ANP Report October 10th, 2019
Racial Greetings Comrades, Supporters, Friends! In the last few ANP Reports the matter of uncoordinated, lackluster White Nationalist and NS politics has been at issue. The various ideas and notions have been discussed, each post-WW2 iteration of White cultural survival conducted through political expression was examined, from sensational and futile lone wolf gun violence that will supposedly conjure up a White Revolution, all the way to impractical brainstorms such as alliances with Muslims due to historical precedent and a … [Read more...] about ANP Report October 10th, 2019
We Believe in Honor
The Evil of Our Times
Know Thyself
Jew Puppet
System-Approved Politicians Will Not Save You
ANP Report July 20th, 2019
Racial Greetings to our Comrades, Supporters and Friends! Yes, racial. In the past few weeks, indeed the past few days, the word racist has been used so often you’d think that at long last the word had lost any credible connotation whatsoever. Racist, a pre-fabricated no-thought-needed slur used to indict any perceived taint of “White privilege” in any White person, usually a man, who does not conform to public displays of contrition, i.e. “I am sorry I am White.”He’s a racist. You’re racist. That is a racist remark. That is a racist idea. … [Read more...] about ANP Report July 20th, 2019
Advancing National-Socialism
Special Offer for our Official Supporters!
by OS R.L.Comrades! We have obtained a collection of several copies of The Stormtrooper from the early 1960's. We have them exclusively available in easy to read PDFs. These are legible scans of the original paper copies. The Stormtrooper evolved from Commander Rockwell’s original ANP newsletter, The National Socialist Bulletin. Each issue featured several pages of his articles, stormtrooper personal stories, newspaper clippings, activism reports, artwork, humor and fascinating photographs of barracks life on “Hatemonger … [Read more...] about Special Offer for our Official Supporters!
ANP Report: June 10th, 2019
NS Greetings, Comrades, Supporters and Friends! In the previous two ANP reports, the frustrations and maneuvers within the wider White Nationalist movement, including its repurposed iterations of real or fantasy National-Socialism, have been discussed and analyzed. Many genuine NS comrades would like to take a more active, more visible role in the political promotion of our NS program. Comrades want to spread the word to ignite some reaction, any reaction, among those of our race who are afraid, yes afraid, to either face the … [Read more...] about ANP Report: June 10th, 2019
The Plight of Whites in South Africa
Below you'll find a documentary on the situation facing White people in South Africa. If you think that this can't happen here in the "good ol' U.S. of A." then you are sadly mistaken. Putin--to his credit--has offered more than 15,000 of them asylum in Russia. Meanwhile, our "leaders" are flooding formerly White nations with the refuse of the 3rd world. South Africa reported an all-time high for murders in 2017, with a record of 20,336 incidents throughout the year – a 9% increase from 2016. Finally, it is often claimed that Africa is for black … [Read more...] about The Plight of Whites in South Africa
Activism is Fun!
The following contribution came from one of our Official Supporters (OS) and I thought I would share. Enjoy! - ANP StaffSince I bragged on Gab how I was going out to spread the Good News, I thought I'd let you know how it went. It was better than I expected!I spent from late morning to late afternoon and unloaded every last piece of literature I had: stickers, cards, flyers, posters, old White Worker issues, everything (took a long time to cross out our old Westland address, but waste not, want not)! Hundreds of items! I visited 5 towns.I hit … [Read more...] about Activism is Fun!
ANP Report May 5th, 2019
The April 14, 2019 edition of the ANP Report began an analysis of conditions and attitudes within the various groups and movements loosely defined as White Nationalist. The outlook for the White race is worse than grim, and the state of viable, political White Nationalism is just as dismal. Nearly every political manifestation of White Nationalism has at its core a vainglorious leader who believes that he alone can lead us to salvation. These entities come and go leaving nothing but disappointment and grudges in their … [Read more...] about ANP Report May 5th, 2019
White Women Unite!
Because the Beauty of the White Aryan Woman must not perish from the Earth.Download this ANP propaganda leaflet, make copies, and intelligently distribute them to your White brothers and sisters, who are looking for an answer to the evil that engulfs them in today’s corrupt capitalist empire, once known as America. That answer is modern Twenty-First Century National Socialism, as presented by the American Nazi Party and its adherents. … [Read more...] about White Women Unite!