Comrades, I'm reposting something I read in an email from a well known political action group. It's a message about keeping the fight going.Christmas finds the foundations of our Republic under attack.So, at a time like this, it may be best to step back and try to focus our hearts and minds on things that unite us.As we do, I am reminded of one of my favorite stories from Christmas past. On Christmas Day, 1776, the American Revolution appeared to be dead.George Washington's Continental Army had been driven out of New Jersey.The British and Hessian … [Read more...] about Merry Christmas!
ANP Reports
ANP Report, December 1, 2020
Well, it happened. I wasn't exactly expecting it, but now that it has I'm not really surprised.Some of you know that the ANP started a channel on Discord. It was by invitation only. We started with about a dozen people, then slowly started to increase the numbers. It seemed to be working out very well and we were going to start sending invites to all members and supporters. Forget that.It seems that Discord itself pulled the plug on us. It seems we violated their terms of service by making "hateful" statements. The thing is, the people we … [Read more...] about ANP Report, December 1, 2020
ANP Report, November 19, 2020
It seems the jackasses are at it again. The COVID case number rises a bit, and the Mongol Hordes descend on the stores like vultures wiping out everything they can get their hands on. Once again there isn't a roll of toilet paper on the shelves.Just what do they thing is going to happen? Do they think that everyone is going to get sick and no one will be left to work the factories? That is just plain assinine. Perhaps they are just too stupid to realize that COVID is not responsible for product shortages - THEY ARE. They are the ones with the, … [Read more...] about ANP Report, November 19, 2020
ANP Report, November 16, 2020
Comrades, some of you may have noticed that our blogs are disappearing one by one. This is due to outright censorship. My blog, "A National Socialist Life" was pulled down by Blogger after being up ten years and receiving over half a million hits. I have to tell you that that really hurt. Ten years and half a million hits - all gone. I did backup my blog last week so I still have everything up to that point. I could start another blog using a different platform. I want to do some investigating to see how strict the others are. Wordpress is … [Read more...] about ANP Report, November 16, 2020
ANP Report August 27, 2020
Racial Greetings -- Comrades, Supporters and Friends! The presidential campaign season is in full swing, and as ever the politicians are full of it. The Democrats and the whole left wing crowd promise us a non-racial, economically fair, utopian future of peace and racial harmonies, brimming with multi-sexualities, multi-culturalism, multiple prosecutions of White privilege relieved via slave reparations, guaranteed annual incomes, free medical care, diminished police presence replaced by socially conscious and “humane, empathetic” … [Read more...] about ANP Report August 27, 2020
ANP Report June 1st, 2020
Greetings Racial Comrades!Well 2020 has turned about to be an interesting year, eh? Unless you live under a rock inside a cave on the planet Mars, I'm sure you're aware of what's been happening in the streets of dozens of cities across the country. The media has dubbed it "America Burning". They should certainly be held accountable for stirring this up, though I must say I did enjoy the jungle rioters destroying the CNN building.Last week in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, a black man was killed while being restrained by a White city police … [Read more...] about ANP Report June 1st, 2020
ANP Report – March 29th 2020
Racial Greetings Comrades, Supporters and Friends!One of the most common questions asked of the ANP is: “Why are you National SOCIALISTS? What has Marxist socialism got to do with Hitler?” Nothing. Socialism is a term and an idea appropriated by Marx, Lassalle and Engels. It is not their invention. They perverted it into a utopian concept called Communism. Communism will work, they asserted, because once people are free of capitalist greed, after a “dictatorship of the proletariat” period where humanity will … [Read more...] about ANP Report – March 29th 2020
ANP Report Dec. 22nd, 2019
Racial Greetings, Comrades, Supporters and Friends! The solstice and Yuletide seasons are upon us, celebrations of eternal rebirth. It is time, at last, to rest a bit and consider our situation as a Party, and as a racial community. The Party will be discussed after a first assessment of the current circumstance threatening White people not only in the USA but the world over. And that assessment is not good. The advent of some anti-immigrant, diluted White nationalist movements in Europe is small hope. They have brought … [Read more...] about ANP Report Dec. 22nd, 2019
ANP Report October 10th, 2019
Racial Greetings Comrades, Supporters, Friends! In the last few ANP Reports the matter of uncoordinated, lackluster White Nationalist and NS politics has been at issue. The various ideas and notions have been discussed, each post-WW2 iteration of White cultural survival conducted through political expression was examined, from sensational and futile lone wolf gun violence that will supposedly conjure up a White Revolution, all the way to impractical brainstorms such as alliances with Muslims due to historical precedent and a … [Read more...] about ANP Report October 10th, 2019
ANP Report July 20th, 2019
Racial Greetings to our Comrades, Supporters and Friends! Yes, racial. In the past few weeks, indeed the past few days, the word racist has been used so often you’d think that at long last the word had lost any credible connotation whatsoever. Racist, a pre-fabricated no-thought-needed slur used to indict any perceived taint of “White privilege” in any White person, usually a man, who does not conform to public displays of contrition, i.e. “I am sorry I am White.”He’s a racist. You’re racist. That is a racist remark. That is a racist idea. … [Read more...] about ANP Report July 20th, 2019
ANP Report: June 10th, 2019
NS Greetings, Comrades, Supporters and Friends! In the previous two ANP reports, the frustrations and maneuvers within the wider White Nationalist movement, including its repurposed iterations of real or fantasy National-Socialism, have been discussed and analyzed. Many genuine NS comrades would like to take a more active, more visible role in the political promotion of our NS program. Comrades want to spread the word to ignite some reaction, any reaction, among those of our race who are afraid, yes afraid, to either face the … [Read more...] about ANP Report: June 10th, 2019
ANP Report May 5th, 2019
The April 14, 2019 edition of the ANP Report began an analysis of conditions and attitudes within the various groups and movements loosely defined as White Nationalist. The outlook for the White race is worse than grim, and the state of viable, political White Nationalism is just as dismal. Nearly every political manifestation of White Nationalism has at its core a vainglorious leader who believes that he alone can lead us to salvation. These entities come and go leaving nothing but disappointment and grudges in their … [Read more...] about ANP Report May 5th, 2019
ANP Report for April 14th, 2019
Comrades, Supporters and Friends! April is the month we celebrate White Heritage, the glories of White achievements in art and science, industry and technology; a history of progress to justify our White Pride. It is also the month we commemorate the birthday --as we honor the teachings-- of The Great Man who was more Natural phenomenon than mere historical figure.And yet this celebration is difficult, for we are daily witness to the destruction of that heritage, the denigration of White achievements, all done by agents … [Read more...] about ANP Report for April 14th, 2019
ANP REPORT: March 1, 2019
Greetings Comrades! It is now March and hopefully we'll soon be getting warmer weather. We've sent out one issue of The White Worker to Official Supporters and it was very well received. As you may have noticed we have a fresh new website that has been getting a lot of compliments as well. Many thanks to our new hardworking webmaster!It has been a very busy 2019 for us already and we have many plans for the rest of this year, so please be patient if it takes us a few days or more to respond to your e-mail. Please enjoy this message from Comrade … [Read more...] about ANP REPORT: March 1, 2019
ANP Report: January 14, 2019
Racial Comrades! It’s tax time, and as ever before, we face a situation of taxation without representation. The recurring spectacle of American government in action, or rather inaction, demonstrates the empty promise of capitalist liberal democracy. One-quarter of the US government is shut down, the mighty wheels of our noble Congress and exalted Senate have ground to a halt. Important government posts go unpaid or unoccupied because of a spat about a border wall. Airport security staff and air traffic controllers are working without pay. Some smug, … [Read more...] about ANP Report: January 14, 2019
ANP Report for November 21, 2018
Racial Comrades: I want to first say “WELCOME!” to our new Official Supporters, and those who have really stepped up in their activism for the cause. We NEED people who will take the initiative to send in articles for The White Worker, or design cards for our OS (you know who you are). We need people to provide funding for our operations, and skilled people to volunteer to give a website a major revamp (we know we need an updated website - will you help us with that?). So thank you very much to those who truly believe in the cause of … [Read more...] about ANP Report for November 21, 2018