Racial Comrades: The other day an old friend who I've known all my life came by, to "see how I was doing". After all the "catching up" ( I hadn't seen him for over 20 years ) he asked " if I was still in that Nazi thing? " - which of course, I explained my current status. Then, he asked me "why"? I didn't want to give him some flippant answer, so I paused, and considering, I replied - "because it�s the right thing to do".But, you see he wasn't about to give it up so easily. He looked at me and gave me all the old "friendly, old buddy" run in's … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 05, 2010
ANP Report for January 26, 2010
Racial Comrades, there is an old saying, " that the truth hurts " - and I'm afraid for many people involved in this "racial movement" - it DOES! Recently, we received the below letter from a White woman reader of this ANPReport, who literally "tells it as it is"...and I wish to share it with all of you. While there are a few things that I would disagree with her to a point, such as the American Nazi Party doesn't have involved, many of the "types" of individuals whom she describes - at least I myself have not yet met any of them - she IS … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 26, 2010
ANP Report for January 16, 2010
Racial Comrades: As many of you already know, I myself have "been at this" - for a VERY LONG TIME - since I first joined George Lincoln Rockwell's ANP, back in 1967 at the age of 16.Over the years, nay over the DECADES - I have seem so darn many people "come and go" in this "racial movement" - that IF we had them all assembled together in one mass today, we would have a veritable ARMY. WHERE and WHY have they left the Struggle? Have things IMPROVED any? Are they and their loved ones any BETTER off? Has ANY part of this whole "situation" mess gotten … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 16, 2010
ANP Report for January 03, 2010
Racial Comrades: With the start of the New Year, the ANP is already moving ahead, creating new propaganda tools and preparing to enter new territories, which we have not engaged in, until this year. Along with the recently created bumper-sticker entitled "JEW BANKERS GET BAILOUTS - WHITE WORKERS GET JEWED!" which are available 50-$5 donation, plus $1 S/H...the Party has also created two new message-cards "I WANT YOU TO QUIT APOLOGIZING FOR BEING WHITE - STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS!" and "WHITE PEOPLE DEFEND YOUR RIGHT - TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS!" . … [Read more...] about ANP Report for January 03, 2010
ANP Report for December 22, 2009
Racial Comrades: I love the writings of Charles Dickens, none more so, than "A Christmas Carol" - except perhaps, the "Pickwick Papers" - and everyone knows Tiny Tim's exclamation "God Bless Us Everyone!", if only from the popular movies. Personally, this time of year is a child�s time, where they focus on the love which surrounds them from their parents and kin, and of course - Old Santa Clause � a symbol along with the Fir tree, of our ancient Euro/Aryan traditions.In one passage of Stave Two of the Christmas Carol, Scrooge speaks with the … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 22, 2009
ANP Report for December 13, 2009
Racial Comrades: Today, due to the increased interest in the American Nazi Party that we have been receiving lately, I thought that I would spend today on a simply understood message based upon - HOW YOU CAN "GET INVOLVED" - in the ANP. If an individual goes to the "support" section of our website, they will find a number of ways that they can "help" the Party grow, and spread its message.First off, one may become an ANP "Official Supporter" - there is an application form to down-load, and print off ( one may simply utilize a plain sheet of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 13, 2009
ANP Report for December 06, 2009
Racial Comrades: With the "holidays" bearing down upon us, and all that that entails - still, It behooves me to bother to mention "that the struggle still goes on"! Just because the landscape is filled with bright, colored lights, the tv screens are blaring forth commercial after commercial "Buy ME! Buy ME! ", and "our leaders" are pontificating that "the worst is past" - doesn�t remove that ULTIMATE TRUTH - that things are not only as bad as they were...but, are daily WORSENING for the "average joe". I don't REALLY need to go on and on, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for December 06, 2009
ANP Report for November 23, 2009
Racial Comrades: As we wind down this year, with all the positive progress that ithas brought for our National Socialist struggle - it behooves us to also review"how" we can continue that progress into 2010 - in an even MORE realistic andpragmatic manner.As the American Nazi Party has grown over these past years of effort, finding,educating and organizing NORMAL White Americans - instead of the riff-raff that"other orgs" seem content to fill their ranks with - we have reached the point whereits overdue to start to implement some pragmatic DISCIPLINE … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 23, 2009
ANP Report for November 12, 2009
Racial Comrades: I have just returned from the American Nazi Party's SC Conference,and as I know that many of our readers are eager for a report on what occurred, Iwill do my tired best to relate to you our success.After driving all Friday night, for over twelve hours with Party Staff Officers fromthe Mid-West, we arrived at the Party building/meeting hall - to be greeted by PartyComrade Taylor Bowles and the other assembled ANP Members and Official Supporters. What a welcome sight, to see all these nicely attired and NORMAL looking Aryans, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 12, 2009
ANP Report for October 21, 2009
Racial Comrades: Recently, a Party Comrade and good friend sent me the below article for our monthly Party magazine, The White Worker ( a subscription is available for a $20 donation, hint, hint..) but, I thought it so pertinent to what�s occurring in today�s corrupt, decadent, Judeo-Capitalist society - that I would share it with you here and now. Enjoy!This system is all trick, and no treat.by Steve DavenportThis system is utterly worthless for the average American. It only serves the rich elite. The powerful of this country live only by one code, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 21, 2009
ANP Report for October 12, 2009
Racial Comrades: A great man once wrote - " The loyalty of every National Socialist is demonstrated primarily by his readiness to work, his industry and ability in accomplishing the work entrusted to him by his Party Comrades. " Adolf Hitler MEIN KAMPF Vol. II Chapter XIIt's simple, isn't it? Another great man once wrote: " I learned from bitter experience, that the material of the "right wing" consists 90% of cowards, dopes, nuts, one-track minds, blabbermouths, incurable tight-wads, and worst of all - hobbyists...people who have come to enjoy a … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 12, 2009
ANP Report for October 04, 2009
Racial Comrades: Today, we have a message written to us by a self-described hispanic faggot. I will give him my thoughts, interspersed below...I find it funny that on your site it states "they want a cheap, slave-like work force - where decent wages and benefits will be a thing of the past. All in the name of selfishness and greed" hmmm Oh really, well think of who is in need of these cheap labors...White men, they did it with the african americans. And exactly how are whites being blamed? PLEASE answer that. I know by now you are probably thinking … [Read more...] about ANP Report for October 04, 2009
ANP Report for September 28, 2009
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to share with you an article that a Party Comrade recently wrote for The White Worker magazine. I intended to publish it in the Sept. Issue, but then I came to believe that its value to our understanding of America's current economic situation - i.e. USURY and the Judeo-Capitalist policy of INTEREST SLAVERY - was such, that instead I would present it to all of you.It is "rather long", but well worth the effort to READ and COMPREHEND its message. For until we Aryans ARE able to break the back of this ALIEN SYSTEM … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 28, 2009
ANP Report for September 17, 2009
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to speak a few thoughts, upon the very distinct DIFFERENCES that National Socialism IS - from simple-minded "racist-reactionary" thinking.So many people involved in this "racial movement", indeed even within the SUPPOSEDLY "NS" circles - are NOT really NATIONAL SOCIALISTS, but are rather "racist" CON-SERVATIVES. Talking with them, I am often reminded of the old adage about folks who thought that "flying was wrong" for mankind, because "if God had wanted humans to fly, he would have given them wings"! LOLThey go on … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 17, 2009
ANP Report for September 08, 2009
Racial Comrades: Often people have asked us "what can I do" to help further our Cause? This booklet is a small attempt to provide a few ideas, that might help answer this question.First off, let us agree that the best ideas ever conceived, are pretty much useless in bringing to fulfillment, unless they are passed on to others, This is called "out-reach".Party Activists play the vital role of bringing the Good Word of National Socialism to their fellow White brothers and sisters - through their out-reach programs. Here, we are going to consider a few … [Read more...] about ANP Report for September 08, 2009
ANP Report for August 31, 2009
Racial Comrades: Last week was a very busy week for the activists of the American Nazi Party! All across America, National Socialists - in honor of the martyrdom of Commander George Lincoln Rockwell - spread the Good Word of Aryan Awakening, under the Swastika banner of Adolf Hitler! Below is the After-Action report, from SA Political Advisor Taylor Bowles, on the "meet&greet" that was held in S.C. - where there was NO "problems", NO "drama", NO Zog "cataloging&indexing" of participants, and NO "jews-media" photographing all who were … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 31, 2009