Flyer for printing and distribution! Please spread online as well. … [Read more...] about Join the Party that Started it All
ANP Report, January 18, 2022
For many years, the ANP has promoted April as White Pride Month. I usually go all out and promote this on my blog, unfortunately Google has taken that platform away from me. After nearly 11 years, they suddenly decided that my blog violated their community standards. They should have said it violated their NEW community standards, meaning they now embrace "cancel culture". I was canceled. My blog may be gone, but I'm still here doing what I've been doing for over 12 years - fighting for the Aryan Race.The reason we chose April as White Pride Month … [Read more...] about ANP Report, January 18, 2022
State of the Party 2022
Racial Comrades!National-Socialist greetings for the New Year of 2022! As Rocky Suhayda once wrote, "Well, it the New Year, and its time to get back into the saddle for a ride back into the struggle against the darkness." First off, I wish to thank all of you Party Comrades who sent well wishes over the Yule-Tide season, and especially those who kept the faith, and continued their activities on behalf of the NS Struggle, despite the diversions caused by the holidays. Our enemy never takes a day off, and they have billions of dollars to spread … [Read more...] about State of the Party 2022
ANP Report, December 22, 2021
Well, Christmas is almost upon us. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our comrades a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The tyrants in Washington have more or less advised us to cancel Christmas - like they did last year. Fortunately, most people didn't listen and I'm sure even fewer will listen this year. These heartless SOBs have even told us that if we intend to gather this Saturday, we should shun members of our family who have not been vaccinated. May I remind everyone that the vaccine neither keeps you from … [Read more...] about ANP Report, December 22, 2021
What We Are NOT
Information for potential recruitsTo EVERYONE who is considering joining, I hope this post might make clear what the ANP is all about, and specifically, what we are definitely NOT. We are a political-education organization. We are not “street theater” and we have no intention of getting our peoples’ faces plastered on the jews-media so they can lose their jobs and livelihoods, accomplishing nothing but some brief entertainment and a “good feeling.” In the 20+ years I’ve been doing this there have been numerous flashy groups that get attention … [Read more...] about What We Are NOT
The Role of Women in National-Socialism
We were recently asked the following question:I would like to know your opinions on women leaders within the Aryan society. I am also wondering what the parties stance is on the allocative efficiency within the soon to be Aryan society. Will goods be state-owned or will the economy be free-market based?A fair and reasonable question. Here is our response:You ask about women leaders in Aryan society. Coincidentally, this past week I have been reading through a newly acquired copy of Culture and Custom (Zucht und Sitte) magazine from 1943, … [Read more...] about The Role of Women in National-Socialism
ANP Report, December 1, 2021
Well, it's that time of the year again - Christmas shopping time. After the disgusting display I saw and heard of at the department stores on Black Friday, I knew that once again I'd better write one of my annual reminder articles.We all want to provide our families with a merry Christmas. But as I always say, Christmas isn't a time for receiving - or giving material things. It's a time for giving of yourself.All too many people think that Christmas is a time for filling orders. People tell you what they want and you do your damnedest to comply. As … [Read more...] about ANP Report, December 1, 2021
Our Bodies, Our Choice!
New free flyer! Simple message that will resonate with many anti-vax White people and isn't overtly National-Socialist. … [Read more...] about Our Bodies, Our Choice!
ANP Report, November 15, 2021.
Hey there, Comrades! It's me again. I know it's been almost a month. I hope you haven't forgotten your old buddy Dan.I wanted to bring everyone up to speed on what your leadership has been up to. We have been having bi-monthly Zoom staff meetings and we're really making some progress towards a more focused effort on the part of the ANP. It's also giving us a chance to connect with each other on a personal level, and that in itself is a good thing.One of the things we have discussed is a new electronic method of donating and paying dues. We've … [Read more...] about ANP Report, November 15, 2021.
No Forced Vaccines!
New Flyer! Did you know that Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP was opposed to vaccinations? They were on the right side of history. Cut these out carefully and distribute all over town. … [Read more...] about No Forced Vaccines!
ANP Report, October 20, 2021
You know what I read recently? It seems there's some jackass at the FDA who thinks the government should start using drones to shoot darts full of vaccine at the unvaccinated. Can you believe some idiots?!Aside from being incredibly unconstitutional, it's incredibly dangerous. Even if the vaccine is safe (which it isn't), there are some people who are allergic to it and could die. There are also people like me who have been told by our doctors we shouldn't get it because of a medical condition. I could have a very dangerous reaction even if it was a … [Read more...] about ANP Report, October 20, 2021
Feeling Overwhelmed? New ANP Flyer!
We’re going to start putting up new flyers on our website at LEAST every month, and we need YOU to distribute them! Print out 50, fold them in half, head to a WalMart and put these under car windshield wipers. Repeat and repeat in every parking lot across the country. … [Read more...] about Feeling Overwhelmed? New ANP Flyer!
ANP Report: September 19th, 2021
From the desk of the chairman.Greetings Comrades!To say that the past year has been wild would be quite an understatement. Right now, there are 15,000 black Haitians at our border waiting to be let in by our "public servants" (as they used to be called). Mestizos from south of the border are streaming over, and close to 100,000 Afghan cave-dwellers will be forced into our neighborhoods from the 20-year war for greed that cost countless lives and trillions in taxpayer dollars. Meanwhile, the system's schools are continuing to teach pedophilia, … [Read more...] about ANP Report: September 19th, 2021
Subscribe to The White Worker!
Join with us for the cause of National-Socialism! Isn't it time to get involved?? … [Read more...] about Subscribe to The White Worker!
Labor Day in the USA
Steve DavenportThe working class of this country are little more than slaves. Workers have no rights. Power is with the employers. We live under the domination of a RICH ruling elite, an elite that feels workers don't deserve any benefits. Look at Branson, and Bezos. Instead of contributing to the health of others, they take joy rides into space. A worker can be fired for no real reason; it's all up to the employer. Our working class stay with their jobs for fear of losing what little health benefits they get. Too many jobs are going to … [Read more...] about Labor Day in the USA
ANP Report, August 29, 2021
Sorry I've been away so long. No excuse, really. A lot has happened in the last month. Not so much with me, but with current events.First, I'm sure you're all aware of the Afghanistan disaster. Dementia Joe really bungled that one. He's actually put the blame on to Donald Trump, if you can believe it. When Trump began plans for the pull out back in May, 2020 he, like most everyone (including any Democrats that were not involved in the election fraud) were certain that he'd be reelected. I'm also certain that he had plans for the safe and … [Read more...] about ANP Report, August 29, 2021