The war in Palestine is, in a way, a unique one. It is basically Jewish Supremacists vs. Muslim Terrorists.Let's not forget that this is not a war of religion vs. religion. The Arabic peoples have had a beef with the Jews for the last 3,000 years. That's more than 1,000 before the Muslim faith even existed. It goes all the way back to Ancient Egypt. And there arose in Egypt a new pharaoh and he knew not Joseph.As we all remember from Sunday school, Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. He ended up in Egypt as slave to pharaoh … [Read more...] about ANP Report, December 1, 2023
ANP Reports
ANP Report, November 15, 2023
The History of Thanksgiving in the United StatesAn annual thanksgiving holiday tradition in North American colonies is documented for the first time in 1619, in what is now called the Commonwealth of Virginia. Thirty-eight English settlers aboard the ship Margaret arrived by way of the James River at Berkeley Hundred in Charles City County, Virginia on December 4, 1619. The landing was immediately followed by a religious celebration, specifically dictated by the group's charter from the London Company. The charter declared, "that the day of our … [Read more...] about ANP Report, November 15, 2023
ANP Report, November 1, 2023
Every December I write something similar to this. I feel I have to. Some of you read a similar article last year, but we're always getting new supporters, plus people have a tendency to forget.It's at this time of year that many people seem to go crazy. They spend Thanksgiving being thankful for what they have, and the day after trampling their fellow man in order to get the best bargains on Black Friday. This year was no different - despite Biden's inflation. Now some will say this inflation is not Biden's fault. … [Read more...] about ANP Report, November 1, 2023
ANP Report, October 15, 2023
Comrades, I want to talk to you about the war with Israel. First, don't believe everything the media tells you. They are trying to hype everything up to increase their ratings and gain more support for Israel. For example, the beheaded baby stories have already been proven to be fake news. It's like back when Iraq invaded Kuwait. They showed a 15 year old girl who called herself Nayhira testifying before a congressional committee. She told a horrifying story of how when she was a volunteer at a Kuwaiti hospital, and saw Iraqi soldiers taking … [Read more...] about ANP Report, October 15, 2023
ANP Report, October 1, 2023
Another month has come and gone. Very soon, it will be snowing where I live. I'd better get some gas for the old gas can and fire up the snow blower to make sure it's working after sitting since last April. Better to know now than wait until it's snowed.Being October, that means the heat is over with in most regions, and the really cold weather has not yet arrived. That also means that there is no excuse not to get your butts out there distributing literature. In another few weeks in the northern regions, it will be cold enough to freeze the … [Read more...] about ANP Report, October 1, 2023
ANP Report, September 15, 2023
Comrades, the ANP is looking for a volunteer to step forward and become our new press secretary. Your duties would be to write up press releases and email them to local media whenever some idiot does something incredibly stupid that makes the entire NS community look bad. For example, a group calling itself the Goyim Defense League (GDL) staged a little street theatre on a freeway overpass in Miami, Florida last week. I don't know if they consider themselves to be National Socialists, but they are anti-Semitic. Most people, when they learn a … [Read more...] about ANP Report, September 15, 2023
ANP Report, September 1, 2023
Comrades, September is here again. That means school is about to start or has already started in some states. I want to remind you to be extra careful on your way to work in the mornings. Kids will be walking or riding bikes to school or waiting for the school bus. As we all know, kids don't always show a great amount of common sense, so don't expect them to see you and get out of the way in time. If you hit a kid, you'll have to live with that the rest of your life, not to mention possible prison time. Let's all be extra careful out … [Read more...] about ANP Report, September 1, 2023
ANP Report, August 15, 2023
Every time I watch the news I shudder. War or the threat of war is everywhere. Inflation is out of control. Crime is rampant. And most disturbingly, morality continues to decline.Not only is the family unit disintegrating, but society seems to be encouraging this. We have "shack ups", marriages of convenience, paper marriages, and so-called open marriages. Now we have same sex marriages. With each generation the moral decay worsens, and the trend is likely to continue.For the first time in the history of this country, and probably in the history of … [Read more...] about ANP Report, August 15, 2023
ANP Report, August 1, 2023
You know what really grinds my gears? When I was a kid, when were weren't in school, we were all out playing in the neighborhood - weather permitting. Today you go into any neighborhood during school vacation and it's like a freaking ghost town. Where are all the kids?Now I get it that in large, Liberal run cities it is very dangerous to let kids go out alone. Some states actually have laws where you can't even let kids under 12 go to the park alone. Hells bells! When I was as young as five, I just walked out the door to go play. All I had to … [Read more...] about ANP Report, August 1, 2023
ANP Report, July 15, 2023
There is a bank robbery brewing. This robbery will be different from previous robberies. This time the banks won't be the victims, they'll be the thieves.People believe that the stock market is a place for investments and to make money. What if it's all one gigantic trap?Stock prices have been skyrocketing. Many small investors believe this is a good time to make a killing. What if the Powers That Be are purposely ramping stocks as high as possible while they implement legislation/policies that will make it all but impossible to get your money out … [Read more...] about ANP Report, July 15, 2023
ANP Report, July 1, 2023
Independence Day is just three days away. To me, it seems particularly sad that we celebrate the birth of our country as it lays dying. It's kind of like bringing a birthday cake to a man who is dying in the hospital. It somehow seems - inappropriate.Don't get me wrong. I do love my country. But as the old joke goes, "I love my country. It's the government that scares the hell out of me." That is so true for me.Independence Day is also a time for paying homage to our Founding Fathers. One of the things that scares me about our government is … [Read more...] about ANP Report, July 1, 2023
ANP Report, June 15, 2023
You know what really grinds my gears? Well, it's that time of year when the kids are getting off for the summer. I mean, kids are still kids. They should be going to school year round. I know I should have. I bet kids haven't really changed a bit, other than being more disrespectful and always on their phones. Take homework. I never did homework. I came home, threw my books on my desk, and that was the end of my homework. My mother always asked if I did my home work, and of course I always lied through my teeth and said I did. She was … [Read more...] about ANP Report, June 15, 2023
ANP Report, June 1, 2023
Another month has come and gone and June is upon us. Just because the Spring Blitz campaign is over, doesn't mean we stop with the literature. On the contrary, we keep going now that the summer weather is here. If you live in the southern regions, don't complain about it being too hot. Go out at night when it's cooler and toss bags of literature on people's lawns. Let's not be a wuss about the weather.I just read an interesting article regarding Kari Lake. She was the one who lost the gubernatorial election in Arizona to her Democrat opponent. … [Read more...] about ANP Report, June 1, 2023
ANP Report, May 15, 2023
May is half over now and our Spring Blitz campaign is winding down. We had a good response this year - better than usual. A lot of materials were ordered and we had a higher than usual visit rate to the website, probably to download materials. I wish more of you hadn't waited until the last minute to download. Really, it's no skin off of my teeth, but you only made it harder on yourself. Next year, do it early and get everything ready in advance and you'll find it all goes much easier. Procrastination is the bane of our efforts.Announcement: … [Read more...] about ANP Report, May 15, 2023
ANP Report, May 1, 2023
In my last actual report I gave you a brief lesson on handing out literature. This time it's on dropping it off. Like the one about hand outs, there will be a more detailed version in The White Worker later this month.In many ways, dropping off literature is easier and safer than handing it out. Here's how I do it. I take a few fliers and fold them, and put them into sandwich bags. I also include nice bit of uncooked dry rice. The weight of the rice allows you to toss them into yards and driveways without even leaving your car. Using rice … [Read more...] about ANP Report, May 1, 2023
Adolf Hitler
April 20, 1889 - April 30, 1945 … [Read more...] about Adolf Hitler