Racial Comrades: As the economy continues to plummet downwards, its the "LITTLE GUY" who is suffering. I recently saw a news program about the "high-rollers" of WALL STREET - and their current lifestyle - even after this TRILLION DOLLAR BAILOUT, that the Judeo-Capitalists gave them. For THEM Comrades, NOTHING has CHANGED for the "worse". After all, they are only PLAYING around with OTHER PEOPLES MONEY - they live, bye and large, on the "COMMISSIONS and INTEREST" that they rake in for shuffling other's monies around... So what do they … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 19, 2008
ANP Report for October 11, 2008
Racial Comrades: First off, I would like to ask the pardon of all those whom the Party has not responded to in a more "timely fashion" in the past week, but our limited ANP Staff were very busy in a project that I felt needed to be actively addressed from a National Socialist perspective, as a "Voice of the White Working Class". Far too often "we" are marginalized by the "hate-monger loons" who go out of their way ( or, is that - RIGHT ON CUE - per their working for the enemy as "FALSE FLAG" operations...like one Hollywood Nutzi gadfly, who is … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 11, 2008
ANP Report for September 28, 2008
Racial Comrades: After all the time that I have taken over these many years, imparting to you the degeneracy of this JUDEO-CAPITALIST SYSTEM - now, it is totally clear - about just "WHO" this system is meant to BENEFIT.When you read the "NAMES" involved in this "WALL STREET" scenario - the , "BEAR STERNS", "GOLDMAN SACHS", "LEHMAN BROTHERS" et al - AND, the people involved...from the BERNANKE'S, FRANK'S, PAULSON'S, etc - its KOSHER from top to bottom.What this "bailout" SCAM is - is MULTI-MILLIONAIRE JUDEO-CAPITALISTS, not ONLY making fortunes off … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 28, 2008
ANP Report for September 18, 2008
Racial Comrades: I am often at a loss, as to "what" exactly to write about, on a week-to-week basis. It seems that after pecking away on this key-board for an almost endless amount of years, that I have covered just about every perspective that needs to be covered - yet, the final "out-come" - YOU "GETTING SERIOUSLY INVOLVED" - still for many of you, is yet to be achieved. Truly, I cannot understand it - anymore than Rockwell could - back in the "Old Days", when he wrote " White man - WHAT will it take to make you FIGHT?! " Our economic … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 18, 2008
ANP Report for September 09, 2008
Racial Comrades: Sometimes its necessary to have a "straight talk", and cut away all the crap - even IF it might be taken as being "mean", "rude", or "offensive" to those who prefer "excuses"...to the blunt TRUTH.Dear Chairman Suhayda:After having been involved in the Struggle for over 20 years, I often find myself wondering why we have accomplished so little in spite of so many lives of the people involved ruined and so much sacrifice by many dedicated individuals. Today in 2008 we are not near where we should have been by now. In my humble … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 09, 2008
ANP Report for August 25, 2008
Racial Comrades: Our motto and the "supposed motto" of the so-called "White Movement" is The 14 WORDS - " We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children ". In the latest released Census stats, it stated that fewer White women were having children, then ever before - if any. MORE WOMEN IN THEIR FORTIES ARE PRESENTLY CHILDLESS, THAN HAVE CHILDREN! Think about THAT. Small wonder that at present, ONLY 23% of the American population under the age of 18 are WHITE. Adolf Hitler said that children and the family unit, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 25, 2008
ANP Report for August 15, 2008
Racial Comrades: "ZOG the paper dragon, sat in a pool of pee, looking stupid and whining like mad, because its bad-boy act didn't make the Russians flee"! LOL Yes, OH YES! How grand to finally see the globes biggest BULLY...finally get bitch-slapped...after trying to front off a FIRST CLASS MILITARY POWER for once! For decades now, Judeo-Capitalist ZOG has stomped around the planet, pounding SMALL STATES, and Third World nations into line with its "Shock & Awe". Oh! They was "so bad, man" - yet, sooner or later we knew that their … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 15, 2008
ANP Report for August 02, 2008
Racial Comrades: In case you might have been wondering just "where" YOUR tax dollars have been going...seeing as how they obviously HAVEN'T been spent on relieving YOUR economic woes...I thought that I might mention the following.In their effort to both PROTECT ISRAEL and steal the ARABS OIL in the Middle East - the Judeo-Capitalist monstrosity of New World Order Inc. has "officially" released a report on the "cost" of Zog's efforts to "make the world safe for economic exploitation" by that 3% of America's population that CONTROL 85% of its … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 02, 2008
ANP Report for July 17, 2008
Racial Comrades: Unlike most Europeans who UNDERSTAND various political ideologies, many American are veritable toddlers when it comes to real political thought.They are so used to voting for some idiot who "looks nice", or "is friendly", or does a "fun thing" like tap dance on stage, or play a musical instrument...rather, than WHAT the person ( supposedly ) STANDS FOR. Although, as 99.9% of these creatures in reality, stand for NOTHING, beyond " I'm for you/vote for me " - look at the campaign posters alongside the road sometimes - would you be … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 17, 2008
ANP Report for June 29, 2008
Racial Comrades: With the up-coming electoral farce, between Insane McCain and Osama Obama, the vast majority of White Americans are facing an OPEN test for the first time - that is SO BLATANT that it cannot be overlooked - that no matter "WHO" is elected, it won't be to their best interests.People whom I have known, and up till now I have had to assume that they were "liberals" per their previous attitudes, are making "odd racist utterances"! LOL One neighbor actually stated: " Well, once Obama gets elected, I guess the blacks ought to close … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 29, 2008
ANP Report for June 17, 2008
Racial Comrades: I often answer various "questions" that the ANP receives, from positive as well as negative minded people, and share them with all of you, because I believe that it is a good medium of learning about our National Socialist ideology and "what we believe".Far too often, we have all seen these costumed "hollywierd nutzi's" and their self-appointed "Kommanders" - who's "education" in National Socialism seems to have come about either through the "history channel", "Time-Life", or within their own illogical little heads. Certainly, what … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 17, 2008
ANP Report for June 03, 2008
Racial Comrades: Below is a letter from a Party Comrade whom I have known and been associated with for a fair number of years in the Struggle. He is one of those whom I trust and can appeal to as a "sounding board" when I need advice and sound council concerning Party affairs. I thought that I might share his recent letter to me, and if you too have any "advice" to give upon purging under-achievers from Party ranks, I would like to hear from you as well.On a different interesting point, I heard another statistic on National Public Radio … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 03, 2008
ANP Report for May 24, 2008
Racial Comrades: I recently gave an interview to Esquire magazine. I hope that you enjoy the questions and answers below. For White Worker Power!Rocky J. Suhayda Chairman www.americannaziparty.com Dear Mr. Peisner: I will answer each question below - Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman, American Nazi Party David Peisner wrote: Thanks for the reply. I read the ANP report you suggested and had a few additional questions that I've enclosed below.Thanks again,DavidWhat do you think about the current state of the presidential race?ANSWER- … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 24, 2008
ANP Report for May 14, 2008
Racial Comrades: I can't tell you how many times I have heard this from people - " I'LL BE THERE WHERE THE CRAP HITS THE FAN, YOU CAN COUNT ON ME"! And to tell youthe truth, I'm quite tired of hearing it.What's this "WHEN" business? Hell, the "war" has been going on against the working class White population now, for DECADES. Just "WHEN" is that "WHEN" - going to be "NOW"? I found an interesting statistic from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. From last November through this April, American WOMEN aged 20 and up, GAINED nearly 300,00 jobs. At the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 14, 2008
ANP Report for April 29, 2008
Racial Comrades: Since it's tribute time to Uncle Samuel, once again - I thought that I would drop a few tidbits your way, for you to consider.The taxes that you paid on your recently filed 1040 form, included roughly $4,300 to cover your household's annual share of INTEREST PAYMENTS on the $9.4 TRILLION "public debt" owed by your beloved masters in power, to the International Monied Powers - that rule the globe.That $9.4 TRILLION is just PART of what the wage-slaves of America OWE collectively. There's also the $700 BILLION trade deficit the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 29, 2008
ANP Report for April 16, 2008
Racial Comrades: I'm sorry that this ANPReport is late, but I've been very busy taking part in this month's "White Pride Month" literature distribution campaign. As April 20th is Adolf Hitler's birthdate - lets ESPECIALLY celebrate in the NS manner that He would approve! NOT through"lifting a beer", but - BY DOING NATIONAL SOCIALIST POLITICAL ACTIVISM. Since the beginning of April, Party Comrades here in Michigan alone, have carefully saturated selected WHITE COMMUNITIES in south-eastern Michigan with at least 10,000 of the "White and Proud", … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 16, 2008