Racial Comrades: There is a lot going on per the Struggle, so lets get to a few points of interest. First off, we FINALLY have confirmation of the FACT that "HAL TURNER" is a SELF-CONFESSED ZOG AGENT PROVOCATEUR. Something that I myself wrote about often enough, in the past - check out the ANPReport for August 6, 2007 - but, so FEW listened.It reminds me of the time that I exposed the so-called "nsm" and their "SATANSGATE" connection, involving their Chairman Herrington being a high-horned hinkydink of the "Joy of Satan" cult. The "nsm" started … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 23, 2009
ANP Report for August 15, 2009
Racial Comrades: I took a week off on "vacation" last week from work, and spent it mostly around the house, accomplishing chores that have piled up on me - as well, I spent the time away from my Party duties - sometimes you need a wee "break", especially after 40+ years of dedicated activism...so, if you haven't heard from me, I apologize, but that's "why". For all those Comrades in Good-Standing - the 20 page edition of the August White Worker magazine is in the mail. Orders will be filled asap. Btw, those interested can subscribe to the White … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 15, 2009
ANP Report for August 06, 2009
Racial Comrades: Well, this years "Snowflakes in July" literature campaign is now over - and I'm afraid that we didn't reach last years goal. Perhaps it is a "sign of the times" that money is tight and folks didn't have it this year, to procure the needed propaganda materials - Comrades, we will simply have to work harder next time, eh.Still, our activists DID distribute a large amount - we shipped out almost 27,000 items - and who really knows how much material was printed off, and distributed "personally", by themselves...off of the "support" … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 06, 2009
ANP Report for July 25, 2009
Racial Comrades: There is still ONE WEEK LEFT in the month of July, and I strongly encourage EVERYONE who is not wheel-chair bound...to TAKE PART in this years "Snowflakes in July" literature distribution campaign! So far, we have almost reached last years level of distribution, and with one more BIG PUSH - I believe that together - we can TOP IT! Surely, putting a few ANP message-cards, under the wipers of the cars next to yours, everytime you go shopping...is NOT too much of a challenge for anyone....Dear Chairman Rock, Have you noticed … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 25, 2009
ANP Report for July 19, 2009
Racial Comrades: Being Party Chairman is a job where your have to balance various issues, carefully without letting one of them "hit the ground', like a juggler doing his act. You are often called to "take a position" by various people, to "questions" that can ultimately cause dissension in the ranks - if "sides are being considered taken" - and therefore are better off, not even being brought up. One such question is that of "religion". Some folks are "for" it, some are "against" it, some don't care and others push their own particular … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 19, 2009
ANP Report for July 13, 2009
Racial Comrades: The progress of the "Snowflakes in July" literature campaign is exceeding last years effort, and we are receiving many inquiries from White men and women across the nation, per our "old fashioned" and "boring" - REAL WORLD - outreach efforts!Far too many "racial groups" tend to concentrate 99.9% on the "internet", and as such usually ONLY make contact with people who - like themselves - are stuck with their butts in their computer chair, and oblivious of the masses outside their four walls. Of course, operating a REAL … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 13, 2009
ANP Report for July 04, 2009
Racial Comrades: This "Fourth of July", I want to urge all of you to IGNORE all the system hoopla, about "honoring the hero's who died to make you free" - and pause for a moment to REFLECT upon just HOW "free" and HOW "happy" you ARE, in this modern day Sodom & Gomorrah and its uncaring, economic depression, that is destroying White Working Class America..THEN - go forward in your efforts to bring about a National Socialist REVOLUTION in the name of YOUR CHILDRENS� FUTURE...IF they are to honestly have one! How very SAD that all these … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 04, 2009
ANP Report for June 30, 2009
Racial Comrades: Since the ANP is deeply involved at the present time in the "Snowflakes in July" literature campaign, I decided to spend what "free time" that I have away from work, family, friends - in printing off the vast amounts of literature that you folks are ordering - rather than all afternoon on writing this Report.Hence, todays ANPReport, will be chiefly written by YOU. IF you haven't yet ordered propaganda materials, so that YOU TOO can participate - please DO SO asap! Lets make this years literature-blitz, even MORE SUCCESSFUL than last … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 30, 2009
ANP Report for June 21, 2009
Racial Comrades: Since today just happens to be "Fathers Day", I thought that I would pause to consider "just what a father REALLY is.� Is it simply some male who happens to copulate and produce a child? Not in my book. I believe that a REAL father is a person who not only produces a child - BUT, nurtures, cares for, and actually SUPPORTS all the needs for that little creature. I know that perhaps this thought seems "unnecessary" to many of you, but when I view so many "white" males ( no, I'm NOT going to launch a diatribe against … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 21, 2009
ANP Report for June 13, 2009
Racial Comrades: I'm sure that it is needless for me to have to reiterate "how bad things are becoming" for America's White Working Class population - we ALL feel it.What I would instead like to focus upon, is the SOLUTION. And that solution is obviously something that is directly in opposition to the current status quo - NATIONAL SOCIALISM vs JUDEO-CAPITALISM. While some out there prefer to throw up their hands and cry that its "all over", and that "there's nothing we can do"...I shake my head at them in total disgust! WHAT LOSERS! WHAT … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 13, 2009
ANP Report for June 07, 2009
Racial Comrades: I would like to announce the start of the "Snowflakes in July" summertime literature blitz! What this involves, is that every year during June through July, Party Activists make an ALL-OUT EFFORT to distribute as much Party literature to the White masses as possible, across the nation. Now, often we are asked by well meaning people who are not used to such activities - "HOW" - is the best way to proceed to do this? Rather than answer it here, I will instead state this - anyone who orders propaganda materials from the National … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 07, 2009
ANP Report for June 01, 2009
Racial Comrades: Across this land people ARE "waking up". This is all well and good, BUT - of what USE is it, to have MILLIONS of people who are "awakened" and "know the score" - IF they STILL refuse to take that next step, and "GET INVOLVED"? You know, "getting involved" with the American Nazi Party does NOT mean that we are going to insist that you don some weird costume and parade around in public, outing yourself to your neighbors, friends and employers. It does NOT mean that you will be urged to acquire "weapons", and play around … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 01, 2009
ANP Report for May 25, 2009
Racial Comrades: Its "Memorial Day", don't you feel that all those "sacrifices" that YOU and so many others gave, were a total waste, per the "wonderful" toiletbowl that America has become today? Its finally "trickling down" from the blue-collar workers, to those who wear a tie - GM has announced that its cutting out almost 4,000 WHITE-COLLAR jobs in the near future.According to the U.S. Labor Department, California lost 63,700 jobs in April, Texas 39,500, Michigan 38,400, and Ohio 25,200 leading the way, in a continuing LOSS OF JOBS that "they say" … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 25, 2009
ANP Report for May 16, 2009
Racial Comrades: Every single day, the economic situation in this Judeo-Capitalist monstrosity seems to worsen. Yesterday, the house across the street from mine, went up for sale - that�s the SEVENTH HOUSE on my block, that WHITE PEOPLE are losing...yet, the SYSTEM refuses to DO ANYTHING REAL to solve the problems facing the White Working Class.ALL of the TRILLIONS of dollars that the system and its political sock-puppets are handing out right and left - are GOING TO THE ALREADY WEALTHY! Literally NOTHING is going to the "little guy" to ease HIS … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 16, 2009
ANP Report for May 07, 2009
Racial Comrades: April has turned out to be one of the most busy months that I have experienced in my lifetime. Beyond the fact of my "everyday life" - my two sons had birthdays in April, and those of you who have kids - understand all that that involves! lolAs well, the American Nazi Party launched the annual "Spring Blitz" literature drive - April being "White Pride" month, per the birth date of Adolf Hitler - and once again, we here on Staff were busting our butts printing and shipping off materials to the Party Activists across America. Final … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 07, 2009
ANP Report for April 19, 2009
ANP Report for April 19, 2009Racial Comrades: I am most pleased to announce that so far into the 2009 Spring Blitz, the American Nazi Party is reaching a new record, in its literature distribution campaigns across the nation!While it has meant a slow-down in regular Staff duties, in some cases - the National Office has, as of this weekend ( Aptil 18-19th ) shipped out 32,500 "mini-leaflets", 650 large "bumper-stickers", ( not including thousands of the small red/white/black, peel-off Swastika-stickers that we give out free, as a gift to our … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 19, 2009