity" is pointless. Its like being a decent person, and having someone in your town constantly spreading false and negative opinions about yourself to everyone where you live. Sure - EVERYONE in … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 13, 2007