Comrades,the last day for contributions to the Lincoln Rockwell birthday commemorative issue of the Party magazine is this Wednesday, March 8, 2023!Many ANP members and supporters want to do more for the Party "Cells!" Not the jail kind (the Commander had experienced enough of those) but small Party units collected around the ideals of National-Socialism, taking action step by step as participants in a greater whole: literature distribution, participation in town halls held for the benefit of some typical bought-and-paid-for politician, raising real … [Read more...] about The White Worker – March 2023 Preview
What Grinds My Gears
Well, my computer is up and running again, and I was able to have it updated to Windows 11, so now I'm completely current - until next week when Bill Gates of Hell comes up with something new that we will have to pay him to stay current. I can't stand that weaselly little creep. We're already half done the month and I'm still missing some dues from certain people (you know who you are). If you are having financial problems, please drop us an email and let us know. You don't have to give all the personal details, just let us know you're having a … [Read more...] about What Grinds My Gears
Who is an Aryan, and What Does That Mean?
People are often confused about what constitutes a “white person” and who is to be considered an “Aryan.” First of all, I’d like to present an except from the writings of a great man by the name of Richard Scutari, and what he and his friend Robert J. Mathews had to say about this:“…The Order leader Robert Mathews, a man who fought and died for the unity of White Americans so they would join together in the battle to secure a future for White children. Bob’s requirements were simple and are the only ones that should be used to determine who is … [Read more...] about Who is an Aryan, and What Does That Mean?
Our White Purpose
Our Statement on Patriot Front’s Recent Arrest
Proverbs 29:11 A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.I’m sure you’re all aware of the recent arrest of 31 Patriot Front (PF) guys in Kootenai County, Idaho this past weekend. Many people are asking questions, and we thought we’d shed some light on PF and this incident. Having been around for so long, both as an individual heavily involved in the movement, as well as being involved in the oldest and most professional National-Socialist organization in the United States, we have developed some reliable contacts in … [Read more...] about Our Statement on Patriot Front’s Recent Arrest
What have YOU done today?
What have YOU done today, to secure the future of the White Race? … [Read more...] about What have YOU done today?
Why The Name?
One of the more vexing queries we get from uninformed minors and do-nothing anonymous detractors is why we utilize the ANP moniker. Why, they say, would we use The American Nazi Party instead of something with "National-Socialism" or just something with "pro-White" in the name? Not that the soft-headed adolescents with upturned noses asking this type of question would ever be allowed in the ANP (we DO REQUIRE real-world ACTIVISM after all...), nor are they owed any kind of response, but here is our response regardless. As we have stated previously, … [Read more...] about Why The Name?
Spring Blitz Writing Contest!
Greetings to all! As our annual Spring Blitz outreach campaign comes to a close--and we thank you all for your hard work and activism--we would like to introduce something new for 2022! We typically ONLY allow Official Supporters and Full Members to contribute to our monthly publication, The White Worker, but this year we are announcing a writing contest open to ANYONE with a chance to be featured in an upcoming issue!The topic of this article should pertain to "what does National Socialism mean?" Or "What makes a good National Socialist?" This … [Read more...] about Spring Blitz Writing Contest!
Q & A Regarding Trump and Much More!
If I recall correctly, in 2016, a small movement formed that praised trump as a Hitleresque figure, whether it was under the direct oversight of your party or not is beyond me. What I would like to know is, does the party as a majority still harbor the sentiment that Donald Trump is the harbinger of the rise of a "Fourth Reich"? There were several small groups that latched onto Trump as some kind of Great White Hope. The most prominent was Richard Spencer’s alt-right collection of diluted fascists, “nazis” and generic White nationalists. … [Read more...] about Q & A Regarding Trump and Much More!
The Spring Blitz Literature Campaign Begins TODAY!
From the ChairmanGreetings Comrades! Today is March 9th, and this is a date that is near and dear to every National-Socialist, for it is the birthday of George Lincoln Rockwell. Today also begins our annual SPRING BLITZ literature campaign where White people of ALL pro-White organizations make an EXTRA EFFORT to distribute flyers, cards, and stickers! Please participate, and HONOR GLR & Adolf Hitler with your ACTIVISM and not just empty words of praise. This Spring Blitz goes through the rest of March and all of April, which is White Pride … [Read more...] about The Spring Blitz Literature Campaign Begins TODAY!
Q & A Time
The following questions were given to us from a Russian NS channel on Telegram. You can see their work here: 1) How does the organization feel now? in connection with the current situation In the USAIt is pretty clear that the United States has endured a communist takeover, along with many other nations in the world that are using the COVID scam as an excuse for tyranny. The international jew has been pushing very hard lately for globalism: a one world government at the expense of national sovereignty. There’s a couple ways … [Read more...] about Q & A Time
What We Are NOT
Information for potential recruitsTo EVERYONE who is considering joining, I hope this post might make clear what the ANP is all about, and specifically, what we are definitely NOT. We are a political-education organization. We are not “street theater” and we have no intention of getting our peoples’ faces plastered on the jews-media so they can lose their jobs and livelihoods, accomplishing nothing but some brief entertainment and a “good feeling.” In the 20+ years I’ve been doing this there have been numerous flashy groups that get attention … [Read more...] about What We Are NOT
The Role of Women in National-Socialism
We were recently asked the following question:I would like to know your opinions on women leaders within the Aryan society. I am also wondering what the parties stance is on the allocative efficiency within the soon to be Aryan society. Will goods be state-owned or will the economy be free-market based?A fair and reasonable question. Here is our response:You ask about women leaders in Aryan society. Coincidentally, this past week I have been reading through a newly acquired copy of Culture and Custom (Zucht und Sitte) magazine from 1943, … [Read more...] about The Role of Women in National-Socialism
Subscribe to The White Worker!
Join with us for the cause of National-Socialism! Isn't it time to get involved?? … [Read more...] about Subscribe to The White Worker!
Labor Day in the USA
Steve DavenportThe working class of this country are little more than slaves. Workers have no rights. Power is with the employers. We live under the domination of a RICH ruling elite, an elite that feels workers don't deserve any benefits. Look at Branson, and Bezos. Instead of contributing to the health of others, they take joy rides into space. A worker can be fired for no real reason; it's all up to the employer. Our working class stay with their jobs for fear of losing what little health benefits they get. Too many jobs are going to … [Read more...] about Labor Day in the USA
Values & The Left
by Steve DavenportOur society is dying. It is rotting away. We have lost all the old values that used to keep us strong. Values like bravery, loyalty, intelligence, honesty. All are vanishing. Our society is being poisoned by money worship. Greed Is conquering us. Nothing matters more than pure, unadulterated greed. This is the heart of Capitalism as a system. It all comes down to money. Money gotten at any price. With a system like this, why are we surprised that our society is plagued by scandals? When all that people worship is money, nothing … [Read more...] about Values & The Left