In the spirit of April Fool's Day...A 20-year-old college girl wrote a letter to her parents.Dear Mom and Dad,Sorry I haven't written to you sooner, but so much has happened lately. First, I fell off my bicycle and broke my leg. I didn't tell you sooner because I didn't want you to worry. I just got the cast off and I'm fine, except that I no longer have any feeling in my little finger. That's okay. I don't use it much anyway.I've also met a man. We've been seeing each other for a year now. I didn't tell you because he is of a different … [Read more...] about ANP Report, April 1, 2023
ANP Reports
ANP Report, March 15, 2023
A couple of announcements first. March kicked off our annual Spring Blitz Literature Campaign. We encourage all members and supporters to get out the literature. This year, we're trying something a little different. This month we'd like you to leave fliers or cards inside books at the library and local bookstores. We recommend you limit books to those on WW II, and anything that may be considered political in its subject matter. Under no circumstances shall literature be placed in children's books or those intended for "young adults" which … [Read more...] about ANP Report, March 15, 2023
ANP Report, March 4, 2023
Wow! It's March already! That means Spring weather is right around the corner. That also means the weather will be better for outdoor activism like handing out or dropping off literature. No more excuses about it being "too cold". Remember, I live in New Hampshire so I know what cold weather is. We're expecting more snow tonight. That means more shoveling tomorrow. Oh, joy. On the bright side, if I do a lot of shoveling I get to skip working out. Anyway, now is the time to start preparations for Spring activism. Our Spring Literature … [Read more...] about ANP Report, March 4, 2023
ANP Report, February 21, 2023
You know what really grinds my gears? It's dating women with small children. Last week I landed myself a date with a younger woman. I thought I was so lucky. I was planning on taking her out to dinner at a restaurant called "The Water Wheel." It thought it was going to be great. She had other ideas. It seems her baby sitter backed out at the last minute and we were a party of four instead of two. Ugh!Okay, so we drove out to the Water Wheel. It's about ten miles out of town. Naturally, all the way I was listening to, "Are we there yet? … [Read more...] about ANP Report, February 21, 2023
ANP Report, February 11, 2023
There are some people that think shaving your head, slapping on a Swastika, and shouting Sieg Heil makes you a National Socialist. What that makes you is a Hollyweird Nutzi, not a true National Socialist. However, this does not apply to all Skinheads, just some. There are many Skinheads that are true National Socialists. They have done their studying (Mein Kampf, the writings of George Lincoln Rockwell, and Henry Ford's The International Jew, plus other appropriate material). Fighting in the street will not help our cause. Most Skins learn this as … [Read more...] about ANP Report, February 11, 2023
ANP Report, January 21, 2023
Sorry for being almost a week late. It seems we're all late getting started after the holidays. I must confess I was pretty lazy and got behind on some of my ANP duties, but I'm more or less caught up.This is going to be a short report, but an important one. As most of you know, a few months ago the ANP signed up for a PayPal-like system for accepting dues and donations electronically. This was basically a brand new system and indeed, not all the bugs have been worked out. Many people have tried sending in dues and we never got them. The money is … [Read more...] about ANP Report, January 21, 2023
Happy New Year!
And may it be a White one! … [Read more...] about Happy New Year!
ANP Report, December 15, 2022
Comrades, as this is my last report before Christmas, I would like to tell you my favorite Christmas poem. 'Twas The Night Before ChristmasBy Al Bundy'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the houseNo food was a stirrin'. Not even a mouse.The stockings were hung round dad's neck like a tie,Along with a note that said, "Presents - or die!"But this year dad had money in the bank.But the bank closed up early. Now dad's in the tank.When all of a sudden Santa appeared With a sneer on his face and booze in his beard!"Santa," I said as he … [Read more...] about ANP Report, December 15, 2022
ANP Report, December 1, 2022
There's no doubt about it. Christmas season is here - and so is Christmas shopping season. I won't make a big deal out of this in my report because I've already done so in the December issue of The White Worker. All I'm going to say is when you shop for presents, use some moderation. Don't buy out the store. Don't put yourself in so much debt that you'll be lucky if you have it paid off by Christmas 2023. Remember, the Judeo-Capitalist beast you're feeding is slowly destroying you.Unfortunately for the movement, this is the slow time of year. … [Read more...] about ANP Report, December 1, 2022
ANP Report, November 17, 2020
I'd like to start out this report with a little something about our GabPay electronic system. It seems that some people having been having trouble. They submit a payment, and it does not go through. That means, your money remains in your account, and your dues are not paid. If you are trying to buy merchandise, it means that not only did your payment not reach us, but we have no idea that you even tried. What you need to do when using GabPay is when they ask if you wish to be notified if the payment is received, click yes. If you hear nothing … [Read more...] about ANP Report, November 17, 2020
ANP Report, November 1, 2022
Another Halloween has come and gone. We had the usual amount of trick-or-treaters. I also assume the older kids had their parties. There was also a ton of horror movies on TV.When I was a kid, every Saturday night there was a program called "Chiller Theatre" on one of the local stations. It showed really bad old "C" pictures (not even good enough to be a B picture) and a corn ball guy in a cheesy costume hosted it. It was on at midnight. On Halloween the host really mugged it up with the spooky stuff. At this time in my life, I was about eight … [Read more...] about ANP Report, November 1, 2022
ANP Report, October 15, 2022
Well, they did it. They subpoenaed Trump to testified before their Witch Hunt Committee. Trump has agreed to testify on the condition it is done on live TV. That way the Liberal news media cannot edit it in such a way that makes it sound damning to Trump by showing things out of context or editing our certain words. Very smart of our former president.I'm not certain if the committee has accepted the terms. If they don't, Trump will throw up every obstacle he can. If he does, I'm sure they'll get him there eventually. If I was Trump, unless we … [Read more...] about ANP Report, October 15, 2022
ANP Report, October 1, 2022
October is here. Before you know it, it will be New Year's Day! The election is just 34 days away. I hope you will all get out there and vote against the Marxist government that is ruining this country. Also, please don't forget to send in your dues. We also have plenty of stuff for sale on the site store. It all goes to help our cause - except for the new car I bought last week. Just kidding! 100% of your donations go back to the cause. Can any other group say that?I read a very disturbing story the other day regarding our children. A … [Read more...] about ANP Report, October 1, 2022
ANP Report: September 11th, 2022
From the ChairmanGreetings Racial Comrades!Summer is coming to a close, and that typically means increased activism, and getting back to work. The vacations are over, kids are back in school (homeschool by any and all means!!), and there is always a lot to do for the 14 Words and National-Socialism.For this ANP Report I've decided to answer some fairly questions, and discuss some of our ongoing work as a political-education organization.Q&AWhat are some activities you are involved with for the White race?We have numerous activities that we are … [Read more...] about ANP Report: September 11th, 2022
ANP Report, September 1, 2022
Well, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Fortunately for me it was later, but unfortunately it is now later. Last night I went to turn on my trusty old computer (and I do mean old) and immediately it went zit-zit-crackle-POOF! Then it laid down and died. The smell of burnt wiring hit my nose. It turns out one of my cooling fans shorted out. I have no idea if anything else was damaged but I wouldn't be surprised. Someone is going to take a look at it on Saturday, but considering it was seven years old, he'll probably tell me it … [Read more...] about ANP Report, September 1, 2022
Special Report, August 25, 2022
Comrades, I'll keep this very brief. Someone just made a donation through GabPay, but he failed to leave a note saying who it was from. I have no idea who sent it, so I can't credit him. Please, if you're going to use GabPay, when they ask if you want to send a message you must tell me who it's from or I can't credit you. If you are reluctant to use your name with an electronic system of payment, then you'll just have to use the regular mail. I'm not a mystic. If there is no name attached to a donation or dues, then I have no way of knowing … [Read more...] about Special Report, August 25, 2022