Racial Comrades: I hope that all you CONservatives, “AltRighters”, those duped by David Duke, and the rest of those who thought that super-capitalist Trump - with his jewish son-in-law, jewish grandchildren, heavily jewish cabinet, and who just recently stated, “I love Israel” - was “OUR GUY” LOL!! Like I stated about two years ago (read our archived Reports), Trump is a “Spiritual Jew.” Here’s what I said, “Ah, and there's the rub, as Shakespeare used to say - he also describes himself as a "SUPER ZIONIST"; I myself would describe him more as … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 17, 2017
ANP Report for September 02, 2017
Racial Comrades: Well, Summer is coming to a close, kids will be back in school soon, and we can focus our energies on the cause MANY of us have dedicated our LIVES to: National Socialism! However, THIS Summer has been unusually exciting, politically speaking!For this Report I want to make a clear distinction between US - NS Revolutionaries - and all these other groups that have popped up recently, making the same mistakes I personally witnessed in past decades by other groups that ultimately failed.The GOOD NEWS in all of this is that with the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 02, 2017
ANP Report for July 09, 2017
Racial Comrades: It's been a while since I last spoke with you from my heart, and I feel that I owe all of you who stayed loyal to our Struggle an "explanation" of sorts as to why I have been absent from my post.The fact is that once more I was hospitalized for my heart - I was in the hospital for over a week, and then bedridden for the past few months... To be honest, this time I thought that I wasn't going to make it. Enough said.The one thing over many others that kept my flame to survive burning, was my desire to be of service to my Faith. I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 09, 2017
ANP Report for June 26, 2017
Racial Comrades: Again, I must apologize to those who haven't YET received their order or The White Worker issues. To be honest, and speaking from DECADES of experience in this struggle, I can proudly say that the ANP has been the most RELIABLE, TRUSTWORTHY, and GENUINE, National Socialist organization I have ever been a part of or known about. I extend my appreciation to those who STAY THE COURSE through all the peaks and valleys that any organization will experience!A LOT has been going on in the news lately and Official Supporters in the ANP has … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 26, 2017
ANP Report for June 11, 2017
Racial Comrades: I realize this Report was very late in coming, but let me assure you all that the voice and strength of National-Socialism in America - The American Nazi Party - continues to work tirelessly for YOU and OUR PEOPLE. I apologize to those who are waiting on orders; here at HQ we are very busy catching up and will get to yours soon. We have a HUGE Spring issue of The White Worker that will be mailed out soon to all those subscribers and Official Supporters in good standing with the Party. It is critically important that EACH … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 11, 2017
ANP Report for April 23, 2017
Racial Comrades: Our Spring Blitz Outreach campaign is well under way, and I've gotten some very positive reports from activists that have used their personal time to spread the GOOD WORD of National Socialism! It doesn't matter whether you spend a Saturday morning distributing 200 flyers, or if you intelligently place 10 ANP message cards a few times a week. The point is, we need to get the message out to reach the White masses that have been trampled on - for SO MANY YEARS - by this evil corrupt system.On another point of Party business, some of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 23, 2017
ANP Report for March 24, 2017
Racial Comrades: Every year, the American Nazi Party announces our Spring Blitz outreach campaign, and this year is no different, except in ONE respect: in this sensitive political climate that has awakened more people than I've EVER seen in my decades of struggle, NOW is the prime time for the BIGGEST Spring Blitz EVER! It would be a SHAME to merely do what we've always done when we have such a fantastic opportunity to spread the good word of National Socialism! People need to understand what NS is all about, and then come to the conclusion … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 24, 2017
ANP Report for February 02, 2017
Racial Comrades: I thought that today I would make use of one of the many letters that I receive from readers who are old ( like myself ) and are getting beat up by the system in its various forms.In truth, I'm AMAZED that after a LIFETIME they are only noticing the abuse "NOW"!I guess that when the gravy train was flowing, with all of the goodies that the system "provided" - hey! the SYSTEM didn't "PROVIDE" any of this, it was achieved by HARD WORK, SACRIFICE, and the BEHAVIOR of the individual involved - like nice cars, comfy homes, and money to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 02, 2017
ANP Report for January 14, 2017
Racial Comrades: With the New Year here at last, I believe that it's time for us National Socialists to assess just "what" it is that we have accomplished throughout our past efforts, and just "what" it is that we must strive to do in our future ones.In the past here in America at any case, National Socialism has been broken down into two basic camps. The first was pretty much what can be referred to as the "reactionary racist rightwing" camp. These were people who didn't honestly see "much difference" in those who for whatever reasons slapped on a … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 14, 2017
ANP Report for December 09, 2016
Racial Comrades: I wish you all the best National Socialist greetings of the Yuletide season! Well, here it is December already, and so much has been accomplished during 2016, yet so much more is still on our agenda to do...As a "sum up" for 2016 - the American Nazi Party received over whelming INTERNATIONAL jews-media mentions and outright coverage, due to Donald Trump’s campaign for President and our "take" on what occurred, that for every ONE request for an "interview" that we acceded to, we turned away ten more. Why? It’s very simple.From the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 09, 2016
ANP Report for November 09, 2016
Racial Comrades: "....and there is little joy in Zogville - Mighty Shrillery has STRUCK OUT!" LMAOYes, despite ALL of the NON-WHITE coalitions, from the blacks, the mestizos, the homos and lezbos, just about EVERY featherless biped whom the Democruds could cobble together into their supposed "United Front" - the result was NOT what the SYSTEM and its lickspittles THOUGHT it would be...The ONE group that has not only been IGNORED, but indeed slapped in the face at every opportunity that the Powers that Be felt comfortable with - the WHITE WORKING … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 09, 2016
ANP Report for October 13, 2016
Racial Comrades: Being a sincere National Socialist, and not "just" some reactionary "racist" type individual, I honestly must profess that I DO NOT "support" Donald Trump as the best choice to be president of this nation. Of course, it goes without saying that Shrillery Clinton is not my choice either - far from it! Over 300 MILLION people in America, and THIS is the "CHOICE" we get? Now before anyone gets their panties in a twist ( oh! was that too sexist? ) I must admit that I DO like the fact that Trump "says" and "talks" a LOT about issues … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 13, 2016
ANP Report for September 13, 2016
Racial Comrades: Life in this toilet bowl of a society gets more unbelievable and frustrating every day that one exists in it. For in reality, that is ALL that we are doing - EXISTING - it's NOT really LIVING. For living means that one ENJOYS the "existence" and not simply "bears with it"...This "Sept 11" nonsense is getting worse as it goes along. Hell, it reminds me of the HOLOHOAX crap, that the chosen ram down our collective Folk, like some mantra from hell. It's like this nation has become a land of WHINERS, wringing their hands over and over, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 13, 2016
ANP Report for August 18, 2016
Racial Comrades: NS Greetings! I realize that it has been a while since I've last written, and it’s still been a health issue that has gotten me down - I guess I'm kind of like my plants drying up outside for lack of water - here in Michigan, we haven't had a soaking of rainfall until yesterday, at least three months, perhaps more and nothing GROWS much less even EXISTS in a healthy manner without the BASICS...The same could be said of our National Socialist Revolutionary Struggle - in order for it to not only EXIST, but to THRIVE and GROW - it … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 18, 2016
ANP Report for July 05, 2016
Racial Comrades: As it hasn't been a "secret" that I have been ill this year, along with my physical illness, I've also - to be totally honest with all of you - had a severe bout of mental depression and my "morale" has been a problem as well.It’s NOT simply "movement" related, although that does play a recognizable part that I deal with. It’s the whole spectrum of the life that I deal with. No, I do not intend on giving out a laundry list of my "woes", and I doubt if you're any more concerned about MY "problems", than I personally am about YOURS - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 05, 2016
ANP Report for June 15, 2016
Racial Greetings: I realize that I have not been as frequent in issuing new ANP Reports as in the past, but what with my continuing illness, and in all honesty "writer's block" - after literally hundreds of archived ANP Reports going back decades - what "MORE" can I, or need I say? Having been born in 1952, and involved in the NS Struggle since I first joined Commander Rockwell's ANP back in 1967 at the age of 16 - I have pretty much "seen it all" when it comes to the Jew-Nited-States gradually becoming the sick, vile and pornographic cesspool … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 15, 2016