Racial Comrades: My topic today might seem pretty silly to some of you, and to others it might even seem unnecessary, but I'm afraid that being in the "position" that I find myself - being American Nazi Party Chairman - that it's come time to address it. The "topic" that I'm referring to is this - buying into, and even "believing" - the various hate propaganda poured forth like an open sewer about Adolf Hitler AND the National Socialist idea, through the various channels of enemy propaganda outlets, most of all their numerous movie and … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 09, 2014
ANP Report for October 26, 2014
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to take the time to share with you, the �how� and "why" that I myself first got involved in the National Socialist Struggle, and WHY after so many years, that I am still involved in this eternal fight...I first joined George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party way back in 1967 at the age of 16. I was in high school at the time, and although I had been attracted to Adolf Hitler and National Socialism for quite a few years earlier, I had become aware of Rockwell's ANP, in 1966 through the Party's opposition … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 26, 2014
ANP Report for October 14, 2014
Racial Comrades: In the past centuries, as the White race explored, subjugated and exploited the planet earth, they often brought along with themselves diseases, that while our Folk had become pretty much immune to them, such as the common flu virus, devastated the local indigenous populations - who had never felt the effects of such before.Today, the "Frankenstein Monster" that the jews AND their pale faced lackeys, who "went along to get along�, have created in the White Western world - is preparing to run amuck.�Yes, ALL the various "ills" that … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 14, 2014
ANP Report for September 28, 2014
Racial Comrades: I have been asked by several people lately, why am I not doing these ANPReports as frequently as I used to do. The honest answer to this question is very simple - I'm really not the type of person who likes to talk, just to hear himself speak. I've been doing these reports for over a decade now, and they are all archived back to the beginning, so that if you wish, you can read them and see my progression of thought over the years. In truth, I've come to the fact that there isn't really too much more to relate that I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 28, 2014
ANP Report for September 11, 2014
Racial Comrades: Unlike most other "racialist spokesmen" out there in the la-la land of this so-called "movement", I have been known to be the mean, old man - who prefers telling it like it is - rather than pattering on about either the long lost PAST, or supposedly "how we're marching onward to victory" so successfully, that no doubt very soon there will be a Swastika banner flying over the White house. I'm often accused of being the nasty guy who simply LOVES to point out the TURD floating around in the punchbowl, rather than joyfully … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 11, 2014
ANP Report for August 23, 2014
Racial Comrades: On August 25th 1967, George Lincoln Rockwell was struck down by the bullets that were meant to not only kill him, but to kill National Socialism in America with one blow.It nearly succeeded. But the FACT that today, the American Nazi Party is still in existence, and despite the dwindling handful of Hollywierd Nutzi re-enactors who are rapidly disappearing from the scene, doing their darnedest to muddy the political waters with their silly and pathetic antics, of prancing around like moronic clowns at the behest of our enemies - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 23, 2014
ANP Report for July 23, 2014
Racial Comrades: There is a fine line that one much watch when telling the TRUTH, vs� BENDING the TRUTH to try and keep people happy and smiling.Personally, I'm a firm believer in the truth, and nothing but the truth - no matter �whose feelings" get hurt. I think it saves a lot of stress on myself in any case, because I feel that lying eventually ALWAYS comes back in the end and bites you on the ass.Doctor Josef Goebbels evidently felt the same way as well. As early as 1942, he was demanding that Hitler declare "TOTAL WAR" to help National Socialist … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 23, 2014
ANP Report for July 08, 2014
Racial Comrades: Well another 4th of July has come and gone, and as the air clears of all the smoke from those millions of dollars worth of fireworks consumed by the mindless morons who had nothing better to do with their money, than hand it over to a bunch of arabs peddling this nonsense, at ASTRONOMICAL prices btw - it crossed my mind - do any of these folks actually remember what the hell they are supposedly "celebrating"? "Parades" in this pathetic land of the lost, even on the supposed remembrance of this country's REVOLUTION - today - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 08, 2014
ANP Report for June 23, 2014
Racial Comrades: WHAT IF - there hadn't been one person in existence, that felt it was time to rebuild American National Socialism from a collection of fantasy costumed clowns, ala the "hollywierd nutzi's", hollering for any kind of negative attention, and instead to create and build a serious political organization based solidly upon Adolf Hitler's ideological platform Mein Kampf - but he had "better things to do"? WHAT IF - instead of gradually bringing together other solid National Socialists from across the nation, and melding them into a … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 23, 2014
ANP Report for June 02, 2014
Racial Comrades: One of the most irritating things watching the controlled jews media, is how blatantly they LIE in their so-called "reporting" on the news. They obviously think that the masses of people are SO STUPID that they will swallow just about anything that the smirking faces reading the teleprompter tells them. One perfect example is how these sock-puppets for the Judeo-Capitalists constantly bleat that the "economy is on the rebound", and SOON - happy days will be here again! Oh, yeah. According to the U.S. Census Bureau - the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 02, 2014
ANP Report for May 21, 2014
Racial Comrades: It's time for some very blunt talk. The "state of the racial movement" is such, that it's long overdue that we prepare a SERIOUS appraisal of "where we are" - and WHY. In my mind, the REASON of this mess, is simple - far too much, and too many of the people involved - LIVE in the PAST. Look at the "Southern" area of America, once a hot bed of White racial resistance. The "klans" are literally GONE - non-existent. WHY? Once again it is simple. White people in the 21st CENTURY - dealing with ALL the PROBLEMS that they face - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 21, 2014
ANP Report for May 02, 2014
Racial Comrades: Well, May 1st has come and gone, and while around the world, people celebrated the "Day of the Worker" ( even in National Socialist Germany, "May Day" was a Day of Honor for those who by mind or hand, produced for the Folk ) here in the Good Old Jew-S-A this day is virtually IGNORED. WHY? I believe it's very simple - in this evil, decadent Judeo-Capitalist monstrosity of a system - "WORK" is considered to be another of those "four lettered words", that are not "respectable". Folks who actually LABOR for a LIVING - ESPECIALLY … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 02, 2014
ANP Report for April 14, 2014
Racial Comrades: Well folks, it's happened AGAIN. Just when those of us who are sincere National Socialists were beginning to hope that the era of the phony loony-tune hollywierd nutzi types was disappearing from the scene - along comes yet ANOTHER one. This time it was 73 year old raging hatemonger "Frazier Glenn Miller/Cross", who felt the need to go on a drunken killing spree ala that "Aryan Nations" Buford Furrow nut-case out in California around a decade ago, shooting up jewish centers.Yep, this Glenn Miller was a real piece of work. Once … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 14, 2014
ANP Report for April 01, 2014
Racial Comrades: Well folks, here it is "April Fool Day" the day which I think OUGHT to be THE "National Holiday" for the vast majority of the population of this wondrous Jew-S-of A - since they seem to me to be�sadly�nothing more than a bunch of damn fools themselves. I got into a conversation at the tobacco store, where I buy my one dollar a pack cheap smokes ( owned by an Arab of course ) with another old retired fart like myself. This guy was about as poor as I am, judging by his appearance, and you know how discussions go, you start … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 01, 2014
ANP Report for March 14, 2014
Racial Comrades: Usually, by March the weather has lightened up to the point where Outreach activities can get into high swing again. This winter has been much different, here in Michigan we just had another snow storm which dumped another 6-8 inches of the white stuff - so we decided against announcing the usual Spring Blitz in honor of Commander George Lincoln Rockwell's birth-date on the 9th this year. However, we cannot ignore Adolf Hitler's birth-date on April the 20th, so I suggest that National Socialists across America begin to gear-up, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 14, 2014
ANP Report for February 26, 2014
Racial Comrades: Often I'm asked, "How can you expect to win? The system is so powerful and entrenched that it's hopeless to resist them.� Is it REALLY? This evil, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist monstrosity is in DEBT by the TRILLION$ of dollars, and every time the "debt limit" is reached ( seems like every year...) they all agree to UP the ANTE' and BORROW MORE from the International Bankers. "SOMEDAY" that debt is going to HAVE to be PAID - that, and all the INTEREST that it is accruing - and folks, just WHAT do you think is going to happen … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 26, 2014