Greetings Comrades,Just a quick note that the deadline for submissions for inclusion in the April edition of The White Worker is a week from tomorrow, March 31st. If that proves too tight a deadline for some who have an article they really want for this next issue, let me now and we might be able to work something out. I know that many parts of the country have Spring Break this week and next.We did have a number of new contributors last month, all very well received and I thank each and every one of you. I’m happy to report that submissions are … [Read more...] about The White Worker Submission Deadline for April
ANP Report: March 15, 2025
Comrades, I don't know how good this report will be because I have been sick as a dog all week. I have no idea what I've got, but I'm pretty sure it isn't Covid because I don't have any lung issues. I'm not going to go into the symptoms because some of them would simply be TMI. Suffice it to say that I am sick with something.Anyway, I can't believe the winter is almost over. Just a few more weeks and spring will have sprung. Technically spring starts next week, but I mean the spring weather. It doesn't matter what the calender says if it's … [Read more...] about ANP Report: March 15, 2025
ANP Report, March 1, 2025
March is finally here. What's so great about March? For those of you who live in the warmer parts of the country, nothing. But for the rest of us, it means hope. The hope that winter won't last forever. Believe me, those of us in the north are getting mighty sick of freezing our butts off, and emptying our wallets every month to pay the heating bill. You're right. Today is no warmer than yesterday, but in less than three weeks, spring will begin. Sure, it will still be cold here in New Hampshire. It's kind of psychological. We associate … [Read more...] about ANP Report, March 1, 2025
The White Worker Submission Deadline for March
Mit deutschem Gruß Comrades!I hope this finds you hale and hearty! This is to inform those so inclined to submit work (article, artwork, funnies, pictures of activities, etc) for the next issue of The White Worker that the deadline for doing so is March 3. The goal is to have it out for distribution sometime in the second week of March.March is a special month, of course, as March 9th is George Lincoln Rockwell's birthday. So this issue obviously has a strong focus on Commander Rockwell.Another "focus" was inspired by the "Much Ado About Nothing" … [Read more...] about The White Worker Submission Deadline for March
ANP Report, February 15, 2025
Comrades, I recently discovered the last unbiased journalist. His name is Charlie Reese and he wrote for The Orlando Sentinal. Unfortuantely he passed away over ten years ago. Even if I give full accreditation to Mr. Reese and The Orlando Sentinal, I don't know if I have the legal right to repost his final column. You'd better read it quickly in case I'm forced to remove it. I hope I am covered by "fair use" laws. Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, here goes. Also, Mr. Reese and The Sentinal are in no way connected with the ANP and do not endorse us in … [Read more...] about ANP Report, February 15, 2025
ANP Report, February 1, 2025
You know what's the best thing about February? It's only 28 days long!Trump has now been in power 12 days. Already some Liberals are calling for his impeachment. Little likely this time. First, he hasn't committed any impeachable offenses. Secondly, the Republicans control both houses. Let the Liberals make asses of themselves. It's fun to watch them.One of the things I support Trump on is the illegal alien situation. He's already begun with the deportations. It seems that a plane load of Columbian illegals were prevented from landing in … [Read more...] about ANP Report, February 1, 2025
ANP Report, January 15, 2025
Well, Trump's inauguration is just five days away. Before anyone gets too happy, let me remind you that as president, he was one of the biggest friends to Israel since its founding. Also, his daughter Ivanka is a converted Jew married to an ethnic Jew. Their children are being raised Jewish. I'm not trying to trash Trump or his family. I'm just reminding people not to like him too much because he is not now nor ever has been a friend to National Socialists.Despite the weather in certain parts of the country, I hope everyone is continuing with … [Read more...] about ANP Report, January 15, 2025
We Want Your Contributions for The White Worker
Dear Comrades,I hope this finds you all healthy and well, especially those comrades in California currently contending with the fires.We are looking for contributions for the upcoming issue of The White Worker.Deadline for contributions is January 27th for the upcoming Double-Issue.There is a lot that could be covered as February is a busy month: The birthdays of George Washington and Charles Lindbergh; the 105th anniversary of the 25-points; and broader topics like the effect DEI priorities have had on the spread of the California fires; the use of … [Read more...] about We Want Your Contributions for The White Worker
Dues and Donations now accepted on-line!
Comrades,As I’m sure many of you know, there are only a handful of reliable vendors who process on-line payments, and all of them are owned by… shall we say… a minority we are not particularly fond of.Many pro-White websites and merchants have been refused service over the last few years, ourselves included, in an attempt to drive them out of business. Using vague “terms of service” violations, they are able to stop all online payment processing without recourse to appeal. Never mind that we do not promote violence or encourage hate in any way. Our … [Read more...] about Dues and Donations now accepted on-line!
Religion in the ANP
Because we get a lot of questions about religion, I thought I'd make a short post about it here.Basically, religious beliefs are a matter of personal choice. George Lincoln Rockwell said, “I care not what religion, club, area or class you come from, nor what bit of colored cloth you wave as a flag. WE are ALL under deadly attack by colored hordes which outnumber us more than seven to one, led by a filthy Jewish, Communist conspiracy!”— George Lincoln RockwellOur focus is on the political realm, not in alienating fellow Whites who have different … [Read more...] about Religion in the ANP
ANP Report, January 1, 2025
Happy New Year to all - even non-Whites and even Jews. This year may prove to be either very exciting, and just a big fat disappointment. I'm speaking, of course of the Trump presidency. Either he'll do very little, as most mainstream politicians do, or he'll keep as many of his promises as possible. I won't be disappointed because I expect Trump do very little that will make a positive change. Am I wrong? We'll have to wait and see.One of the things I'm waiting for is January 6 - the day the election is certified by the Senate. In … [Read more...] about ANP Report, January 1, 2025
A Message From An Official Supporter
We received this message a couple months ago from an Official Supporter (OS) who has been faithful in sending in appropriate dues to help financially support the Party. We are behind on receiving dues payments for many OS and will be cutting those from the organization who have not kept their pledge or communicated with us about their lack of support. This message below is in response to our situation. We would hope that many more would have the dedication that this man does.Sir,I am an XX-year-old Official Supporter of only three years or so. This … [Read more...] about A Message From An Official Supporter
ANP Report, December 15, 2024
This article was written by me and was published in the last issue of the White Worker. I'm reposting it here so everyone will have a chance to read it. For those who already have, you can scroll down to a new post by Comrade Steve Davenport on what happens to countries that were once run by Whites, but are now run by Blacks.The Origins of Santa ClausEvery real American knows who Santa is.The popular conception originates from folklore traditions surrounding the 4th-century Christianbishop Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children. He became … [Read more...] about ANP Report, December 15, 2024
ANP Report, December 1, 2024
I hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving. The holiday season can be very stressful for some. If you are such a person, at least it's over. Just Christmas and New Year's to go. Remember to take things one day at a time, and just try and not let things get to you. I also hope everyone does some literature distribution during this time. Stores are a perfect place. You can do your shopping and drop off some literature at the same time. That's called killing two birds with one stone.If you are afraid of getting into trouble with the store, don't … [Read more...] about ANP Report, December 1, 2024
ANP Report, November 15, 2024
As Thanksgiving approaches, I think it's appropriate that we all take a moment to reflect on all we have to be thankful for.It's true that this country has a lot of problems. However, we're still better off here than in Europe or Canada. At least in this country we still have freedom of speech. The liberals are doing their best to silence us, but all they can do is try and prevent us from getting our message out. They can't have us arrested just for speaking our minds - at least not yet unlike in some countries.In the European Union, you can receive … [Read more...] about ANP Report, November 15, 2024
ANP Report, November 1, 2024
Comrades, I'm going to make this short. It's Halloween, and the trick-or-treaters are coming and going. The election, or should I say selection, is only four days away. I don't have any real faith in the system or in any of the candidates so it's definitely the lesser of two evils for me. For me, that means Trump, as I'm sure it is for all of you. If Harris wins, she'll most likely get two terms. This country can't take eight more years of Bidenomics. Biden is Moderate-Left, but Harris is definitely far Left. We'll be the closest yet to a … [Read more...] about ANP Report, November 1, 2024