Racial Comrades: Well folks, the RICH/CAPITALIST/ELITIST SYSTEM has beenworking hard in the best interests of the White Working Class, eh? Notcontent with passing the " Bankruptcy Reform Bill"...which "REFORMS"bankruptcy to the point where its POINTLESS to "declarebankruptcy"....BECAUSE now, the poor, unfortunate soul HAS TO PAY IT ALLBACK ( HOW? the poor soul is BROKE... listen you worthless piece of whitetrash - SELL your HOME, I don't care if your kids have to sleep in acardboard box! ) to the ruthless, greedy CORPORATE BANKERS, without … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 17, 2005
ANP Report for March 26, 2005
Racial Comrades: In this ANP Report, I am forced by my position as ANPPartyChairman to once again trot out the old "begging hat"...and "pass itaround". I believe that this year could/can be a very important year ofproductivity for our Struggle...but, to be perfectly blunt...wedesperatelyNEED not only COURAGE, INTELLIGENCE, PERSEVERANCE andDEDICATION....throughall the "three steps forward - two steps back"....but, we need FUNDINGaswell, to continue to pay our regular obligations, but also to enable us toembrace new ones as well. The last few months … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 26, 2005
ANP Report for February 19, 2005
Racial Comrades: Recently I was approached by an "Israeli DocumentaryProducer", to answer some questions that he had on the American Nazi Party.After some thought, I came to the conclusion that it would be worthwhile toshare both the questions and my replies with you. I hope they are bothinteresting and informative.> Hi,>> Thanks for responding so quickly. Here are some of my questions:>> 1. Reading Mr. Suhayda I couldn't miss what seemed to me like a> departure from the old school Nazi dogma: the break-up with the right,> at … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 19, 2005
ANP Report for January 29, 2005
Racial Comrades: People often ask me "why" I do not consider myselfa "right-winger" or a "CON-servative" like most racially-aware folksdo. The answer is very simple, although it did take a number of yearsof experiencing life to come to a definitive decision that I could notwallow in that pig pen any longer. I am a White Worker who since theage of 16...has continuously WORKED for a living. I have never gottena "helping hand" from any "government service", much less from anydo-gooder operation either. In fact, after I was fired from my 24 1/2year … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 29, 2005
ANP Report for January 21, 2005
Racial Comrades: Well the New Year is here, and I suppose that the "movement" is over its "holiday" vacation? lol Corporate sock-puppet Bush has just shoved jew Jerkoff forward as Zog's head of "National Security", and I think that this shows clearly just where this year of 2005 is headed. And I think its great for a number of reasons, first off...WHO...would you prefer as the FACE of ZOG? A goy puppet, or the true FACE of the JEW? I myself would love to see every god-damned post filled with a open, gloating JEW! Com' on people, THEY pull the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 21, 2005
ANP Report for December 23, 2004
Racial Comrades: Well, another year coming to a close and theResistance not a hell of a lot nearer its goal than last year thistime, eh? Sorry that this message is a bit late, but to be honestwith all of you...I have been a bit depressed as of late, andsometimes it is difficult to write something worthwhile, if you aredown in the doldrums. lol As of this moment, I still haven't got a"prime topic" to write about for this issue, so I hope that you willall forgive me if I just shoot some "nuts & bolts" out there for youto consider...a few … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 23, 2004
ANP Report for November 23, 2004
Racial Comrades: With "91" of ZOG's paid mercenaries killed inNovember so far in Iraq alone, and an untold number "wounded" (howmany disfigured for life...?) for those of us who lived through theVietnam times...this is all becoming very "deja-vu." The U.S. loses"6" and claims "6,000" of the enemy...soon, Iraq will be totally"de-populated"! LOL WHO actually BELIEVES these stories and staged"photo ops" served up for the public sheeples consumption? Now wehave another story of Iraqi POW wounded being shot and killed infront of the PRESS no less! Was … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 23, 2004
ANP Report for November 12, 2004
Racial Comrades: Recently I received a message from a Comrade whowas feeling despondency over the fact that after all he hadattempted, "he had recruited no-one locally" in his area over to theCause. My answer to him is important I believe, as just about ALL ofus...especially those of us who have been involved "in this" for along period of time (like myself, who first joined Rockwell's ANPback in 1967 as a kid at 16) ...face "burn-out" because of the lackof any real success over the years, after all our dedicated work andsacrifices. After being … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 12, 2004
ANP Report for November 01, 2004
Racial Comrades: Well, BIG news in the "racial movement" as oflate, eh? Old Tom Martineze is deciding to "return to the fold, as aRacial Leader." You know Tom, he's the guy who was the NA Philly UnitLeader for many years under the "Pierce Days"...who betrayed andcaused the ultimate death of Bob Mathews, Leader of the OrderComrades...and who came to TRUST him, because of "all he had done"for the "Publicity Whore Wing" of the Struggle. OH WAIT! Uh, I'msorry...I messed up folks...it's NOT old Tom Martineze who's beinghugged and tugged by so many "net … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 01, 2004
ANP Report for October 05, 2004
Racial Comrades: Well, the 2003 "Official U.S. Census" came out today, and even IFyou accept it at face-value it looks like a DARKER FUTURE admitted by thepowers-that-be...for WHITE people here in America. Why I state that is very simple,go to your local Post Office and check out the "Wanted Posters" there, many of theARAB, MEXICAN, or God only knows "what"...are listed by the system as "white." NowIF they also used that yardstick for applying "race" in the Census count...well,obviously they are counting a LOT of "whites" that AREN'T there. Anyway, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 05, 2004
ANP Report for September 05, 2004
Racial Comrades: Nothing pleases me less than having to spend timedealing with the dysfunctionals within the "racial movement," butbecause of the inference that WE...the American Nazi Party...are"involved" in this issue, I feel the need to set the record straight.It appears that some "Hollywood-Nazi" fantasy dress-up org, isattempting to hold a "rally" (yes, another collection ofcarnival-clowns with a dozen different set of home-made costumes,standing around waving various ill-made placards...while a crowdpelts them with refuse) at the historical … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 05, 2004
ANP Report for August 23, 2004
Racial Comrades: I don't know what its like economically in YOURpart of the country, but in Michigan...if your a White Worker...it'sgetting bleaker and bleaker. Workers here lost another 25,000 jobslast month, nearly two-thirds came from the "manufacturing sector"which totaled 16,000 NEW folks out of work. According to "OfficialStats," Michigan now has around 686,000 "manufacturing jobs"left...DOWN from around 900,000 five years ago! Car lots have a threemonth supply of autos sitting there as folks can't afford to buy,resulting in more "lay-offs." … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 23, 2004
ANP Report for August 06, 2004
Racial Comrades: I guess it's time to write up my "message" andamuse those of you who reach the end of your "steam kettle" and tunein once again, after blowing off some steam earlier and then havingfelt "better" go about forgetting about it (you know, the Struggleyou CLAIM to belong to) again for a while. lol You know, July wasthe DEADEST month that I have ever seen in "our movement" in the 30+years that I have been involved, and observed. That's most amazing, asCONDITIONS for "Revolutionary Activity" are the BEST I have ever seenand each day brings … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 06, 2004
ANP Report for July 19, 2004
Dear Comrades: Recently I wrote a "rebuttal" to a statement by afellow who stated that "Big Government" was THE "problem" that waseffecting America. He went on to denigrate National Socialism underAdolf Hitler, as not a viable alternative as well. I thought youmight enjoy my reply -Dear Sir: Having received this, this morning and being a believer inthe National Socialist ideology...I felt impelled to reply. First off,Bob seems a bit confused in linking Jewish originated "MarxistSocialism" together with Aryan "National Socialism."While he condemns … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 19, 2004
ANP Report for July 02, 2004
Racial Comrades: After thinking about the recent "Protocol"announced by David "Riverboat Gambler" Duke last month, and hismotley circle of "WP BUSINESSMEN ASSOCIATES"...who all agreed that"evil violence" to achieve the 14WORDS...shall NOT enter their minds,speech or deeds. We decided to go it one better and announce our ownset of PROTOCOLS, hence to be known as "THE PROTOCOLS"! LOL, Wesincerely hope that the entire "movement" will heartily embrace thesePROTOCOLS, and that through our "Gandhi/MLK" approach to"REVOLUTION"...we MIGHT be taken off the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 02, 2004
ANP Report for June 20, 2004
Racial Comrades: Since it is once again "election year" in the Tweedle Dee-TweedleDum fantasyland of "D-MOCK-RO-SEE," I thought that it might be the time to stateCLEARLY...WHY...we National Socialists condemn said democracy as not only a SHAM anda FRAUD, but also one of the MAIN obstacles of HARM in the liberation and well beingof our Aryan Folk. In the National Socialist ideology, we believe in the "LeadershipPrincipal" as the prime tenet of our organizational way of life. In the NSworld-view, the populace chooses a "Leader"...whether it be on a … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 20, 2004