Comrades: Recently we received this from a South African supporter of the ANP. I think it says all that is necessary for this week.HiI am a 34 year old white South African. I agree with what you believe in as well as your predictions for the future for the USA .Let explain what will happen if you stop being the majority in your country ; The people who farm and feed the ' new majority ' will be apologizing for slavery /old laws that ended decades ago .New laws will be created by the government which will make it legal for white people to earn less … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 09, 2010
ANP Report for August 02, 2010
Racial Comrades: Today, I would like to speak with all of you about the American Nazi Party. Over my many years of service to the folk - over 40 years now - I have observed a lot of things about the "movement" at large.One thing that I have observed is that most organizations have NOT really been "organizations", they have by and large, been simply "promotion groups" for this or that "Mighty Poohbah", and little more. Now, I will be the first to admit that "I" am NOT the "Great Man", so many have awaited with baited breath to "save them" on a … [Read more...] about ANP Report for August 02, 2010
ANP Report for July 21, 2010
Comrades: I am glad to finally be back with you. The reason for my not writing any ANPReports for the last few weeks is very simple, and very frustrating � Comrade Axl Hess's computer was destroyed in the line of service, and he was unable to immediately replace it with another. Neither was the Party in a position to be able to economically "help" him, simply because of lack of a "rainy day fund" - in fact, because of the usual "SUMMERTIME SLOWS" in financial support - we are forced to operate on a day-to-day process. Some days, we are unable to … [Read more...] about ANP Report for July 21, 2010
ANP Report for June 29, 2010
Blood and Honour Romania Interviews The American Nazi Party Chairman:From: BH Romania bhc18romania@hotmail.comSubject: RE: interviewTo: rsuhayda@att.net1.First of all, tell us about the ANP history.#1 - The American Nazi Party was first formed by Commander George Lincoln Rockwell in 1959. He divided the Party�s activities into three "phases" - Phase One was utilizing the enemy controlled news-media to broadcast the fact that the ANP existed to the masses. Phase Two was the phase where we are now - organizing ourselves into a realistic … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 29, 2010
ANP Report for June 21, 2010
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to address an issue about this "racial movement", which I believe needs clarification. It is the question of just exactly "WHAT" are YOU?Some people claim that they are "CONSERVATIVES" - yet, being a conservative means that this person wishes to CONSERVE the status quo! Just WHAT about this current society is there, that is WORTHY of White people wanting to PERSERVE ANY of it? Need I go into ALL the "WONDERS" of this putrid, toilet-bowel of a society, that we are inflicted with? Of course not!No wonder, SO MANY … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 21, 2010
ANP Report for June 10, 2010
Racial Comrades: After literally DECADES of not only GETTING NO-WHERE - but, actually GROWING SMALLER and more IMPOTENT - I think that its time for the "racial movement", and especially the NS movement, to stop what its doing and take an assessment of WHAT is WRONG.I'm going to be BLUNT and I'm going to be BRUTAL in my assessment, but I think anything less is only dancing around the problem.First off - just WHAT is the "movement" SUPPOSED to be ACCOMPLISHING - WHAT is itsGOALS? It is SUPPOSED to BE a "POLITICAL" movement, well isn't it? Yet, when I … [Read more...] about ANP Report for June 10, 2010
ANP Report for May 27, 2010
Racial Comrades: As anyone who has been following the progress of the American Nazi Party so far this year can see, we are moving far ahead of any other so-called "White Nationalist" organization on the scene - certainly, we ARE the premier National Socialist organization in America today. While these "other" groups still in existence continue on desperately persisting in trying to do the SAME OLD/SAME OLD treadmill - Phase One style actions - i.e. "pitiful street demonstrations", sparsely attended "rallies", and ludicrous "stunts"...the ANP … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 27, 2010
ANP Report for May 15, 2010
Racial Comrades: Well, things sure have been busy, since our National Conference here in Detroit on White Workers Day - May 1st. So lets get down to business.In Oct. the ANP will be holding an OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - White People's Rally - in the 400 seat hall in SC. This will be the FIRST "in hall" rally that I am aware of, that the racialist movement has held in my experience, that was not simply an "in house" affair. Very soon, the Party will be offering a leaflet advertising the Rally to download on our website - and I strongly urge all … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 15, 2010
ANP Report for May 03, 2010
Racial Comrades: On May 1st, the American Nazi Party held its second National Conference, here in Detroit. Luckily, this years Conference fell on White Worker Day - a date very appropriate per our White Worker agenda.The event started at 10AM, and continued to 10PM, a very full day indeed! After the Party faithful were finally assembled, the Conference opened with a welcoming address by Chairman Suhayda, followed by all rising and singing the Party Battle Song - a truly moving experience in and of itself.Next, SA Leader Paul Kozak gave his … [Read more...] about ANP Report for May 03, 2010
ANP Report for April 26, 2010
Racial Comrades: Well folks, its "census time" again, and one thing that I noticed on my census form, was that there was NO spot to check - IF - you were an ARAB or a MEZTIZO. Yes, apparently THEY were all supposed to check that THEY were - "WHITE"?!Sooooo, when those "stats" come out - HOW MANY - of those reporting to be WHITE...really ARE? So far the ANP Spring Blitz literature campaign, celebrating WHITE PRIDE MONTH and Adolf Hitler's birthdate on the 20th, has been a resounding success - and its still got time to go!We have received reports … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 26, 2010
ANP Report for April 08, 2010
Racial Comrades: The American Nazi Party is now in the month of April, both heavily involved in getting ready for the ANP National Conference on May 1st, AND the current, annual 2010 SPRING BLITZ literature distribution campaign. In the ANPReport archives section of this website, you will find HUNDREDS of Reports, that I have written over the past ( almost ) decade. NOW - THIS MONTH - IS THE TIME TO ACT! You want to "honor" Adolf Hitlers birthdate on the 20th? THEN JOIN IN OUR EFFORTS TO SPREAD THE GOOD WORD OF NATIONAL SOCIALISM, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 08, 2010
ANP Report for March 29, 2010
Racial Comrades: Soon it will be April, the start of White Pride Month - the month in which Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th - and the begining of our yearly ANP SPRING BLITZ literature campaign!Every year in April, ANP activists launch an intensive effort to reach, educate and organize the White masses, through a wide-scale distribution of Party outreach materials. Please review both the "merchandise" and the "support" sections of our website for intelligent "AT COST" propaganda materials. Included with every order is the booklet " I Fight, … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 29, 2010
ANP Report for March 16, 2010
Racial Comrades: Well, the system has finally let the cat out of the bag. Yes, a few days ago it felt bold enough to announce through its controlled media - that this year of 2010 - that MORE NON-WHITE BABIES WILL BE BORN IN AMERICA, than WHITE ones! Of course, the American Nazi Party has been stating this for years, but now its "OFFICIAL" - so all those folks who scoffed at what we were saying, i.e. "that it just can't be true" - cannot pretend that �IT AIN'T SO.�Now, I myself THOUGHT that such an announcement would set the "movement" ABLAZE - … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 16, 2010
ANP Report for March 08, 2010
Racial Comrades Today I will attempt to answer a few queries sent in by a Party Comrade, going to University...-Hi Rock, I've compiled a number of questions for you that I have concerning Hitler, WW 2, etc. I realize you are a busy man, but if you have the time I would be interested in hearing your answers. These questions come from two films I saw in a class about Europe from the years 1890-1945 that I am taking this semester. As you can probably guess, my professor for the course is not supportive of National Socialism or Nazi Germany. The … [Read more...] about ANP Report for March 08, 2010
ANP Report for February 26, 2010
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to fall back upon one of my "educationalmethods", where I publish and answer mail from a supporter. By doing so, I believethat it helps both myself and my readers comprehend just what it is that we believein, and are striving for as National Socialists.Dear Mr. Suhayda,First and foremost, I wish to express my admiration for your years of dedication for the cause of economic and social justice for our people. I can only begin to imagine how many hardships and difficulties you have gone through because of your … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 26, 2010
ANP Report for February 15, 2010
Racial Comrades: I read today in the jew-news, that since the earthquake in that island rat-hole, Haiti - which since the negroes rose up and slaughtered all the White people, and it became a "republic" a while back - that currently, American's alone, have DONATED A HALF A BILLION DOLLARS to "help them", to all these various do-gooder agencies! A HALF A BILLION DOLLARS! Yet, WHERE was all that "do-gooderism" for ALL THE POOR AMERICANS right here at HOME?! You know, I'm really NOT against helping folks who need assistance - but, I'm often … [Read more...] about ANP Report for February 15, 2010