Racial Comrades: Shakespear once wrote, "that when troubles come, they come not as single spies, but in battalions" - and that pretty much sums up the situation for myself over the past month or so.I won't go into the whole litany of listing them, one after another - but, I'll give you the particulars that effected the Party on the whole. First off, my past service provider decided once again, like the others that I have utilized before - that the "complainers" about myself ( per my beliefs ) were more worthy than a regular paying customer of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 01, 2007
ANP Report for July 01, 2007
Racial Comrades: IF your looking for some "Raa! Raa! Revolutionary Fourth of July - Second Revolution coming to your neighborhood soon!" nonsense, I advise you to head over to your favorite "White Warrior Website" - where you can get a full dose of that fantasy bulldung, along with some ancient "country music" ( what in hell has THAT to do with our Struggle? ) and a fewslurred "nigger jokes". I'm not dishing it out to folks who for the most part, quake when they think of posting a sticker or distributing a leaflet. Judging by peoples "response" this … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 01, 2007
ANP Report for June 24, 2007
Racial Comrades: Today I am answering a list of questions sent in by a reader, perhaps my replies may give others a better understanding of our National Socialist World-View by doing so - Mr. Suhayda, i have some general questions about some of your policies.1.what are your views on the oriental races. you speak of mud races, but adolf hitler allied germany with japan during world war 2 . do you consider the japanese as a MUD race.ANSWER - When we refer to the Non-White people's as "muds"...we do so, simply because in the "color-chart" … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 24, 2007
ANP Report for June 10, 2007
Racial Comrades: Well, the summer is here, and you can tell - with the regular onset of what I call the "summertime slumps". That's when so many in "movement-land" seems to have "something better" to do...what with the fine weather, the yardwork, vacations, and "partying"...than "bothering" with the Struggle. "THAT" seems to be something you concern yourself with, when your stuck indoors and don't have a lot to divert yourself with. It seems to me that it ought to be the other way around - now when the weather is co-operative, towards literature … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 10, 2007
ANP Report for June 03, 2007
Racial Comrades: This came across my e-mail this weekend, and I simply had to laugh my head off - now I wish to share it with all of you. Often we receive messages from people, asking "what IS an American Nazi, and WHAT do they believe in" - well, I can pretty much state that if you review this nuts� letter - its pretty much the direct OPPOSITE of what he's proposing. And THAT is the BIG "difference" between the TYPE of people that "nsm" attracts, and the American Nazi Party. I'm not going to bother even rebutting all the nonsense that … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 03, 2007
ANP Report for May 28, 2007
Racial Comrades: Since its once again " Memorial Day ", the time where despite all the "super-sales adds" declaring BE RED-WHITE-AND BLUE...GO GET SUCH A DEAL FROM YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL JEW - a day which I think, would rather be a somber, reflective time for remembering all the dead from America's past conflicts - instead of a time to "party" and "bar-b-q" - I thought that I would do just that. One thing I really hate is HYPOCRISY - you know, the "holier than thou" folks - who for example love to picture the German people as rabid, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 28, 2007
ANP Report for May 19, 2007
Racial Comrades: Well, I'm back from my "vacation in the back yard", and ready to once more get into the saddle - so here goes. Some good news to report - we have received the needed funding for the "ENFORCE THE LAW - DEPORT ILLEGALS!" - "Bumper Sticker Project" - so now, we will start the process of getting them printed and available to the activists for distribution. As soon as they are available we will post examples on our website, along with ordering information. I must thank all of you once again, and especially those dedicated Comrades … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 19, 2007
ANP Report for April 30, 2007
Racial Comrades: I am continuing with airing some of my recent interviews, and Q&A sessions here with you. I truly believe that they are worthwhile, in as much - you will learn how to answer the many questions that you often face, when discussing our ideology and beliefs, to other interested Aryans -To the Chairman of the American Nazi Party:Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Benjamin Pxxxxxx. I am an Irish Caucasian. I live in a small town, a college town, yet still a small town. I have noticed recently the mind numbing increase of blacks … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 30, 2007
ANP Report for April 22, 2007
Racial Comrades: I have decided to include another interview that I have given as todays ANPReport. I find that many people have found that through my answers and explainations, they have expanded both their knowledge and understanding of our National Socialist ideology. - Mr. Suhayda, Thank you for your quick response, it is very appreciated. Below are the ten questions.I look forward to recieving your answers. Again thank you for your time and insight. -Nathaniel Cxxxxx1. How many donating members does the ANP have at present?ANSWER … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 22, 2007
ANP Report for April 10, 2007
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to share with you, an interview I recently gave to the French "Blood and Honor" society's publication. While the Party is slowly, but steadily advancing in growth here in America, it is interesting to note that around 5% of our most dedicated and sacrificial minded supporters are in various Aryan nations around the globe...who appreciate our efforts to advance National Socialism, out of the "Hollywood Nazi" playpen of the past...and into the serious needs of the 21st century world we all currently exist … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 10, 2007
ANP Report for March 28, 2007
Racial Comrades: Lately, we have been receiving more and more inquiries from lost Aryans within Zog's armed forces. It appears that for some unknown reason, they apparently thought that life within the military, would somehow be "different" from life in general outside of it.In reality, life in the U.S. military is a microcosm of this degenerated and polluted country, with even a tad MORE (if possible) of pro race-mixing agenda thrown in. After all, even back thirty years ago - we were propagandized - that "the only color we recognize is green" … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 28, 2007
ANP Report for March 12, 2007
Racial Comrades: The following letter is so pertinent, I decided to use it in an expanded answer in todays ANPReport. The FACT is, that back in the "old days", Turkey over-ran and occupied much of South Eastern Europe - the Aryans there were forced to accept the Moslem religion at the point of a sword, just as most of Northern Europe was forced to accept Christianity at the point of a sword as well. Now let me ask you this - can you TELL an individuals "religious" beliefs by his RACE? Of course not! Hell, there are MORE NON-White Christians in the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 12, 2007
ANP Report for March 07, 2007
Racial Comrades: Today I would like you to consider the following question - " What kind of National Socialist/Racialist are you "? Please read the following - Good morning/evening my fellow Nazi brothers and Aryan sisters of ANP. My name is Ronald Pxxxx and here recently I was released from the Texas Youth Commission in Beaumont Texas. I was in for 9 mo. but I ended up doing 1 year because I got caught with fresh tattoos. The reason I am sending this e-mail is because I was browsing the Internet and I decided to check out your web site and I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 07, 2007
ANP Report for February 20, 2007
Racial Comrades: My last ANPReport generated a lot of interest and comments, as well as another letter from the negress who's message started it off. If she's reading this week, I strongly suggest that she take the time to check out the link, provided by todays writer, at the end off his missive - and check out what it contains - it may make her a bit sad, but the TRUTH and FACTS - ARE preferable to fantasies and wishful thinking. Dear Chairman SuhaydaI was reading your report for Feb. 11 and had to ask a few questions. First thing is did … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 20, 2007
ANP Report for February 11, 2007
Racial Comrades: Since this evil, debased, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist system has foisted "Black History Month" on all of us, and we recently received this message from an irate negro woman, I thought that I might utilize her letter, with my answers, as todays ANPReport. Comrades, lest you might think that her thoughts are the wishful ramblings of a typical negro, I have to state that my own children have brought home from public school...pamplets extolling "Black History"...with the very same nonsense. Such are the lies, fabrications and slimy … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 11, 2007
ANP Report for February 04, 2007
Racial Comrades: We often receive messages from "liberal whites" ( who's "liberalism" apparently DOESN'T extend to other White people who love and wish to preserve and protect their unique racial heritage, and struggle for Social Justice for Working Class Whites lol ) and today I would like to share one of these with you, and answer as best I can the issues that the writer seeks to confront us with. - Dear American Nazi PartyI have a few questions regarding not only your website, but also the entire movement.1) Do you really expect to attract … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 04, 2007