Racial Comrades: This month, I turned 61 years old. Not a "big deal" to just about anybody on planet earth, including myself - except perhaps that in one year, I'll be able to get some of that money that I've been paying into Social Security most of my lifetime - BACK - before ZOG decides to cut the whole program...Yes, that�s the direction America seems to headed, for an old coot like myself. Boy, have I seen the CHANGES in the U.S., since I was born "waaaay back" in 1952! It's certainly NOT the America that I was born into anymore. For you … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 27, 2013
ANP Report for January 27, 2013
Racial Comrades, Continuing with my previous ANPReport of last week, I would like to review what I believe we need to "do" within the NS/WN struggle to improve our chances to achieve success. I will be incorporating a number of suggestions that readers have sent to me, per my request that YOU also contribute some positive ideas. First off, we need to ask ourselves "WHY" our message - which IS so damn CORRECT - still seems not to have gotten through to the masses of disaffected White Americans. One BIG reason, that several of you passed on … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 27, 2013
ANP Report for January 17, 2013
Racial Comrades: The year is now 2013, as we have already mentioned on our last ANP Talk-Shoe radio-show, this year MUST be somewhat DIFFERENT than all the other years gone bye. As we discussed on the radio-show, the current "state of NS/WN" compared to the PAST - is DISMAL - and is GROWING MORE DISMAL as we speak. Compared to the past, both NUMBERS of people taking part, as well as the "RESOURCES" available are shrinking, rather than growing. I realize that the TRUTH hurts, but its time we accepted the TRUTH, rather than wishful thinking. We … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 17, 2013
ANP Report for December 30, 2012
Racial Comrades: Recently I received a request from a Russian White-Nationalist organization/publication to answer a list of queries, that they wished to submit. I thought that this would be once again, a good chance to both educate and entertain you with my answers. Please enjoy - Sending the first list of questions. After your response, I will send a second list of questions, as I may have questions based on your answers.Questions: 1. Salute! Introduce yourself and tell us about your organization: when and under what circumstances … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 30, 2012
ANP Report for December 08, 2012
Racial Comrades: I'm sure that just about everyone reading this knows the seasonal poem "The Night Before Christmas". It was only written a little over a century ago, so its "time-frame" isn't that far off in some unknown ancient days, that we today cannot comprehend it.Yet, can you imagine the days, when children were HAPPY to receive a "STOCKING-FULL" of presents and gifts?I remember an episode of the old tv program "Little House on the Prairie" about one of their Christmas's. The girls received in their stocking, - a heart shaped "store bought … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 08, 2012
ANP Report for November 24, 2012
Racial Comrades: You know folks, the reactionary, right-wingers in this country never cease to AMAZE me! They are ALWAYS looking for an "easy way out" - and "DOING" the most useless, nonsensical nonsense to AVOID DOING what really needs to be done - simply because what needs to be done, will take HARD WORK and SACRIFICE. The latest SCAM that they have come up with - AFTER playing around with the "Tea-Party" fraud, which turned out to be REPUBLICRAT "pressure valve" ( where the disaffected blow off a little steam, before they get angry enough to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 24, 2012
ANP Report for November 05, 2012
Racial Comrades: By now I'm sure that all of my many readers are aware that the so-called "nsm" hollywierd nutzi circus, commonly referred to as the "National Satanist Movement" (because its Chairman Clifford Herrington, is the High-Horned-Hinkydink of the "Joy of Satan" cult...no, no kidding) has as its "kommander" an individual by the name of Jeff Schoep - who was/is married for four years to an ARAB woman named Joanna, who, previous to her marriage to the kommander - had been married to a NEGRO for nine years and has a BLACK daughter named Amber … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 05, 2012
ANP Report for October 24, 2012
Racial Comrades: Yesterday I had a phone conversation with one of our Party Comrades. This individual has only been with the ANP, for around six months or so, and already I felt a sense of "DESPERATION-ITIS" issuing forth from this fellow. "Things just weren't happening fast enough" to suit this person. And this isn't the first man or woman, who I've run into, with this kind of thinking unfortunately. Just WHAT did they have in their minds, when they decided that �Yes! I'm going to get involved in being part of the SOLUTION, instead of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 24, 2012
ANP Report for October 13, 2012
Racial Comrades: The ANP has been getting numerous messages from sincere people, about "WHO" the Party is supporting in this year�s electoral shell-game. I would have THOUGHT by now, that everyone would have figured out, in all honesty, it doesn't REALLY matter WHO gets elected - NOTHING is REALLY going to CHANGE - except for the WORSE! How can I make such a statement? Well, it�s quite simple - in order to affect REAL CHANGE - we HAVE to CHANGE this whole rotten SYSTEM! Simply putting in a new sock-puppet, OR keeping the old one isn't … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 13, 2012
ANP Report for September 27, 2012
Racial Comrades: Are you getting tired of LOSING, of seemingly no matter WHAT the Racial Movement attempts to DO - it seems to get NO WHERE? Well, so am I! I myself have been involved in this "racial struggle" since I was a teenager and first joined Rockwell's ANP back in 1967 at the age of 16 - and that is a VERY long time to "bang your head against a stone wall" of IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY, COWARDACE and APATHY of my White brothers and sisters. With each passing year, things have gotten WORSE - RACIALLY and ECONOMICALLY - for America's White … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 27, 2012
ANP Report for September 11, 2012
Racial Comrades: Being that the American Nazi Party is now the ONLY serious National Socialist organization left standing in America, after the disgusting EXPOSURE of the so-called "nsm's" OUTING of its "Kommander" Jeff Schoep as having been married to an ARAB woman named Joanna, who does indeed have a BLACK daughter named Amber from a previous marriage to a negro, for the past four years - and who is now divorcing him for adultry - can anybody honestly believe that a RACE-MIXER can lead a NS organization? WHAT WOULD ADOLF HITLER or GEORGE LINCOLN … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 11, 2012
ANP Report for August 21, 2012
Racial Comrades: Soon, within a few months we will once again be called to the polls and asked to pick another sock-puppet, in this tweedle-dee tweedle-dum farce called "democracy". What a JOKE!Look at your so-called CHOICES - a MULLATO MILLIONAIRE and a PALE-FACED MILLIONAIRE - wow, what a selection! And here was little ol' me, thinking that we were SUPPOSED to be CHOOSING a "REPRESENTATIVE" fellow American - that represents ME, my lifestyle and my best interests. Well, I guess that the JOKE�S on ME! It�s been a VERY long time - since WHEN? - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 21, 2012
ANP Report for August 02, 2012
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to discuss with all of you, the REASON WHY - I believe that the "White Movement" has been such a FAILURE - and WHAT we NEED to "DO" to change this sad state of affairs. In the past, I have often written about the MANY things WRONG that our White "movement" does - from harping ONLY upon the "race issue", to allowing IN freaks, weirdo�s, mental defectives, the whole "nine-yards" - simply read some of these archived ANPReports. I really don't want to have to re-hash it again today. But, there IS - ONE - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 02, 2012
ANP Report for July 17, 2012
Racial Comrades: I realize that this latest ANPReport was very late in coming, but in all honesty, I personally have felt a bit overwhelmed by all that needed organizing for our ANP National Conference that took place this weekend, here in Metro-Detroit. I know that I state that every year, its bigger and better - but, this year's WAS the most successful I've hosted. I honestly feel sorry for those Comrades who couldn't afford to attend. To those who COULD have afforded the trip, but were too lazy - well, you missed out on a very good … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 17, 2012
ANP Report for June 14, 2012
Racial Comrades: Recently I had the opportunity to do another Q&A for the jeffpearlman.com blogsite, which will be more explained once you've read further. "Why" did I bother doing an interview with a self-professed "jew"? Well, first off, he was polite, yet open about his request, which I found refreshing - most "media" are pitiful LIARS when it comes to requests, promising to be "fair and balanced" - and in the end, they "twist and cut" so magnificently that you are amazed at what you "SUPPOSEDLY" said! LOL Secondly, I was curious to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 14, 2012
ANP Report for May 28, 2012
Racial Comrades: Well, today is "Memorial Day" - to me personally it's about the saddest "day" on the calendar to "celebrate". The jew-tube is filled with PHONY "war movies" that for the most part - glorify people killing each other - and for a very large part, portraying "hero's" to be freaks and dysfunctionals like "Kelly's Hero's", or "The Dirty Dozen" as those who typified the people who "WON the WAR". Real soldiers who FACED COMBAT must shake their heads in amazement, by the jew's hollywood notion of WHAT real war is really like. REAL war isn't … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 28, 2012