Frequently Asked Questions About The American Nazi Party:
Q: Why do you call yourselves “Nazis?” Are you white supremacists?
We are National Socialists, which is a term best understood by the population as “Nazi.” We do not consider ourselves supremacists, but rather as separatists- we believe that racial separation is best for all, White and non-White alike. See this link for a more thorough explanation:
Why use the term “Nazi” and the swastika? Would the Party be more successful if it did not use such
terms or imagery?
No. There is power in a symbol. A well-used symbol can communicate a thousand words. We are National-Socialists and not afraid to proclaim it. We will not edit our identity to be more palatable to the masses. By proclaiming who and what we are plainly we can attract the people who empathize with our cause. We offer a serious movement in need to dedicated activists, not costume parties in cheap SS uniforms.
What does it mean to be an Aryan, and can you be a Nazi without being racially non-Aryan?
The term “Aryan” within our White/European culture simply means “noble person.” A person who is not a Nazi can still be an Aryan as long as they live up to the term. Unfortunately, few White people today would consider themselves Aryans. All of the various European/White tribal entities, such as Germans, French, English, ect, are racial Aryans. A large part of the mission of the American Nazi Party to is to awaken the White population to their cultural heritage.
What are the origins of the Nazi movement in post-war America?
The man responsible for bravely bringing National-Socialism to the United States of America was a decorated Navy Commander named George Lincoln Rockwell. Commander Rockwell first organized and led the Party in 1959, until 1967 when he was murdered because of his beliefs. The previous Chairman during the late 1990’s to 2020 was Rocky J. Suhayda, who joined the ANP in 1967 at the age of 16.
What are the political aims of the American Nazi Party?
Our first goal is attaining what we refer to as The 14 Words- “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.” Our second goal is to achieve social justice for the White working class. Additional aims of the Party include maintaining a healthy environment, a national healthcare system for our People, free intelligence-based education, and free trade schooling for those not suited to university studies.
Why do you hate Jews?
Contrary to popular belief, we are not out to “exterminate” all Jewish people. However, what we do seek is the destruction of Jewish-funded influences on politics and other aspects of Aryan life. For example, politicians routinely approve sending money to Israel at great expense to the American taxpayer. The ANP would end such practices and put the interests of America and its citizens before foreign interests. The individual Jew, who may be a store owner or general “average Joe,” is of no concern to us.
Do you hate non-Aryans?
As stated before, the individual Jew has nothing to fear from the American Nazi Party, and neither does any non-Aryan. National Socialism, and by extension the American Nazi Party, stands for self-determination and autonomy for all of the peoples of the world. Only those who seek to harm Aryan folk are our enemies. If you are non-Aryan and sympathize with our efforts to care for our people and end the exploitive practices of Judeo-capitalism, you may join as an Official Sympathizer here:
If the ANP achieved political power, would there be any plans to build concentration camps?
No. If the American Nazi Party became the preeminent political party in the US then most of the work is done. All that would remain would be to take care of White America and put domestic issues and interests before foreign issues.
As American citizens, do you connect more with your Aryan identity or your American heritage?
We are Aryan/White people who, for the most part, are born in America. Our cultural heritage is European. Aryans built the modern Western world and we seek to continue that trajectory.
What is the difference between the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and the Nazis?
To the best of our knowledge, the KKK has no real political ideology and only have their awareness of their racial heritage. The American Nazi Party is a serious political party and the KKK is a fraternal organization. The American Nazi Party has no affiliation with the KKK and we do not seek affiliation with anyone else. We have our mission, and they have theirs.
It’s been said that America was founded by White God-fearing men. Does the American Nazi Party
oppose people of other religious faiths?
The American Nazi Party does not concern itself with the religious practices of individuals so long as they don’t interfere with National Socialist objectives. The American Nazi Party accepts all “normal” presenting and acting White people into the ranks as long as they agree with our cause and will fight with us to achieve our aims.
Where does the American Nazi Party stand on the LGBT movement?
Generally speaking, the movement of today is seen as a degenerate and culture-destroying movement and the such flaunting of sexual perversions would not be allowed within a National-Socialist state. We feel the old policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” should remain in effect across the board. Homosexuality has existed since the beginning of time and it won’t be squashed out anytime soon, and we acknowledge that. We object to the promotion of such behavior by the media and politicians as an “alternate lifestyle,” and we find such behavior to be objectionable.
Why the focus on race?
We feel that just about everybody is racist, whether they want to admit it or not. This is evident when we see people who prefer to marry within their race or even restrict funeral services to traditional cultural practices. Such behavior is seen in the natural world as well- blue birds will nest and breed with other blue birds, lions will only mate with lions, and people generally prefer to marry within their own race. With the increasing attack on White people by way of interracial marriages, we feel it is best for all cultures to keep to themselves. We don’t want to lose our identity as Aryan anymore than Black people would want to lose their Black identity.
What would the educational system look like in a National Socialist state?
Our system would resemble what was done in National-Socialist Germany. The first nine years of general studies would be open to all citizens. In the tenth year of school students would be vetted to see where their aptitudes lie- those who demonstrate aptitude for academics would be oriented towards university studies, while those who seem better suited for an immediate start in the workplace would be oriented towards trade school. All schooling for citizens would be provided for by the state. By the time students graduated from their respective schooling they would be well-prepared to enter the workforce and do their part in upholding their duties as Aryans and as Americans. It should be noted that foreigners would not be allowed into National Socialist America’s schools, and college placement could not be purchased
so the child of wealthy parents can go to school to party and waste their valuable formative years. A National-Socialist education system would be designed to prepare Aryan people to pay back their community for their education.
Where does the American Nazi Party stand on firearm ownership?
The American Nazi Party enthusiastically believes in individual citizens owning firearms, so much so that we fell all healthy and able bodies White men belong to a sort of “national guard.” Citizens would be encouraged to train with their firearms by way of hunting or target practice.
Does the American Nazi Party believe in free speech?
While National Socialism, and by extension the American Nazi Party, does believe in free speech there are limits. A National Socialist state would not allow for the proliferation of degeneracy as art, such as pornography or sexually charged gay pride parades. The State would also not promote ideas harmful to the preservation of the White race such as race mixing/interracial marriages. If a citizen wants to stand on a street corner and preach to the public about how aliens are coming to abduct him and subject him to probing, they would have that freedom. If he wanted to promote degenerate organizations like NAMBLA (a pro-pedophilia organization) he would be removed from the streets.
Are Nazis skinheads?
Some are in terms of simply being bald, but it’s the behavior that matters. If we wish to grow the American Nazi Party and appear to be serious in our convictions, we as Nazis need to stop acting the way we are portrayed by the Jewish controlled media. Our members act and appear normal and blend in with the public. You may have met one of our members and had no idea. We need to avoid appearing as caricatures or carnival attractions. While a shaved head may suit the member for any number of reasons, face tattoos and foolish behavior will not do our movement any good.
Where does the American Nazi Party stand on groups like the Aryan Brotherhood?
Gangs such as the Aryan Brotherhood were formed in prisons, usually for behavior shunned by the American Nazi Party. We are political activists, not criminals. The American Nazi Party doesn’t cut anyone slack simply because they are racists- if you do the crime, you do the time (with the exception of political prisoners).
How does the American Nazi Party advocate for itself?
Activists with the American Nazi Party may direct their efforts into responsible street activism to raise awareness or by campaigning for political office. Loud and mindless demonstrations simply to waive the swastika in front of an indifferent or hostile population does little good. Many members have run for public offices that did not require disclosing their political affiliations but still allowed them to advocate for National-Socialist interests. People are far more likely to hear us out when allowed to do so outside of prying eyes. When a member of our Party ran for a school board position he lost the election, but more importantly he gained thousands of votes. These votes came from people who voted for an avowed Nazi. These same people aren’t likely to have proclaimed their vote publicly, so we aim to make people aware of our cause and give them the opportunity to let their votes speak for itself.
Is racial purging a goal of the American Nazi Party?
As stated before, there are no plans or intentions of exterminating anyone. What we do want to is to build an all-White country. If such a place existed, we would happily move there but unfortunately many predominantly white nations are being forced to accept third world refugees into their communities and into their gene pools. With them come increased crime and destruction of the local customs and degradation of White heritage. There are many all Black nations and all Asian nations- we feel it’s perfectly reasonable to want an all-White nation.
If Germany and America ever went to war again, who would you support?
Modern day Germany is as degenerate as present-day America. The American Nazi Party would always fight for the people, the blood, rather than government interests. Generally speaking our race is our nation.
What would you say to Whites who do not acknowledge their Aryan heritage?
We would remind them that the civilized world was built by Aryans, and Aryans are responsible for countless works of art, architectural marvels, and feats that have moved the human race as a whole, such as our advancements in space. With the exception of South Africa (a White influence nation), Africa does not have a space program. Our ancestors struggled against great odds to advance our race and it is incumbent on us to continue that struggle for our people. Once your culture and identity is lost, it is difficult, if not impossible, to regain it. As stated before, we do not want to lose our racial identity like
other races do not wish to lose their identity.
Why doesn’t the American Nazi Party engage in demonstrations like other groups do?
Such events devolve into little more than media circuses that serve as ammunition for the media to discount our message. While agitation can have its place (as Commander Rockwell has said interviews regarding wearing a Nazi uniform), the American Nazi Party prefers to avoid such spectacles in favor of actual political actions or responsible street activism to awaken Whites to their racial heritage. Large scale media circuses simply present an opportunity to present an articulate member of the opposition over a cherry-picked knucklehead waving a swastika flag, painting activists as poorly educated racists unworthy of attention. The event turns into something resembling a zoo rather than a political event. We feel by directing our efforts with a more laser-like focus we can better achieve our goals. Until the American Nazi Party can show large numbers at an event the American Nazi Party will not hold such demonstrations, and if we did they would not be the spectacles that are held by other groups. It is for this reason that the American Nazi Party currently doe not utilize Nazi uniforms adorned with unearned badges and flashy armbands. We are a serious political movement, not a Nazi cosplay group.
Where does the American Nazi Party stand on the Holocaust?
To put it simply, we don’t care. The alleged Holocaust happened before the birth of our membership and our focus is on modern day. Before you condemn National Socialists for their so-called war crimes it should be remembered that the Allies killed countless innocents in European bombing runs and even incinerated entire cities at once with atom bombs. The Communists killed millions of their own people during and after World War II. Our focus is on our efforts today.