Racial Comrades: Every single day, the economic situation in this Judeo-Capitalist monstrosity seems to worsen. Yesterday, the house across the street from mine, went up for sale - that�s the SEVENTH HOUSE on my block, that WHITE PEOPLE are losing...yet, the SYSTEM refuses to DO ANYTHING REAL to solve the problems facing the White Working Class.ALL of the TRILLIONS of dollars that the system and its political sock-puppets are handing out right and left - are GOING TO THE ALREADY WEALTHY! Literally NOTHING is going to the "little guy" to ease HIS … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 16, 2009
ANP Report for May 07, 2009
Racial Comrades: April has turned out to be one of the most busy months that I have experienced in my lifetime. Beyond the fact of my "everyday life" - my two sons had birthdays in April, and those of you who have kids - understand all that that involves! lolAs well, the American Nazi Party launched the annual "Spring Blitz" literature drive - April being "White Pride" month, per the birth date of Adolf Hitler - and once again, we here on Staff were busting our butts printing and shipping off materials to the Party Activists across America. Final … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 07, 2009
ANP Report for April 19, 2009
ANP Report for April 19, 2009Racial Comrades: I am most pleased to announce that so far into the 2009 Spring Blitz, the American Nazi Party is reaching a new record, in its literature distribution campaigns across the nation!While it has meant a slow-down in regular Staff duties, in some cases - the National Office has, as of this weekend ( Aptil 18-19th ) shipped out 32,500 "mini-leaflets", 650 large "bumper-stickers", ( not including thousands of the small red/white/black, peel-off Swastika-stickers that we give out free, as a gift to our … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 19, 2009
ANP Report for April 06, 2009
Racial Comrades: Welcome to April - WHITE PRIDE MONTH!Every April, the American Nazi Party launches, the SPRING BLITZ literature Drive, in honor of the birthdate of Adolf Hitler on April 20th. This is a tradition that has grown and expanded as each year passes, and I intend that this year, working together, we will make it the best ever!In the "support" section of our website, you may find many leaflets of interest to the American White Worker, to download and distribute yourselves.In the "merchandise" section of our website, you will find … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 06, 2009
ANP Report for March 29, 2009
Racial Comrades: Well, it seems that I raised a bit of a ripple over my statements last week, about AVOIDING "forums" and "chat-rooms"! I had a number of people whining and complaining to me, that without playing on "forums", their lives would be empty and void of purpose?! LOL Sorry kiddo's, I'm afraid that I will STAND by my WORDS - "playing around" on these venue's - is like walking through a mine-field. SOONER or LATER - your going to "catch it". But, IF you refuse to LISTEN and LEARN....I guess that you will just HAVE to LEARN - through … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 29, 2009
ANP Report for March 24, 2009
Racial Comrades: Welcome to the SECOND Great American DEPRESSION! The only big "difference" IS - that this time there won't be any FACTORIES to return to! Yep, back then, they only shut the factory gates, and the PLANT ITSELF was STILL THERE - not anymore. The Judeo-Capitalists have shipped ALL our manufacturing base - OVERSEAS - where they can get for all intent and purpose...Third-World SLAVE LABOR, to work for peanuts and NO "benefits"! Ain't Judeo-Capitalism simply GRAND! LOL Well, it�s GRAND for those FEW - those 3% of the population, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 24, 2009
ANP Report for March 14, 2009
Racial Comrades: Across America, the economy continues to plummet downwards. Unemployment is going double-digit, home for-closures blossom on every block, and we are even seeing, believe it or not - TENT CITIES - where homeless Whites are existing, just like the one outside Sacramento, in California! Yet, "WHO" does this evil, decadent, corrupt JUDEO-CAPITALIST SYSTEM concentrate on "helping" and/or "BAILING OUT"? The already WEALTHY JEW-BANKERS and SPECULATORS! While across the land, WHITE PEOPLE are LOSING EVERYTHING - just as I have been … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 14, 2009
ANP Report for March 06, 2009
Racial Comrades: On March 9, 1918 Commander George Lincoln Rockwell was given as a gift from the fates, to give rebirth to Adolf Hitler's National Socialism, here in America.I am not going to give a biography of this Aryan Hero - too much is available, for me to need to do so. Instead, I would like to comment upon just "what" George Lincoln Rockwell means to "me". Since I was just a kid, Rockwell has been a hero to me, and if anything - it is His spirit of dedicated ACTIVISM that has "kept me going" all these years, since I first joined the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 06, 2009
ANP Report for March 02, 2009
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to share with you another Q&A letter that I received and answered to the best of my ability. Perhaps through my discussion of the questions brought forward by the writer, you might get a better understanding of "what National Socialism" REALLY IS - than by a straight forward missive on ideology. Dear Mr. Dxxxxx: The ANP is not a "supremacist" organization, rather than wish to reign "supreme" over anyone - we simply wish our White Folk to be SEPARATE, in their own healthy National Socialist society. Our … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 02, 2009
ANP Report for February 22, 2009
Racial Comrades: Unlike in Europe, where the Aryan population has over centuries become aware and well versed of the "jewish problem" - here in America, because of the planned propaganda and control of ALL aspects of the "media" and most other sources of information, BY the jews and their lackeys - many White people don't "see" JEWISH POWER as the fact it is. Because of this lack of knowledge, many White people think of jews as "those people with the funny beanies...", or as "super smart money-makers", per the constant "image" build-up that the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 22, 2009
ANP Report for February 07, 2009
Racial Comrades: Among my many readers, there is a "social-marxist", who loves to send me links pertaining to various idiocy of the reactionary right-wing, as if somehow the ANP is associated in some fashion with these buffoons, and carries some blame/shame for their silly antics.A few days ago, this individual sent me a link gloating about how a "nazi leader" recently threw aside his formerly held beliefs after hearing Barack Obama give a speech, and now "admires Obama as his great inspiration, and thinks that inter-racial love is … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 07, 2009
ANP Report for January 29, 2009
Racial Comrades: "CHANGE" - that was the SLOGAN, of the half White/half Negro, mulatto President Barack Hussein Obama. Yet, WHERE is IT? Lets take a look at SOME of his recent appointments to this evil, corrupt collection of political whores running this Banana Republic of a nation. So far we have the following members of the "CHOSEN TRIBE" - RAHM EMANUEL - JEW CHIEF OF STAFF ( he's gonna run the whole show )DAVID AXELROD - JEW SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT ( he's gonna tell the prez what to do )RONALD KLAIN - JEW CHIEF OF STAFF TO THE … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 29, 2009
ANP Report for January 18, 2009
Racial Comrades: Today, something a little different. Sometimes, with all the nonsense of our everyday lives, we tend to "forget" a bit - just WHAT it IS - that we are facing, as Whites in Amerika.Below, is a message that we received from a "new, fellow Amerikan"...from, South of the Border. Full of gratitude, for our allowing him and his kind to infest OUR homeland. Strange enough, he saw a show on the boob-tube, about the hollywierd nutzi's - and he thinks it was US...along with a whole collection of others who have come to our website in … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 18, 2009
ANP Report for January 06, 2009
Racial Comrades: Well, it the New Year, and its time to get back into the saddle for a ride back into the Struggle against the darkness.As we look at recent events, IF one subscribes to the "WORSE IS BETTER" for now, point of view - things ARE looking up!Economically, the "system experts" are now projecting a 10% UNEMPLOYMENT rate, growing across the nation. More and more system politicians are getting exposed as the CRIMINALS and GANGSTERS that they are, hence eroding even further the respect and trust of the common citizen.As for the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 06, 2009
ANP Report for December 18, 2008
Racial Comrades: A short one today, as like many of you I am very busy with ten million things, what with the "holidays" fast approaching, along with the plethora of family and friends that we expect to visit - and of course, old Saint Nick. My friends, I think its time again for me to "explain" the "why" that I simply cannot extend my communication time with those who request it, per "phone calls". First off, I have a wife and three children, two of whom are autistic and need "special care", more than a "normal" child might need. My … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 18, 2008
ANP Report for December 08, 2008
Racial Comrades: With the Yuletide holidays fast approaching, I would like to take the time to ask each and everyone of you to reflect upon just "what it is" - that we are "celebrating" - at this time of the year.Surely, it is NOT attempting to "out-do" everyone else, like the stampeding hordes at Walmart the other day, who actually CRUSHED a store employee, as he opened the doors - in the mad rush of mindless "CONSUMER SPENDING" - that seems to be programed into our people, like zombidized robots, to fill those Judeo-Capitalist cash-registers, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 08, 2008