Racial Comrades: I think it's time once again for me to do another "what's the American Nazi Party all about" and "WHAT" are we "DOING"? Our agenda boils down to basically this - REO - which means...REACH - through our Outreach literature distribution, our various internet efforts, and our hard-copy publications - we attempt to REACH White Americans who think as we basically do, and to give them the opportunity to get involved with a real political effort that works for the best interests of the White Community. There are "other" racially … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 18, 2015
ANP Report for July 09, 2015
Racial Comrades: Often people who are against National Socialism declare that it's because National Socialism is supposedly a "Dictatorship" rather than a "Democracy". They love to prattle on about how Democracy is better because it represents the true will of the majority of the citizenry. I believe that they are very mistaken.How often have we seen ballot issues placed before the voters - after surmounting horrific hurdles placed by the system, on even getting the question placed before the voters and on the ballot itself - OVERTURNED by the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 09, 2015
ANP Report for June 24, 2015
Racial Comrades: Recently, down in SC a misguided young White man went into a negro church and gunned down nine blacks who were probably as powerless and abused by this evil, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist system as he was. What a total waste of a young White life...What did he think he was going to GAIN by such an action? Was he going to build a positive Pro-White political agenda by killing these people?Was he going to put a POSITIVE "spin" on current day American White Nationalism? Was he single handedly going to eliminate the negro presence … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 24, 2015
ANP Report for June 10, 2015
Racial Comrades: Those of you reading these words have something in common - YOU CARE - about "something".Back in the day when I was young, I know it’s a long time ago - people, especially the young - CARED about "something", to the point where they would actually GET INVOLVED in whatever it was they felt so strongly about.Whether it was anti-war protests, "civil-rights" campaigns, what have you - they didn't sit back and grumble, they attempted to do SOMETHING which involved THEM getting up out of their armchair, shutting off the TV, and … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 10, 2015
ANP Report for May 25, 2015
Racial Comrades: Well, today is another "Memorial Day" - Ho-Hum, does ANYBODY really even CARE? Memorial Day seems to me to be just another reason to have - GREAT SALES! - a chance to BBQ - a good excuse to guzzle beer and get drunk - and best of all - a DAY OFF WORK, unless you're one of those many folks in the low paid "service" economy, who have to work come rain or shine...Yeah, I'm going to "celebrate" Memorial Day - as the period where MY America is gasping out its last breath, and prepares to expire. MY AMERICA - is … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 25, 2015
ANP Report for May 12, 2015
Racial Comrades: One of the strangest things I've noticed happening here in America as of late, is the hate campaign led by such Jews as this Pamela Geller, to attack and denigrate people on "religious" grounds. Funny what SOME people can get away with, eh? This ranting Jewess, has been held up by the reactionary media such as "Fox News" and their imbecilic cloned followers in the reactionary "right wing" as a great "hero" out to "save the world" from the evil Naz..., er Muslims – why, she has not only been able to DO such amazing "un-PC" … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 12, 2015
ANP Report for April 22, 2015
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to engage in another Q&A session that was sent to me by a high school girl, and which I thought that I would share with you as well. I hope that you find my replies both entertaining as well as informative... - Dear Mr. Suhayda,I am doing a project for one of my senior college classes. It is a project in which I reach out to an organization that I do not know anything about. I am from a small town and their [sic] isn't many [sic] variety when it comes to people with different views than I. I was wondering … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 22, 2015
ANP Report for April 09, 2015
Racial Comrades: In response to my last ANPReport, I received a reply from a pathetic individual who stated that "it's all over" , that nothing that the ANP (or anyone else for that matter) can do, can turn things around and save the White race from eventual oblivion. Getting messages like this from defeatist individuals is very disheartening, even to myself - I can understand clearer now, why in times of war, such creatures are often dealt with harshly for spreading such vile infection amongst those FIGHTING the good fight, as best as they are … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 09, 2015
ANP Report for March 30, 2015
Racial Comrades and all you other pale-faced creatures living in the Twilight-Zone - Recently I was asked by a curious observer, about National Socialism's viewpoint on "Native Americans".In a knee-jerk reaction, I was prepared to rattle off the usual diatribe that "well they lost, and there wouldn't BE an "America" without the White/Aryan Europeans crossing vast oceans of water and all that that entailed, discovering AND settling a wild wilderness, and through hardships unbelievable to the weaklings of TODAY'S "white" population, sweating, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 30, 2015
ANP Report for March 17, 2015
Racial Comrades: A few days ago, Moshe Kantor the President of the "European Jewish Council" stated to the Reuters News Agency that "the jewish minority in Europe ( supposedly around three million ) are going to leave, unless AUTHORITIES ARE NOT DELIVERING ON SOME REAL, REAL STUFF - If jews leave, Europe will face economic collapse". Interesting quote, eh? Now hold on there! I thought that jews are ALWAYS - POOR, MEEK, PERSECUTED, KINDLY ( violins please ) folks, who only want to "LOVE" everybody ( except Arabs, and us nasty Sons and Daughters … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 17, 2015
ANP Report for February 28, 2015
Racial Comrades: Recently, the ANP was invited by a "Klan" organization to attend one of their up-coming "Unity Fun Fests", in the state of Texas. You all now the kind I'm talking about - where ANYBODY with a pale-face, no matter if you're known or not - can show up and rub shoulders with all those who participate...Now this group was a bit different from others that I heard of, at least in the regard that they DIDN'T want any association with the costumed loonies of the so-called "nsm", led by their race-mixing self-styled Kommander Jeffy "I was … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 28, 2015
ANP Report for February 08, 2015
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to address my thoughts to all those youth who contact the ANP, professing their belief in National Socialism. Unlike "back in the day" (1967) when I was young and joined Rockwell's American Nazi Party at the age of 16, circumstances are much different from what they were back then. In my last ANPReport I wrote about the different cultural and political climate, but what I'm talking about at present is that National Socialist dissidents must beware of becoming embroiled in "legal difficulties" when dealing … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 08, 2015
ANP Report for January 23, 2015
Racial Comrades: Since the end of the second world war, the jews have tirelessly devoted themselves to destroying any vestige of a Euro/Aryan nation any place upon this planet. They realized that to head off in advance, ANY type of rise against jewish control - that might ever again entail another "Nazi Germany", and its reaction to jewish control - meant that "NEVER AGAIN" must this be allowed to occur! Here in America, they have had the MOST success! They have taken a once healthy, powerful nation, almost completely populated by the White … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 23, 2015
ANP Report for January 07, 2015
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to, - uh wait a minute until that horrible squelching sound disappears - you know, the sound of thousands of "dedicated White Nationalists" pulling their collective heads out of their asses, after filling the coffers of their proverbial masters on cue - like good little lemmings during this past "holiday season"....Great! Now that that's over, lets get back to what really SHOULD matter to each and everyone of us - the struggle to achieve those 14Words ( remember them? ) and Social Justice for the American White … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 07, 2015
ANP Report for December 07, 2014
Racial Comrades:� It was cold, damn cold and the night was filled with more sleet than snow. The Veteran, the Old Man of his unit who himself was only in his middle twenties grimly looked around him. The other faces that he perused were young, too damn young he thought - better not to think, he reminded himself - yet it was impossible not to. He was the only one left in his unit had started in this war from day one. The rest were gone...He forced himself to wipe down the MG 40 with a rag, lest the ice built up and jam it.� At the sound of a noise on … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 07, 2014
ANP Report for November 30, 2014
Racial Comrades: I often am asked - "What's the difference between the American Nazi Party, and any of these other so-called 'NS' organizations out there?� One of the anomalies that I have observed during my four decades plus service to the National Socialist movements' struggle here in America, is that there are basically three assorted "types" of individuals who are attracted to National Socialism itself. The first, is what I tend to call the "Hollywierd Nutzi" types. These are the "Look at Me!" folks, whose whole infatuation with "Nazism" is … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 30, 2014