Racial Comrades: I realize that this latest ANPReport was very late in coming, but in all honesty, I personally have felt a bit overwhelmed by all that needed organizing for our ANP National Conference that took place this weekend, here in Metro-Detroit. I know that I state that every year, its bigger and better - but, this year's WAS the most successful I've hosted. I honestly feel sorry for those Comrades who couldn't afford to attend. To those who COULD have afforded the trip, but were too lazy - well, you missed out on a very good … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 17, 2012
ANP Report for June 14, 2012
Racial Comrades: Recently I had the opportunity to do another Q&A for the jeffpearlman.com blogsite, which will be more explained once you've read further. "Why" did I bother doing an interview with a self-professed "jew"? Well, first off, he was polite, yet open about his request, which I found refreshing - most "media" are pitiful LIARS when it comes to requests, promising to be "fair and balanced" - and in the end, they "twist and cut" so magnificently that you are amazed at what you "SUPPOSEDLY" said! LOL Secondly, I was curious to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 14, 2012
ANP Report for May 28, 2012
Racial Comrades: Well, today is "Memorial Day" - to me personally it's about the saddest "day" on the calendar to "celebrate". The jew-tube is filled with PHONY "war movies" that for the most part - glorify people killing each other - and for a very large part, portraying "hero's" to be freaks and dysfunctionals like "Kelly's Hero's", or "The Dirty Dozen" as those who typified the people who "WON the WAR". Real soldiers who FACED COMBAT must shake their heads in amazement, by the jew's hollywood notion of WHAT real war is really like. REAL war isn't … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 28, 2012
ANP Report for May 17, 2012
Racial Comrades: I thought that today I would continue to answer questions we have received, hopefully it will both entertain and educate.My answers will be below the questions...To the American Nazi Party: Greetings. I am responsible for writing up a project in American History class and I chose the American Nazi Party as my topic. After doing some extensive research, I have come upon many, perhaps, biased results. I wish to take a fair stance so I wanted to ask you to defend yourselves against several questionable points. 1) Many medical … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 17, 2012
ANP Report for May 01, 2012
Racial Comrades: Well May 1st is upon us! Yes, "May Day" has been a long understood Day of Honoring the WORKER around the world - all except of course, HERE in the JEW-S-A - EVER WONDER WHY? It's very simple - here in the Judeo-Capitalist utopia - the "land of milk and honey" - HONEST WORK - PRODUCTIVE LABOR, has been something "looked down upon" in this corrupt, decadent kosher society. Yeah, it's so much BETTER - to be involved in shuffling paper - than SWEATING to earn your daily bread. Of course, we all KNOW "who" came up with an attitude … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 01, 2012
ANP Report for April 20, 2012
Racial Comrades: One of the things that baffles me, within the "white nationalist movement", is how FEW any of these people understand "WHAT is IS" that they want - ie are supposedly FIGHTING for. I AM a NATIONAL SOCIALIST - and HAVE BEEN - ever since I first joined George Lincoln Rockwell's ANP, back in 1967 at the age of 16. National Socialism IS "what I want" - and since it is an IDEOLOGY that one can STUDY and wrap one's brain around - I find it the ONLY possible example of a political world-view for our embattled Aryan race to utilize for … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 20, 2012
ANP Report for March 26, 2012
Racial Comrades: By now, I am assuming that most of you have read my very important message on the last ANPReport - if not - please go to the "archive" section at the bottom of this page and review it. Its regrettable that such a topic needs be so important, but UNTIL the National Socialist movement, "cleans up its act" - and TOTALLY REJECTS - those within its ranks who clearly ACT in such a manner as to DENIGRATE and EMBARRASS our sacred world-view, as does the so-called "kommander" jeff schoep, per his unAryan actions and lifestyle - we NS … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 26, 2012
ANP Report for March 06, 2012
Racial Comrades: Todays message will be short for a reason. It is very important, and I want it to sink in.Often we at the ANP are asked "Why don't you unite� with these "other" so-called NS organizations and form one big one?Today, I intend to answer that question.If you go to either the WN resource website, WhiteReference, OR the "anti" website OnePeoplesProject - you will SEE "why". For many years now, myself and the American Nazi Party have condemned the so-called "nsm" as NOT being in any fashion or form - a REAL National Socialist … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 06, 2012
ANP Report for February 24, 2012
Racial Comrades: Sometimes it is easier to get a point across, through telling a "story", so that is what I'm going to attempt today. Once there was a large, mostly White American city, whose Mayor who was a total political whore to the Judeo-Capitalist system, and all of its "blessings" - who to curry favor from his masters - went ahead on his own, and created a real humdinger of an ANTI-WHITE publicity campaign. This campaign was meant to show the world how "PC" he and his community desired to be. It started off with huge bill-boards … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 24, 2012
ANP Report for February 11, 2012
Racial Comrades: The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes "conservatives" as, "one disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions." Now, I would like to take the time today to ask just "WHAT" is there in this current Judeo-Capitalist SYSTEM - that one would like to "maintain"? Is it the ECONOMIC SYSTEM that is based NOT upon "Free Enterprise" - but rather upon the USURY-INTEREST SLAVERY principal? Where the wealthy "1%", who CONTROL America's fortune - basically live NOT by the "sweat of their brows" - but, by MONEY … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 11, 2012
ANP Report for January 30, 2012
Racial Comrades: Most of you I am sure, know the fable of the "Ant and the Grasshopper". If not, I suggest that you "Google up" this old Aryan story and read it...The political efforts of the ANP vs. the reactionary, right-wing racialist "movement" are similar in a way. Most of the entire "movement" involves itself in "flashy" style efforts of "fun" - rallies, marches, protests etc. et al - that achieve very little of a lasting momentum, rather simply a "momentary" flash in the pan burst of ( always negative ) jews-media "publicity". This in turn, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 30, 2012
ANP Report for January 12, 2012
Racial Comrades: I'm going to relate a true story to you today; the "moral" of the story is for YOU to judge. A few days ago, I met one of the people whom I used to work with for 25 years, and he was relating to me about the folks I knew and how they were getting on. It seems that so many have left, and or retired - one guy who was the head of maintenance - a guy who was a total company-man, and to be honest I never really liked because of the manner that he treated the people in his ( non-union ) department, had retired...and … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 12, 2012
ANP Report for December 30, 2011
Racial Greetings: Well Comrades, with the year 2011 winding up to its end, and a whole New Year before us - I thought that I would spend todays ANPReport with a little look at the past year and what we need to focus upon this coming one. Having been involved in this since I first joined George Lincoln Rockwell's ANP, back in 1967 at the age of 16 - I have served for almost 45 years now in the front-lines of our Struggle to build National Socialism here in America - and I think that I can honestly claim that that is a "pretty long time" for … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 30, 2011
ANP Report for November 30, 2011
Racial Comrades, Since its December , I would like to share with all of you a remarkable essay, which is a spin-off of that popular old movie classic - "Its a Wonderful Race". I need to say no more - ENJOY! For White WORKER Power! Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.AmericanNaziParty.com Hail Victory! 88!It�s a Wonderful Raceby James BronsonThere once was a college freshman named George who thought he knew it all. One night over dinner, George got into an argument with his father. The argument began when the young student tried to explain … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 30, 2011
ANP Report for November 21, 2011
Racial Comrades: Today as I got up and prepared for work, I saw something on the jew-tube which simply enraged me. It was fat-assed republiRAT NEWT GRINGRAT pontificating at a recent republirat meeting, where his fat mouth blubbered forth this boisterous statement to the men and women who have had the COURAGE to get out and PROTEST the GREED and CORRUPTION of not ONLY these evil, corrupt WALL STREET BANKSTERS - but, this ENTIRE EVIL, CORRUPT SYTEM that infects America from coast to coast!He said that his "message to OWS protestors was - �TO TAKE A … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 21, 2011
ANP Report for November 11, 2011
Racial Comrades: All of you know how often I have stated that "people get what they allow" - well, in politics it�s pretty much the same. A few days ago, my locality of Westland Michigan had an election. Westland is a city of about 100,000 people, and pretty much blue-collar-poor. There was a seat for City Clerk that went UNOPPOSED - and four City Council seats - with seven people campaigning for them. Two of the people running for City Council seats were KIDS about 21 years old! Of course, ALL the incumbents WON - but, and here is my … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 11, 2011