Racial Comrades: I have gotten flack in the past for my stating that I'm not one of those who lay all the blame for the many problems facing the White race at the doorstep of the "Joos", OR the "blacks", OR "whatever & whomever" like so many tend to do, in the "White Movement".In fact, I prefer placing ANY - BLAME - that DESERVES being handed out, right on the pale shoulders of my fellow White men and women.WHY? How dare I do this...? It’s simple - BECAUSE IF the White race hadn't AVOIDED so strenuously their collective RESPONSIBILITIES towards … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 13, 2016
ANP Report for April 19, 2016
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to talk with you about "The Cog on the Wheel".Out of all the various symbols of National Socialism, I personally like the one that shows a Swastika inside of a "cog wheel" as best representing "my" feelings about "what" and "who" National Socialism represents: the best interests of the White Working class man and woman.It also represents something else very important, and that is - ALL of US - are like a cog on that wheel, and unless we all do our appointed roles, the wheel simply stops going round and round. It … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 19, 2016
ANP Report for March 28, 2016
Racial Comrades: As many of you know, I often get e-mails from people in the system's controlled "mainstream media" wanting interviews, or asking the most improbable questions about National Socialism and the American Nazi Party.Most of the time I simply delete them, but in this case the query was so bizarre that I felt that I just had to answer it…To be honest about it, the more I considered the man’s questions, the more disturbed that I became, per “is THIS really HOW National Socialists were viewed to be?” Are National Socialists in America cast … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 28, 2016
ANP Report for March 05, 2016
Racial Comrades: Today I was contacted once again by the "Buzzfeed" so-called "news-site", you know, the one that gave us international press about a month ago, over a hit piece on Donald Trump. Well, the "reporter" wrote to me, per this controversy over Trump dis-avowing old Dave Duke, per Duke's "support", so I thought - what the hell, I'll throw my two cents in...Here's what I sent him, of course it wasn't wholly published, but at least I set the record straight. You know, isn't it odd that the media never seems to contact Jeffy Poop … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 05, 2016
ANP Report for February 16, 2016
Racial Comrades: Recently, I was sent a link to the video "Hellstorm", and while I mostly try not to view "revisionist" materials such as this, to keep my blood pressure down - I really have to recommend viewing this production. It is very well done, and in my mind, is THE "answer" to all the "six million myth" sob stories that have flooded the world's consciousness since the end of WWII. In fact, IF we could get more and more people to view this video, I think that it would go a long way towards changing peoples' attitudes towards the supposed … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 16, 2016
ANP Report for January 31, 2016
Racial Comrades: If one is a National Socialist, they are NOT in any way, shape or form - a "CON-servative". A con-servative, apparently seeks to CONSERVE something, and from a National Socialist perspective, I cannot see ANYTHING in this sick, corrupt, evil toilet-bowl of a society, that I WANT to conserve! No, true National Socialists are REVOLUTIONARIES! We desire to wipe the board clean of all the sickness and perversion that infects our Folk and land, and COMPLETELY rebuild it into something MUCH better than that which we suffer under … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 31, 2016
ANP Report for January 18, 2016
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to focus my message to the entire "White Racialist Movement", rather than just towards Party Comrades and supporters...The one big thing that has become blatantly clear from the current political dog and pony show circus, more commonly known as the "presidential election" shell game - is that there is a HUGE percentage of the American population that by and large accept MANY of our viewpoints - AND, that they ARE willing to "come out" and GET INVOLVED in real world politics. I'm talking about those folks who … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 18, 2016
ANP Report for January 06, 2016
Racial Comrades: In Adolf Hitler's book Mein Kampf, the very last words which round out its final Conclusion states, and I quote - "A state which in this age of racial poisoning dedicates itself to the care of its best racial elements must some day become lord of the earth. May the adherents of our movement never forget this, if ever the magnitude of the sacrifices should beguile them to an anxious comparison with the possible results". Now I must ask all of you - is there ANY White/Euro nation on this planet, that CARES to Preserve its "BEST … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 06, 2016
ANP Report for December 05, 2015
Racial Comrades: At this time of the year, more than any other, where our Racial Folk are driven to market like sheep to be sheared in the spirit of GREED and MATERIALISM, chasing that specter of supposedly "needing" - MORE and MORE - junk that will quickly be set aside and forgotten, joining all of that other "necessary" junk in the closet from holidays past, I would like to be the one to piss in your punch bowls with a few thoughts based upon pragmatic reality...During this season of "love & forgiveness" that is preached constantly like a … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 05, 2015
ANP Report for November 19, 2015
Racial Comrades: Well, today I feel like having a good rant, so sit back and let's see how many of YOU reading this, feel similar to how I do...We ALL know, that nothing of any real significance happens in this sickening toilet bowl of a so-called society, unless the JEWS have a prominent position of involvement in it. Now, first off I want to declare - that NONE of this, or at least very LITTLE of it - could occur WITHOUT the helping hand of ALL of the LICKSPITTLES who work hand in glove with their kosher masters. Oh yeah, the jews DO wield a … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 19, 2015
ANP Report for November 10, 2015
Racial Comrades: November 9th, 1923, is a day that all sincere National Socialists hold dear to their hearts. But the lessons of that day are just as important, if not more so, than what occurred itself. The year 1923 was a year of economic disaster for the German people. Those who were fortunate enough to have employment, brought their pay home in wheelbarrows, because it was so worthless. A loaf of bread cost millions of Marks, and the average German was forced to sell off to speculators, their most precious family heirlooms for a pittance, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 10, 2015
ANP Report for October 24, 2015
Racial Comrades: I realize that most of my ANPReports lately have been filled with what some have mentioned as - "doom and gloom" - so I'm very happy to be able to bring you some news that will bring a tear of joy to your hearts. We all are aware of the non-White invasion of our racial homelands over in Europe, by MILLIONS of illegal invaders, whom are being BROUGHT IN by race traitors of our own governments. NONE of these INVASIONS could be possible, EXCEPT because of the outright COLLUSION of those who rule over us MAKING it … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 24, 2015
ANP Report for October 04, 2015
Racial Comrades: it's been many decades now that the White Nationalist community, for all intent and purpose, has been badly infected with defeatism and lethargy, with the mantra that Zog the All Powerful was unbeatable and basically GAVE UP any SERIOUS efforts to RESIST the Iron Throne of Judeo-Capitalism - instead handing over the game to our universal enemy by default. This lack of serious resistance led to the weirdos and morons of the Costume Club set, to taking center stage in the public eye, by being PROMOTED by the enemy's controlled media, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 04, 2015
ANP Report for September 20, 2015
Racial Comrades: We are all aware of this recent flood of non-White aliens pouring across America's and Europe's borders like an invading army. Many people in the "Racialist Cause" are horrified by what is occurring, and crying out (on forums) and wringing their hands in despair - I believe that that's the wrong attitude to hold. For decades now, the powers that be, in control of every White nation, have enabled a constant stream of non-Whites to enter their peoples' lands, and slowly the populations have been tilting towards more and more … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 20, 2015
ANP Report for September 02, 2015
Racial Comrades: When the self-styled "prominent personalities" in this so-called "racial movement" go overboard in making fools of themselves, it goes beyond hilarious! It becomes down right LUDICROUS in the EXTREME! Now I'm speaking from a National Socialist revolutionary perspective of course, NOT a right-wing, reactionary one - and that DOES make a big difference...Since as I predicted in my last ANPReport several weeks ago, the system's controlled media whores are going after Donald Trump with a vengeance - filling the internet with … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 02, 2015
ANP Report for August 20, 2015
Racial Comrades: It's almost like Christmas anymore with the politics in this dysfunctional nation called America. Not only has "Hobby Lobby" got its Yuletide displays up already, but over a YEAR from the national elections, the various system approved, rubber-stamped-on-the-ass candidates are blowing their horns. The most comical situation so far, has been the campaigning in the republirat camp, of Donald Trump the mega billionaire 1%er. The Donald is an egotist of the first order, anything he wants, he gets. Anything is within the reach of a … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 20, 2015