As we are seeing with Biden taking office, his puppeteers will proceed to destroy white Aryan America. He will throw open the borders, and we will be inundated by masses of mestizos. What is it about white liberals that they feel sorry for people who are alien and primitive in the eyes of white civilization? The liberals will give all power to the non-whites and will shut down the country pushing blacks to "take revenge" on whites. Our race is in danger at the hands of its own members. Biden and his liberals are deadly poison that too many whites … [Read more...] about Biden & Asylum
Democracy is a Failure
"Capitalism is the enemy of nationalism."Our democracy is failing. It has myriad problems, that won't be getting any better. Only worse, especially as we become a non-White nation. There is terrible polarization. Consensus building is not working any more. There is terrible gridlock. Nothing can be agreed on or done. The body politic is hyper fragmenting, as each separate group wants its piece of the pie. (There are only so many pieces to be had). There is no loyalty anymore. Right now, 10% of the population owns roughly 70% of the wealth, and that … [Read more...] about Democracy is a Failure
ANP Podcast!
Greetings Comrades! We have a brand new, official podcast for National-Socialism and you can check it out here: have only just begun but have a lot of great content planned for this. We'll have lively discussions on a variety of issues, and hope you will subscribe and share this new ANP project.Please e-mail us if you would like to be involved with this! … [Read more...] about ANP Podcast!
Meet A Corona Virus Patient
Like I've been saying, they're making mountains out of mole hills. Most of the real victims of this thing are small children, the elderly, or those who were already sick with something else. If you are a basically healthy person, I wouldn't worry about dying from this stupid virus. Just stay calm, don't panic, and most importantly, don't be an dumbass and try and buy out the bloody stores. … [Read more...] about Meet A Corona Virus Patient
The China Virus
Racial Comrades: First of all I would like to say that while the weather is improving in most areas, our activism never stops, and is ramping up during this crazy time! We are encouraging our Official Supporters and Members to stay the course in fighting for the 14 Words. The U.S. government's MASSIVE overreaction to the Wuhan virus COVID-19 changes nothing for us. If anything, this shows the clear power the media has over the minds of Americans in creating mass paranoia over a MINOR illness.While every death is a tragedy for loved ones, as of … [Read more...] about The China Virus
We Must Unite as a Race
by S. DavenportOur Aryan people have--for way too long--been warring among ourselves. We have had countless inter-Aryan wars. This must stop, and stop now. We white Aryans must unite. MUST. Our very existence as a race is in jeopardy. We White Aryans have many enemies. All dedicated to our destruction. The blacks, the jews, the mestizos. All want our demise. We must see to it that they do not get their wish. Look at what we Aryans have accomplished while we suffered from tribalism. Think what we can do as a united race! This is what National … [Read more...] about We Must Unite as a Race
The Iran Conflict
Racial Greetings! I wanted to write a quick note to our Official Supporters and those casually reviewing our website to provide our perspective on the death of Soleimani.National-Socialist philosophy makes the care of the Folk of paramount importance. In fact, in our view it is the explicit purpose of the State to concern itself with the welfare of the people being governed over.In contrast, America's judeo-capitalism is a war-based, debt-based, economy that works to increase the wealth of the already wealthy at the expense of all others. The … [Read more...] about The Iran Conflict
ANP Sympathizer Announcement
National Socialist Greetings, Comrades! Allow me to introduce myself. I am James Swanson, non-Aryan Sympathizer Division Director. My responsibility is to provide leadership and mentoring for you, our non-Aryan Sympathizers. First let me start by saying THANK YOU. You are A CUT ABOVE THE REST. Whether you are of a completely different race, part-Aryan, or an Aryan race-mixer, YOU ARE SMART enough to know that a world with NATIONAL SOCIALISM is THE ONLY SOLUTION. You have a special SPIRIT that so many … [Read more...] about ANP Sympathizer Announcement
Victory is Our Responsibility
The following was written by the genius Dr. Josef Goebbels, and much of it is very applicable today. Defeat never, victory forever!Each must start with himself, banishing all weakness and lethargy. He must stand firm and give an example to others, he must be on guard when he hears defeatism. He must be a man and act, work, and fight until we have overcome the gravest crisis of this war. We do not know how long that will take, only that it is necessary if we wish to live. That is true for every German, whether at the front or at home. No one can … [Read more...] about Victory is Our Responsibility
Special Offer for our Official Supporters!
by OS R.L.Comrades! We have obtained a collection of several copies of The Stormtrooper from the early 1960's. We have them exclusively available in easy to read PDFs. These are legible scans of the original paper copies. The Stormtrooper evolved from Commander Rockwell’s original ANP newsletter, The National Socialist Bulletin. Each issue featured several pages of his articles, stormtrooper personal stories, newspaper clippings, activism reports, artwork, humor and fascinating photographs of barracks life on “Hatemonger … [Read more...] about Special Offer for our Official Supporters!
The Plight of Whites in South Africa
Below you'll find a documentary on the situation facing White people in South Africa. If you think that this can't happen here in the "good ol' U.S. of A." then you are sadly mistaken. Putin--to his credit--has offered more than 15,000 of them asylum in Russia. Meanwhile, our "leaders" are flooding formerly White nations with the refuse of the 3rd world. South Africa reported an all-time high for murders in 2017, with a record of 20,336 incidents throughout the year – a 9% increase from 2016. Finally, it is often claimed that Africa is for black … [Read more...] about The Plight of Whites in South Africa
Activism is Fun!
The following contribution came from one of our Official Supporters (OS) and I thought I would share. Enjoy! - ANP StaffSince I bragged on Gab how I was going out to spread the Good News, I thought I'd let you know how it went. It was better than I expected!I spent from late morning to late afternoon and unloaded every last piece of literature I had: stickers, cards, flyers, posters, old White Worker issues, everything (took a long time to cross out our old Westland address, but waste not, want not)! Hundreds of items! I visited 5 towns.I hit … [Read more...] about Activism is Fun!
Western Imperialism and Sponsored Terrorism
The US government, and the West in general, are the real terrorists as they continue with their imperialism and forcing “democracy” upon those who don’t desire it. The US must quit appeasing and fighting for Israel; nobody has caused more carnage in this country than the Jews – from Wall Street to Hollywood, and most importantly, the prolonged meddling in Middle Eastern affairs. Rather than supporting Israel through what appears to be never-ending financial expenditures, perhaps the US should worry more about its own citizens.The US has given $115 … [Read more...] about Western Imperialism and Sponsored Terrorism
ANP Report for November 09, 2014
Racial Comrades: My topic today might seem pretty silly to some of you, and to others it might even seem unnecessary, but I'm afraid that being in the "position" that I find myself - being American Nazi Party Chairman - that it's come time to address it. The "topic" that I'm referring to is this - buying into, and even "believing" - the various hate propaganda poured forth like an open sewer about Adolf Hitler AND the National Socialist idea, through the various channels of enemy propaganda outlets, most of all their numerous movie and … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 09, 2014
ANP Report for October 26, 2014
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to take the time to share with you, the �how� and "why" that I myself first got involved in the National Socialist Struggle, and WHY after so many years, that I am still involved in this eternal fight...I first joined George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party way back in 1967 at the age of 16. I was in high school at the time, and although I had been attracted to Adolf Hitler and National Socialism for quite a few years earlier, I had become aware of Rockwell's ANP, in 1966 through the Party's opposition … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 26, 2014
ANP Report for October 14, 2014
Racial Comrades: In the past centuries, as the White race explored, subjugated and exploited the planet earth, they often brought along with themselves diseases, that while our Folk had become pretty much immune to them, such as the common flu virus, devastated the local indigenous populations - who had never felt the effects of such before.Today, the "Frankenstein Monster" that the jews AND their pale faced lackeys, who "went along to get along�, have created in the White Western world - is preparing to run amuck.�Yes, ALL the various "ills" that … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 14, 2014