Racial Comrades, today I will do some more Q&A's - Hi Rocky ,Thank you for taking your time to help me out with this project. If you feel uncomfortable with answering any of the questions below, feel free to skip those questions.1. How long have been registered to vote? And do you vote regularly?ANSWER - Ever since I became of age. No, I have come to the conclusion that voting for either of the "two-party" tweedle-dee/tweedle-dum" parties (the Republicrats and the Democruds) is a waste of time. NEITHER serves my best interests or that of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 30, 2011
ANP Report for October 16, 2011
Racial Comrades: I am going to address the issue of this "Occupy Wall Street" fervor that has been sweeping the land like a breath of cleansing air! THE NATIVES ARE GETTING RESTLESS, AND ZOG FEARS IT MIGHT HAVE A POPULAR UPRISING ON ITS HANDS - finally! This issue is TAYLOR MADE for National Socialists, as well as WN who are serious about DOING SOMETHING - MORE - than shouting "racial slurs" and acting like "poster boys of hate" loons.After all - JUST WHO - are the WALL STREET BANKERS? The vast majority are JEWS - and the others are … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 16, 2011
ANP Report for October 09, 2011
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to address a few �questions" that I have seen posted about the Party lately. I realize that I HAVE addressed these questions before, but here goes once again - (A) Since you so often like to criticize other organizations for "wearing costumes", how do you address the fact that the ANP wears a uniform as well?ANSWER - The FACT is that ONLY a "SECTION" of the ANP wears a uniform - the Security Arm (S.A.). All other Party Comrades dress in normal street-clothes, with perhaps a Party pin to show their adherence … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 09, 2011
ANP Report for September 29, 2011
Racial Greetings Comrades: In todays ANPReport, I'm going to once again utilize the Q&A format to both educate and entertain you.Reviewing this young woman's questions, it only confirms in my mind the lack of depth that todays "education system" provides in the instance of EUROPEAN history - OUR PEOPLES HISTORY - vs that of ALL of the "alternative" CRAP that they fill their young minds with. I would be willing to bet that she COULD tell us all about "Jim Crow" and the "Civil Wrongs" movement.... Oh, well. Dear American Nazi Party … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 29, 2011
ANP Report for September 17, 2011
Racial Comrades: Todays message is going to be rather SHORT, but to the POINT - I would like to talk with you today about the VITAL IMPORTANCE of - LITERATURE OUTREACH. While 99% of this so-called "movement" concentrates its puny outreach efforts ( if you can even call it that ) to "internet effort" - which means that they basically and for all intent and purpose - rely upon people COMING to THEM, to view their "message". The ANP has a drastically different agenda - WE TAKE OUR MESSAGE TO THE MASSES themselves! What this means, is that WE … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 17, 2011
ANP Report for September 07, 2011
Racial Comrades: There is often confusion in the minds of newbi's entering the "racial-movement" about "why" there are a number of "nazi" organizations operating separately in the U.S., often asking "why don't you all unite into one big group?Today I thought that I would address that confusion.To my knowledge, currently there are basically four "nazi" style outfits in operation. The most obscure is based out of California, and is in reality an "internet clublet" whose "leader" is a complete UNKNOWN mystery man. He has NO KNOWN history in the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 07, 2011
ANP Report for August 30, 2011
Racial Comrades: I thought that I would like to share a few items with you in today's ANPReport, as I catch up on all the backlog caused by my recent illness.First off, just about ALL the "orders" that piled up have been filled and shipped - so as it�s in "the hands of Zog's postal service" - please have patience.Secondly, The White Worker magazine for August has been mailed - once more - please have patience. By the way - we only mailed out to those Comrades who sent in some $upport since June. For those of you "missing out" - I'm sure that you can … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 30, 2011
ANP Report for August 16, 2011
Racial Comrades: Just an update to my friends and enemies - no, I'm not dead yet. As I related to you in my last ANPReport, I had a serious problem with severe pain in my right leg - turns out that I indeed had/have a "problem". Like many other White Americans, I too do not have "medical coverage" in this most blessed of paradises ever known to mankind - the wonderful JEW-S-A. Luckily I DO have a generous friend and Comrade who gave me the money to go to a doctor and find out just "what" the hell was wrong with me - it turns out I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 16, 2011
ANP Report for July 07, 2011
Racial Comrades: Only about two weeks until our ANP National Conference in SC on July 23rd - along with our OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - "White Patriots Awake!" Rally later in the day.I hope that many of you are as excited and looking forward to attending this event as I am. For myself, this is the best time of the year where I get a chance to "put a face to the name" of the many Comrades that I correspond with over the year and to thank them personally for all the sacrifices that they make towards spreading the Good Word of National Socialism far and wide … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 07, 2011
ANP Report for June 24, 2011
Racial Comrades: Today I will continue to answer some more of your interesting queries -1. Since the current system has made such a huge mess of our economy, what would National Socialism do to remedy things? How could it provide decent jobs at fair pay for all its citizens?ANSWER - One of the BIGGEST things that National Socialism would "DO" is demand that American companies keep their businesses on AMERICAN SOIL and HIRE ONLY American citizens as a FIRST step. We would impose an embargo, or very strict restrictions on any imports, so as to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 24, 2011
ANP Report for June 09, 2011
Racial Comrades: After writing for so many years on topics relating to National Socialism, at times it is difficult to have "fresh thoughts", so I have fallen back today on my old standby - I asked a number of Party Comrades for "questions" to discuss - I hope that you find these of interest as well as being educational.....1. As a National Socialist, how would you define the difference between a National Socialist and a Communist?ANSWER - The first and foremost difference is that National Socialism is RACE-BASED, which means that we look at every … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 09, 2011
ANP Report for May 24, 2011
Racial Comrades: It's been a busy month so far, for those of us who are ACTIVE in the ANP. I checked recently on the Alexa website ratings webpage, and stats show that so far this month, "hits" to our Party website are UP 50%! This is due to no doubt, the Party's Spring Blitz nation-wide outreach literature campaign - WELL DONE - let's CONTINUE to spread the Good Word of National Socialism like we have never done before! This month, we also had the largest mailing of our ANP magazine The White Worker since we began publication. In fact, we had to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 24, 2011
ANP Report for May 10, 2011
Racial Comrades: I have said it before, and I'll say it again - ALL of the "problems" that White people face, are basically OUR fault for allowing them to not only occur but for allowing them to get as BAD as they currently ARE! Not ONCE, did the "MIGHTY" White man STAND UP on his two feet and state - "NOT WHILE I'M STILL ALIVE". NO! He/she sat back and "enjoyed" all the materialistic lifestyle that Judeo-Capitalism could throw at them. Of course, that lifestyle came with a (high) cost - FORGET your moral principles - FORGET your sense of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 10, 2011
ANP Report for May 02, 2011
Racial Comrades: Well, the JEWS and their ALLIES are rejoicing in another Purim-like frenzy over the recent announcement that "Osama is dead" - surely, all those who jump on that joyous bandwagon of Hip-Hip-Hurrah! , might consider thoughtfully "WHY" the death of an enemy of Zog International is a reason to celebrate... Myself, I'm a wee bit skeptical about the whole thing. Supposedly, Zog rushed off and buried Osama "at sea"? What!? Rather than bring his corpse back to the Jew-S-A for common DISPLAY? Something doesn't smell right here folks, I'm … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 02, 2011
ANP Report for April 21, 2011
Racial Comrades: The past week has been a very busy one for the ANP. Across America, Party Comrades and supporters reached thousands of White people with the Good News of National Socialism, in honor of Adolf Hitler's birthdate on April the 20th! In California on April 16th, the Party held its first - also VERY SUCCESSFUL - inter-Party Conference. People from across the state, as well as Media Outreach Director Axl Hess, who came in from out of state to attend - enjoyed a meet&greet, good food, and exciting plans for broadening the outreach of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 21, 2011
ANP Report for April 06, 2011
Racial Comrades: As we have been proclaiming for years now, April is "White Pride Month", due to its being the month of the birth of our founder Adolf Hitler, on April the 20th.And, as we always do, we request that all National Socialists make a SPECIAL EFFORT, the week surrounding His birthdate - to HONOR this great Aryan Hero - by once again DOING "what" He himself would prefer that we do...National Socialist OUTREACH ACTIVISM. Yes, I know - once again you are being requested to "DO SOMETHING" beyond mouthing platitudes. Beyond "lifting a … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 06, 2011