Racial Comrades: Last week I exposed the "nsm's" Satanist Connection, and the fact that the groups Chairman, Clifford Herrington was the "High Horned Hinkydink" of the "JOY of SATAN" movement. Read last weeks ANPReport for the LINK that PROVES it! Well, since then I have received a slew of messages from the devil worshipers - including a number of "curses", sent by e-mail no less! LOL Most were too vile to reproduce here, but I thought that this one might give you an idea of "what kind" of cretin seeks to attempt to intermingle SATANISM with Adolf … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 07, 2006
ANP Report for February 26, 2006
Racial Comrades: Out of all the many replies received per last weeks Q&A ANPReport, I chose this Comrades for you to enjoy. This is not meant to "slight" anyone who sent me your thoughts and ideas...I appreciated each and every one, I assure you - and carefully read and studied them all! All I can say and hope, is that our new "acquaintance" with each other, is not a one shot deal. To be blunt - I NEED YOU - our Folk NEEDS YOU - and I'm sorry if it sounds "immodest" - I honestly believe that YOU NEED the American Nazi Party as the only … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 26, 2006
ANP Report for February 21, 2006
Racial Comrades: After taking the time in many previous ANPReports to answer YOUR questions - today, I would like to ask YOU to read a few questions of my own - seriously think about your answers, and reply back to ME. Dialog is a two-way street...through your answers, I'll perhaps find food for consideration. Thanks! ROCK Question #1 - Not utilizing a generic answer such as " I would like to see more people, or I would prefer a bigger, stronger movement "...what would you like to see the movement striving to "do"...that it doesn't attempt at … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 21, 2006
ANP Report for February 13, 2006
Racial Comrades: What do YOU expect out of the "Racial Movement"? I would really like to know, because I'm beginning to suspect your "expectations" don't go much farther than a virtual place where you can HEAR "racial slurs and fantasy tall-tales", BUY somewhat "racially associated trinkets", and last of all...but, certainly NOT least - voice a few "racially charged" comments of your own - OF COURSE, behind a clever "screen name", which is usually somewhat bad-assed sounding like "MightyWarrior" or "KKKelticPrincess". LOL Today, I would like to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 13, 2006
ANP Report for February 05, 2006
Racial Comrades: Once more we gather together for another of our weekly "mass meetings", NOT on the "courthouse steps" where we can't even hear ourselves over the din of the "opposition"...but in an arena where sincere thoughts CAN be disseminated, mulled over and enjoyed...to a crowd of adherents that appreciate what they hear. Studying the stats of our website, we find an interesting fact. In spite of the fact that we PURPOSELY do not have a glut of useless "entertainment" ( on purpose...as it only draws those who are shallow in their thinking, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 05, 2006
ANP Report for January 29, 2006
Racial Comrades: According to Chief Sock Puppet of Corporate U.S.A. Inc., aka "The President"...the ZOG wars around the globe are meant to "bring the voice of democracy" to those fortunate enough not to have to "experience" it. lol Well, over in Palestine - the "PEOPLE" last week VOTED OUT the corrupt "Old Boy" Fatah government, which held sway ( and just about everything else too...remember that "I thought you'd never die Arafat"...and his multi-million dollar Swiss bank-accounts - while the vast majority of "his people" lived in abject poverty? ) … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 29, 2006
ANP Report for January 25, 2006
Racial Comrades: Today is truly a "Black Monday" for the White American worker. Coupled with the 65,000 jobs announced cut last fall by the U.S. auto-industry, along with the 35,000 jobs lost today at Ford Motor Co - we see at LEAST - 100,000 DECENT PAYING JOBS WITH BENEFITS ( not to mention all the "collateral damage" jobs lost due to this ) gone FOREVER to the American worker, and his families. ALL because of the greedy Judeo-Capitalist bastards who are worth MULTI-MILLIONS personally, who are SO determined to fill THEIR bank-accounts with more … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 25, 2006
ANP Report for January 16, 2006
Racial Comrades: Everyday we receive messages from around the nation, and even the world. I thought that today, I would share this particular one with all of you. You see Comrades, todays Aryan finds him or herself trapped in an evil, corrupt ZOG society...that he seems incapable of altering to the better...and yet within the entire world, with no where to escape and run to. It reminds me of the old 70's "The Prisoner" TV series. The "Number 2" villain changes every week, as do many of his fellow prisoners...almost as if to show that although … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 16, 2006
ANP Report for January 08, 2006
Racial Comrades: I recently read the latest diatribe of "NA's" Shawn Walker, where he spent his entire "radio address"...attacking "welfare"...in the finest right-wing/reactionary tradition. He at least had the decency to acknowledge that WHITE people make up the MAJORITY of welfare recipients, as believe it or not...and you wouldn't know it, depending on how the systems media belies the fact...that the vast MAJORITY of POOR in America, ARE White. Mr. Walker takes the view that "welfare is bad", and that folks who are utilizing this … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 08, 2006
ANP Report for January 01, 2006
Racial Comrades: I thought that today, the start of a New Year - opening with PLENTY of NEW OPTIONS for serious Resistence Activity - that I would share a Q&A letter that I recently received. I would also like to take the time to mention that our dedicated ANP Webmasters have now completed re-loading ALL of the Archived ANPReports for your enlightenment and enjoyment. These Comrades really DESERVE a big THANK YOU...for all the time and effort that they have given...towards achieving American Nazi Party goals! This simply goes to show, just what … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 01, 2006
ANP Report for December 18, 2005
Racial Comrades: It being so close to Yule-Tide, I thought that I would share this with all of you. Several weeks after Adolf Hitler's failed revolt in Bavaria in 1923, against his Judeo/Capitalist nightmare system, and while he was awaiting trial in Landsburg prison...those free National Socialists held a Christmas gathering for those Party Comrades whom stayed true to the Faith. Heinrich Hoffmann, one of Hitlers closest friends recounted the incident thus - " The Comrades in the Hitler Movement planned to celebrate Christmas at the Blute Cafe in … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 18, 2005
ANP Report for December 11, 2005
Racial Comrades: If your looking to flee from one of those four U.S. states already MINORITY WHITE...and your fed up and willing to GET INVOLVED (finally) in the Aryan Resistence Struggle - why not consider Michigan? According to a report issued last week by the "FBI" and the "US Attorneys Office"...Michigan just might be the place for you! Even without the city of Detroit reporting their yearly "Aryan Resistence Acts"...Michigan came in number THREE on the hit parade! Bemoaned Linda Parker, Director of the Michigan Civil Rights Department - "We are … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 11, 2005
ANP Report for December 04, 2005
Racial Comrades: Last week we were asked our opinion on the two 13 year old, "Nazi Olsen Twin" singers of the group "Prussian Blue". Well, here I guess that I have to be the ONLY ONE that I am aware of in this "movement"...to speak what I feel to be the truth, and what OUGHT to be said. So many are either afraid of appearing to be a "Grinch", and/or "offending potential supporters". First off, while I am sure that these two lovely little Aryan girls mean well ( and of course, I am very glad that their single mom is bringing them up to have racial … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 04, 2005
ANP Report for November 27, 2005
Racial Comrades: Recently we were asked the Question - How can you ever imagine that the U.S. workers will ever support "revolution" in America, given their high standard of living? Answer - On November 16, DELPHI - the major auto-parts supplier in America announced cutting 24,000 blue-collar jobs over the next three years. On November 18, FORD announced its plans to reduce white-collar jobs by 4,000 workers come March, 2006. On November 21, GM announced that it will slash 30,000 blue-collar employee's over the next three years. As well, GM is … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 27, 2005
ANP Report for November 19, 2005
Racial Comrades: Today, I will answer more of the many questions that you continue to send us. I hope that they will be of interest and enlightenment. Question - What do you think of the group nsm and all their recent success's? Answer - "WHAT SUCCESS'S"? IF you consider getting flooded with NEGATIVE "PUBLICITY" a "success", well that�s where we part company! I realize that 99.9% of the Poohbahs and "Great Personalities" out there in movementland, believe that and I quote "there is no bad publicity"...I strongly disagree. The jews, as pointed out by … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 19, 2005
ANP Report for November 08, 2005
Racial Comrades: Today I will continue with the format of answering your many questions that you continue to send in to us, at least the ones that are so similar as to be called "repeaters". Perhaps through doing so, I can clear the air and do away with many of the myths and legends that the JEWISH BIG LIE media has polluted your minds with. #1 How can you expect to win utilizing open National Socialism as a vehicle for White/Aryan survival? ANSWER - In our minds, National Socialism...ADAPTED to the 21st century and not the re-enactment of some past … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 08, 2005