Comrades, some of you may have read this piece before. I haven't seen it online for years. The Liberals would like to see all traces of this destroyed because it tells the truth about the White Man's contribution to the world. I stumbled across it by chance the other day. For those of you who have never read this, I hope you enjoy it. If you have read it, I hope you enjoy it again. Hail Victory!Dan SchneiderDeputy ChairmanAmerican Nazi PartyIt's A Wonderful Race After Allby James BronsonThere once was a college freshman named George who … [Read more...] about ANP Report, August 15, 2022
ANP Reports
ANP Report, August 4, 2022
Sorry I'm a little late this month. No real excuse, I just haven't done it until today. Hey, at least I'm honest!I'm sure most of you have noticed that gas prices have come down on the average of fifty cents a gallon. Interestingly enough, Biden is taking credit for this, but he will not take credit for prices going up in the first place. As an occasional character on Family Guy says, "He's a phony! A great big phony!" There's no question that Biden is responsible. He did, after all, openly declare he was trying to transition America off of … [Read more...] about ANP Report, August 4, 2022
ANP Report, July 15, 2022
Great news! For those of you who have not read this in The White Worker, our merchandise is on the site store and ready for sale. Just click on SUPPORT/JOIN, and when the drop down appears, click on SHOP and you're there. There are three items for sale at this time. The yard signs are not offered yet but will be soon! If you have any trouble placing an order, contact us at and we will be happy to assist you. Thanks in advance for supporting the ANP.I did want to make you all aware of something. There is a nut ball … [Read more...] about ANP Report, July 15, 2022
ANP Report, July 2, 2022
Because this is a holiday weekend, I'm going to make this short. Sorry, I know you all love to read my ramblings, but it is Independence Day weekend.First, our merchandise has finally arrived. It is on the store and ready to go! Yes, it took forever and a day, but we are now ready for business. If you don't know how to find the store, just go to the main page of the website. In the task bar, click on "SUPPORT/JOIN". When the drop down appears, click on "SHOP" and you'll be there. If you have any questions or problems making a purchase or … [Read more...] about ANP Report, July 2, 2022
ANP Report, June 19, 2022
Comrades, sorry for being late again, but I've been kind of busy. I've been having some health problems that I won't discuss in detail on an open website. No, I'm not going to die or anything like that, but it's been kind of heavy what with going to doctors plus a trip to the ER. I do want to mention our local ER. Some of you who live in big cities are going to be pissed, but I went to the ER, and with checking in, waiting a few minutes, and being seen by a doctor, I was out in about an hour. That's one of the perks of living in a small town. … [Read more...] about ANP Report, June 19, 2022
ANP Report, June 2, 2022
Well, it's June already. Can you believe that at the end of the month the year is half over?! The weather is nice and I hope people are still keeping up with their literature distribution. It's nice weather for being outside. I remind everyone in California and the South West that in a month you'll be roasting in 100 degree plus weather so make the most of June. The heat will come. Those of you in the Gulf states have the same problem and with horrible humidity on top of it. Make the most of the nice weather while it's here.I have some more … [Read more...] about ANP Report, June 2, 2022
ANP REPORT, May 16, 2022
Recently, someone emailed me and mentioned that of late, my ANP Reports and White Worker articles sound more like marketing articles to promote our upcoming merchandise sales. Guilty, as charged. But in my defense, if we don't make people aware that we have items for sale, no one will go to our store and buy nothing and the items will just sit and gather dust. If we want to sell, we have to promote. With that said, I have a further update.Unfortunately our clothing line is still held up by various customs people. Last I heard it was stuck in … [Read more...] about ANP REPORT, May 16, 2022
ANP Report, May 1, 2022
Well, our Spring Blitz Literature Campaign is officially over. That doesn't mean we should stop our distribution. I suppose you can ease up a bit, but let's not quit altogether. The weather is really starting to get nice and that's just what we need when working outdoors. We had some really good results too. I get my news off the internet. Every so often I read a story about how some neighborhood in Hoboken, NJ or Lake Winnepesauki, NH or wherever was hit with hundreds of fliers and the local Liberals are whining about hate crimes and … [Read more...] about ANP Report, May 1, 2022
ANP Report, April 15, 2022
Well, April is half over. I can't believe how fast the time is going. It is true that the older you get, the faster time seems to pass. That's because younger folk don't have as many years under their belts as do older folk. When you're 25, that many years seems like a lifetime because it is. It's your lifetime. When you pass 50, 25 years seems like a lot less. Remember when you were a kid? One year seemed like forever. As a young adult, it doesn't seem so long. As an older adult, it seems like nothing at all.Enough of my rambling. Now … [Read more...] about ANP Report, April 15, 2022
ANP Report, April 1, 2022
Today is April Fool's Day. One of the explanations for its origin has to do with New Year's Day. When some people adopted the Christian calendar, their pagan calendar marked their New Year as April 1. Naturally, when the Christian calendar was adopted, there were some who refused to recognize it. Those people were considered to be fools for refusing to "modernize". When they held New Year's celebrations on April 1, often pranks were played on them because they were being foolish not to accept the new calendar. There are other explanations, but … [Read more...] about ANP Report, April 1, 2022
ANP Report, March 14, 2022
Before I begin, I hope you have all read the last post by Chairman Hess. It was regarding our Spring Blitz literature campaign. He covered it all very thoroughly so I see no reason to repeat here what he already wrote. Just get your materials and get out there and start distributing!March is already half over. It will soon be April which means White Heritage Month will be here soon. The Spring Blitz Campaign lasts until May, so I hope you will honor both our Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, and our founder Commander George Lincoln Rockwell by … [Read more...] about ANP Report, March 14, 2022
ANP Report, March 9, 2022: The Spring Blitz Literature Campaign Begins TODAY!
From the ChairmanGreetings Comrades! Today is March 9th, and this is a date that is near and dear to every National-Socialist, for it is the birthday of George Lincoln Rockwell. Today also begins our annual SPRING BLITZ literature campaign where White people of ALL pro-White organizations make an EXTRA EFFORT to distribute flyers, cards, and stickers! Please participate, and HONOR GLR & Adolf Hitler with your ACTIVISM and not just empty words of praise. This Spring Blitz goes through the rest of March and all of April, which is White Pride … [Read more...] about ANP Report, March 9, 2022: The Spring Blitz Literature Campaign Begins TODAY!
ANP Report, February 18, 2022
Comrades, if any of you forgot to get her something for Valentine's Day, whatever she's doing to you, you deserve it. I reminded you 18 days ago. If you forgot, you have no one to blame but yourself. Good luck. You'll need it.It seems that the Canadian Freedom run is having quite an effect. It's inspired other convoys all over the world. In Europe, a convoy shut down the EU capital in Brussels. Another convoy has disrupted things in South Africa. One will be starting here any time now. In Canada, Dictator Trudeau has literally seized power. … [Read more...] about ANP Report, February 18, 2022
ANP Report, February 1, 2022
Can you believe it's February already? You know what that means. Valentine's Day is in two weeks. Guys, if you don't get her something she'll make your life miserable for weeks. Don't forget. BTW, who's idea was it to make Valentine's Day February 14? I mean there's just 51 days between playing big spender Santa, and shower her with gifts Valentine! So who was this St. Valentine, anyway? He was a third century Roman Bishop who got his head sliced off (OUCH) for marrying lovers against the decree the emperor. Claudius II thought men made … [Read more...] about ANP Report, February 1, 2022
ANP Report, January 18, 2022
For many years, the ANP has promoted April as White Pride Month. I usually go all out and promote this on my blog, unfortunately Google has taken that platform away from me. After nearly 11 years, they suddenly decided that my blog violated their community standards. They should have said it violated their NEW community standards, meaning they now embrace "cancel culture". I was canceled. My blog may be gone, but I'm still here doing what I've been doing for over 12 years - fighting for the Aryan Race.The reason we chose April as White Pride Month … [Read more...] about ANP Report, January 18, 2022
State of the Party 2022
Racial Comrades!National-Socialist greetings for the New Year of 2022! As Rocky Suhayda once wrote, "Well, it the New Year, and its time to get back into the saddle for a ride back into the struggle against the darkness." First off, I wish to thank all of you Party Comrades who sent well wishes over the Yule-Tide season, and especially those who kept the faith, and continued their activities on behalf of the NS Struggle, despite the diversions caused by the holidays. Our enemy never takes a day off, and they have billions of dollars to spread … [Read more...] about State of the Party 2022