Racial Comrades, well the November, 2013 election cycle is over, and once again - there were NO - that's ZERO folks - NS/WN candidates taking part. NO real choices for those angry people out there, who ARE fed up 101% with the "two party" swindle. That's SAD folks. That's unacceptable. Instead there is still a smattering of the "usual" nonsense, that passes as "activism" in this so-called "racial movement" - you know, the tiny street-walks of a handful of (usually) costumed caperers, OR the pitiful media-whoring in front of the controlled … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 06, 2013
ANP Report for October 16, 2013
Racial Comrades: Every "1st World" nation ( White nations ) on planet earth HAS a National Health Care policy, that is paid through the people�s taxes - and they cover ALL the needs of their citizens - EXCEPT the Jew-S-of-A. WHY? Everyone with a working brain realizes that this current Judeo-Capitalist scheme posing as "Obama-Care" - is nothing more or less - than MAKING the populace BUY "medical insurance" from the Corporate Powers that...SELL IT. Yep, under this present SYSTEM - you HAVE to BUY IT! WHY? Well, to make the corporate entities … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 16, 2013
ANP Report for October 01, 2013
Racial Comrades: Often I write things that make folks "uncomfortable", and or "shock them" by what I believe to simply be the blunt, honest, TRUTH - instead of the "comfortable" PABLUM that is usually fed to people, by the run-of-the-mill talking heads out there. Today is going to be no different, so if you are looking forward to hearing some "Rah-Rah, we got'em on the run boys!" nonsense - well, perhaps you ought to go back to your video games...Often, I hear from people who ask "why" isn't the WN "Movement" doing as well as the Golden Dawn … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 01, 2013
ANP Report for September 11, 2013
Racial Comrades: Well, here it is Sept 11th - again. Yep, it's getting to the point where I'm getting REALLY disgusted about all the crying and moaning about this "holohoax style" - "Remembrance Day" - propaganda. "HEROES?" This was the WORLD TRADE CENTER folks, right in line with the parasites and vampires on WALL STREET - I find it damn right IRONIC - that of ALL the targets that could have been hit, it was this pack of thieves that got it in the neck! Hell, I only WISH that ALL of WALL STREET could have been "SHOCK & AWE'D". Btw, how … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 11, 2013
ANP Report for August 29, 2013
Racial Comrades, Once again "Labor Day" is coming up, and true to form, everything BUT - the HONORING of America's White Workers - is in full play. Oh, there are the "SALES", and the "Bar-B-Q's", and and the carnival-like nonsense - but, WHERE is even a MENTION of the PEOPLE WHO BUILT this nation out of a wilderness? In all honesty, beyond the occasional babbling about non-White "civil-rights hero's" - does this sick, degenerate, Judeo-Capitalist society EVER "honor" a NON-WEALTHY Aryan anymore? Not to my knowledge...Until the advent of the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 29, 2013
ANP Report for August 03, 2013
Racial Comrades: I'm sure that all of you are by now aware that Detroit has finally cashed in its chips, and has filed for bankruptcy. Here in the "wealthiest nation on earth", a major metropolitan area has reached the point - which I have been pointing out for a decade now, if you'll bother reading our archived ANPReports section - where spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave, "giving the gravy-train" to just about ANYONE or ANYTHING but OURSELVES, with their hand stuck out, has finally REACHED its obvious and ultimate conclusion. And … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 03, 2013
ANP Report for July 20, 2013
Racial Comrades, well here it is July already and I'd like to take the time to review the Party's progress so far this year. Unlike most organizations out there, the ANP produces HARD-COPY materials for its adherents - both OUTREACH and educational. I'm happy to be able to state that our monthly magazine The White Worker hasn't missed a publication date in 2013 ( the 20-page July Issue, has been published and is in the mail to those who DESERVE IT , ie are in Good-Standing per their pledges and $upport ) and the quality has not only keep … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 20, 2013
ANP Report for June 25, 2013
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to address my few words to "Paula Deen". Recently you have been faced with the wrath of the "Politically Correct" crowd, for sometime in your life - having used the slur word "nigger". Apparently, such usage is worse than being a PEDOPHILE, or perhaps a U.S. governmental politician, - and the whole of the Judeo-Capitalist system is crying for your blood - as an "EXAMPLE" to the rest of the sheeple - IF they DARE think outside the P.C. box. Like "Mel Gibson" before you - who spoke on the JEWISH role … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 25, 2013
ANP Report for June 13, 2013
Racial Comrades: For literally years now, I have been stating that the land that we live in - the Good 'ol Jew-S-A - despite all the smug proclamations that "we are the land of freedom, hence our 'enemies' hate us" - is a LIE.We live in a POLICE STATE, pure and simple - and these latest exposures of ZOG's SPYING on America's populace are simply ONE MORE example - of WHAT ( because of a very brave young man, who put everything in his life on the line to bring this to light ) this evil, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist monstrosity IS capable of! White … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 13, 2013
ANP Report for May 18, 2013
Racial Comrades: Sorry it's been awhile, I've had some "problems" but they've been resolved and now I'm back in the trenches. During my absence, I'm proud to note that the Party carried on, with the loyal and dedicated Party Comrades carrying the ball, and continuing our organizations progress as it is organized to do. I personally wish to thank these men and women for their efforts - THEY are what MAKES an organization REAL. As Comrade Bowles often states - it's a TEAM EFFORT! What's "new" to report upon? Well, not much has changed has … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 18, 2013
ANP Report for April 29, 2013
Racial Comrades: While re-printing the booklet "German Law and Legislation " by Dr. Erich Schinnerer, of the University of Berlin - which was printed by the NS Terramare Office in 1938 - I came across a number of very interesting FACTS, that I thought I would like to share with all of you today.Btw, if you would like a copy of this booklet, you can find it available in the "merchandise" section of our website - it makes very interesting reading...I quote "One special factor that played a large part in bringing about an estrangement between the laws … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 29, 2013
ANP Report for April 09, 2013
Racial Comrades: On April 20th, all true National Socialists will remember and honor Adolf Hitler's birthday - hopefully in a manner that He would approve. Since he was a NON-DRINKER - I sincerely hope - that you are not going to "raise a glass" in supposedly His honor, as that would be kind of disrespectful, eh? It would resemble "lighting one up" in His honor - as He was also a NON-SMOKER! Gee, wasn't there SOME foible that this man could be accused of? Maybe He ran around with loose women - nope, He had ONE woman in His life - Eva … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 09, 2013
ANP Report for March 26, 2013
Racial Comrades: "As useless as teats on a bull" - that's a saying that my grandfather used to use pretty often when I was a kid, to describe certain situations in life. Being a coal-miner and a small-time farmer, he was an "earthy" sort. Honest, but blunt...Well, Comrades - I think that his saying, pretty much sums up the present status of this so-called "Racial/White Nationalist" movement pretty darn well. I ought to know, having been involved "in this", since I first joined George Lincoln Rockwell's ANP, back in 1967 at the age of 16. After … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 26, 2013
ANP Report for March 22, 2013
Racial Comrades: My last few messages have been meant from the heart, and I hope that I've gotten through to at least a FEW of you - of the NECESSITY - to re-direct and clean up our Struggle, from the mess that it�s in, what with all the weirdo�s, freaks and dysfunctionals who unfortunately infest it. And turning it from being a FREAKSHOW - and INTO a REAL, SINCERE, White POLITICAL EFFORT. You know - actually CAMPAIGNING in REAL POLITICS? Well, today - I want to SHOW very CLEARLY to all those who insist on contacting the ANP, and requesting … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 22, 2013
ANP Report for March 07, 2013
Comrades, This March 9th, will be the birth-date of Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, and to HONOR this great Aryan Hero - the American Nazi Party is launching a NATION-WIDE - DAY of DISTIBUTION, all across America! This weekend, I urge each and everyone of you who claim to be a National Socialist, along with ANY sincere White Nationalists who APPRECIATE what Lincoln Rockwell SACRIFICED during his entire life for our Folk - to TAKE PART! The weather has gotten good enough throughout much of the nation, that STICKERING can be effective. As … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 07, 2013
ANP Report for February 12, 2013
Racial Comrades: In continuing in our review of "how we need to, and can improve this movement" - I would like to continue with some of the thoughts and ideas, that YOU have sent in, per my request. So far, we have suggested that we need to IMPROVE the "FACE" - ie the "SPOKESPERSONS/REPRESENTATIVES" - that serve as the "PUBLIC FACE" for the NS/WN struggle ( please review the previous ANPReports for 2013 ). As well, we have decided that a PURGE of the HUMAN-GARBAGE that infests our Struggle is also of the highest priority. Good! Now, lets … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 12, 2013