The US government, and the West in general, are the real terrorists as they continue with their imperialism and forcing “democracy” upon those who don’t desire it. The US must quit appeasing and fighting for Israel; nobody has caused more carnage in this country than the Jews – from Wall Street to Hollywood, and most importantly, the prolonged meddling in Middle Eastern affairs. Rather than supporting Israel through what appears to be never-ending financial expenditures, perhaps the US should worry more about its own citizens.The US has given $115 … [Read more...] about Western Imperialism and Sponsored Terrorism
Stand Up To The 1%!
Download this ANP propaganda leaflet, make copies, and intelligently distribute them to your White brothers and sisters, who are looking for an answer to the evil that engulfs them in today’s corrupt capitalist empire, once known as America. That answer is modern Twenty-First Century National Socialism, as presented by the American Nazi Party and its adherents. … [Read more...] about Stand Up To The 1%!
Be Part of the Solution!
Download this ANP propaganda leaflet, make copies, and intelligently distribute them to your White brothers and sisters, who are looking for an answer to the evil that engulfs them in today’s corrupt capitalist empire, once known as America. That answer is modern Twenty-First Century National Socialism, as presented by the American Nazi Party and its adherents. … [Read more...] about Be Part of the Solution!
ANP REPORT: March 1, 2019
Greetings Comrades! It is now March and hopefully we'll soon be getting warmer weather. We've sent out one issue of The White Worker to Official Supporters and it was very well received. As you may have noticed we have a fresh new website that has been getting a lot of compliments as well. Many thanks to our new hardworking webmaster!It has been a very busy 2019 for us already and we have many plans for the rest of this year, so please be patient if it takes us a few days or more to respond to your e-mail. Please enjoy this message from Comrade … [Read more...] about ANP REPORT: March 1, 2019
Are you tired of feeling like a foreigner in your own land?
Download this ANP propaganda leaflet, make copies, and intelligently distribute them to your White brothers and sisters, who are looking for an answer to the evil that engulfs them in today’s corrupt capitalist empire, once known as America. That answer is modern Twenty-First Century National Socialism, as presented by the American Nazi Party and its adherents. … [Read more...] about Are you tired of feeling like a foreigner in your own land?
ANP Report: January 14, 2019
Racial Comrades! It’s tax time, and as ever before, we face a situation of taxation without representation. The recurring spectacle of American government in action, or rather inaction, demonstrates the empty promise of capitalist liberal democracy. One-quarter of the US government is shut down, the mighty wheels of our noble Congress and exalted Senate have ground to a halt. Important government posts go unpaid or unoccupied because of a spat about a border wall. Airport security staff and air traffic controllers are working without pay. Some smug, … [Read more...] about ANP Report: January 14, 2019
ANP Report for November 21, 2018
Racial Comrades: I want to first say “WELCOME!” to our new Official Supporters, and those who have really stepped up in their activism for the cause. We NEED people who will take the initiative to send in articles for The White Worker, or design cards for our OS (you know who you are). We need people to provide funding for our operations, and skilled people to volunteer to give a website a major revamp (we know we need an updated website - will you help us with that?). So thank you very much to those who truly believe in the cause of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 21, 2018
ANP Report for October 21, 2018
Racial Comrades: During the months of August and September we were treated to another example of American democracy in action: the pitiful circus within the walls of the U.S. Senate where just another tool of corporate and financial interests was subjected to confirmation hearings for a seat on the Supreme Court. I say subjected, because the entire process was characterized by innuendos blown up into ludicrous blasphemies, and sham righteous indignation exhibited by all parties involved. The hearings were just another indication of how badly we are … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 21, 2018
ANP Report for September 24, 2018
Racial Comrades: Thank you to those loyal Official Supporters for writing in desiring to continue the struggle. Thank you to those who have stepped up and offered more involvement in the Party! We are still waiting to hear from many of you, and every one of you is important to our mission. We are very grateful to those who recently sent in donations, and the generosity of some of you has been very encouraging to ANP staff. That said, we are still shy of our fundraising goal to pay for our annual webhosting. If you can contribute some to the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 24, 2018
ANP Report for September 06, 2018
Racial Comrades: This is a very important Report, especially for Official Supporters. Since the last ANP Report, and the recent retirement of Chairman Rocky Suhayda, I’ve received numerous e-mails and lots of questions about the future direction of George Lincoln Rockwell’s organization. Please first read the last Report if you haven’t yet seen it. The main thing I have been asked is a variant of, “Can I still join as an Official Supporter, and if so, is the process the same?” So let me answer that by going over our Party structure, and the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 06, 2018
ANP Report for August 11, 2018
Racial Comrades: I have some unfortunate news to report. After 45+ years years of tireless dedication to the cause of National-Socialism, our Chairman--the voice of National-Socialism in the United States for at LEAST the past 20 years--has retired. He worked relentlessly to spread the positive message of NS to the White masses, and overcame all the many setbacks along the way. John Taylor Bowles, after an equal 45 years in the struggle, has decided to retire as well. There is literally no one else on the planet that deserves a retirement more than … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 11, 2018
ANP Report for June 07, 2018
NS Greetings Comrades!NO, in regards to a number of enquiries, due to my lack of an ANPReport in the month of May - I’m not dead.Although I must admit that during that month, altho I was physically alive, I was "spiritually dead", hence my lack of communication over the past month...You see, being as I am a bit of an Anglophile, the recent marriage between "prince chucky" - who is SUPPOSED to be the REPRESENTATIVE of the English people - and a half-negro mulatto woman, AND its acceptance by the English people themselves, was very depressing to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 07, 2018
ANP Report for April 05, 2018
Racial Comrades: You know folks, writing about the so-called "leadership', or self-promoted Mighty Poohbahs of this garbage can of a "movement", reminds me so much of the "Jerry Springer Show". You know what I'm referring to I'm sure; it’s the mind numbing "entertainment" where the jew boy Jerry, rounds up the most DYSFUNCTIONAL creatures on planet earth, and puts them on display for their "15 minutes of fame.”Well, once AGAIN, a jews-media, puffed up villain who was portrayed by our enemies as the "NEXT HITLER", or the "coming new leader" of white … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 05, 2018
ANP Report for March 10, 2018
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to address a few of the questions and issues that we have received recently here at ANP HQ. First off, the Party has received a number of invitations to take part in these reactionary "fun-fests" being held by the so called "alt right", which honestly is little more than a collection of sad publicity seekers and costumed 'LOOK at ME! posers, who have banded together in the feeble attempt to do what Adolf Hitler warned against in his book Mein Kampf when he spoke of a number of weak organizations attempting to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 10, 2018
ANP Report for January 27, 2018
Racial Comrades: I suppose it is due time for a State of the Party Address to those loyal Official Supporters and Members that have truly dedicated their lives to the National Socialist cause and the 14 Words. I hope that now that the Holiday Season - with its largely materialist overtones and the promotion of greed everywhere you turn - has finally abated, we can get back to REAL work. As for with so many of the NEGATIVE aspects of today's existence in this toilet-bowl for White Working Class Americans - and I've said it before, many times - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 27, 2018
ANP Report for November 21, 2017
Racial Comrades: This year marked my 50th year of ACTIVE involvement in the "racial movement", since I first joined George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party as a youth of 16 years old in 1967. It has been a long road to travel and I wish I could claim that it has been a more successful one than it has.George Lincoln Rockwell had a favorite saying, it went like this - "White Man, What Will It Take To Make You Fight?"After 50 years of trying, I honestly wonder if the White American Worker - White OR Blue collar - really WANTS to be "SAVED"...I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 21, 2017