I suggest you check this out on YouTube so you can see the likes and dislikes. So far it's 4,300 likes, 44,000 dislikes. LMWAO! … [Read more...] about The Inauguration of the 46th President of the United States
ANP Report, January 23, 2021.
Sorry that it's been so long, but I wanted this whole election thing to play out right until Creepy Joe's inauguration before I said anything. Add to that, our website has gone down twice during the last three days. Jeez! What are we paying $1200 a year for an anti-hacking service for? Those clowns need to start doing their job properly or we'll have to take our business elsewhere.That reminds me. Someone forwarded Biden's Inaugural Address on YouTube to me. You're going to love this! That video received only 4,300 likes, and 44,000 dislikes at the … [Read more...] about ANP Report, January 23, 2021.
The Dangers of ‘Cancel Culture’
Guest host Dan Bongino and Leo Terrell discuss the dangers of 'cancel culture'. … [Read more...] about The Dangers of ‘Cancel Culture’
Happy New Year!
I know many of you are very upset that Trump has not been able to turn this election around. Not only has there not been a proper investigation into election fraud, but it seems that no one even wants to investigate, regardless of how much circumstantial evidence there is.Naturally the Democrats don't want one. That's understandable. We really can't blame them. It also seems that many Republicans are willing to turn a blind eye as well. My theory to that is that the last four years have been rather turbulent for this country and some … [Read more...] about Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas!
Comrades, I'm reposting something I read in an email from a well known political action group. It's a message about keeping the fight going.Christmas finds the foundations of our Republic under attack.So, at a time like this, it may be best to step back and try to focus our hearts and minds on things that unite us.As we do, I am reminded of one of my favorite stories from Christmas past. On Christmas Day, 1776, the American Revolution appeared to be dead.George Washington's Continental Army had been driven out of New Jersey.The British and Hessian … [Read more...] about Merry Christmas!
“What Happens If President Trump Does Not Concede The Election”
The Democrats are getting pretty pissed. Some of Trump's legal team has actually received death threats. Here's a good question: If the Democrats have done nothing illegal, why are some of them resorting to threats? If they did nothing wrong, then Trump must lose his cases. They would only be afraid and start making threats if they had done something wrong are worried about being exposed. … [Read more...] about “What Happens If President Trump Does Not Concede The Election”
ANP Report, December 1, 2020
Well, it happened. I wasn't exactly expecting it, but now that it has I'm not really surprised.Some of you know that the ANP started a channel on Discord. It was by invitation only. We started with about a dozen people, then slowly started to increase the numbers. It seemed to be working out very well and we were going to start sending invites to all members and supporters. Forget that.It seems that Discord itself pulled the plug on us. It seems we violated their terms of service by making "hateful" statements. The thing is, the people we … [Read more...] about ANP Report, December 1, 2020
Mellissa Carone Dominion Whistleblower With Lou Dobbs
Oh no, there's no election fraud. Horse manure! There's so much fraud this time if you can't see it you need a seeing eye dog. … [Read more...] about Mellissa Carone Dominion Whistleblower With Lou Dobbs
ANP Report, November 19, 2020
It seems the jackasses are at it again. The COVID case number rises a bit, and the Mongol Hordes descend on the stores like vultures wiping out everything they can get their hands on. Once again there isn't a roll of toilet paper on the shelves.Just what do they thing is going to happen? Do they think that everyone is going to get sick and no one will be left to work the factories? That is just plain assinine. Perhaps they are just too stupid to realize that COVID is not responsible for product shortages - THEY ARE. They are the ones with the, … [Read more...] about ANP Report, November 19, 2020
ANP Report, November 16, 2020
Comrades, some of you may have noticed that our blogs are disappearing one by one. This is due to outright censorship. My blog, "A National Socialist Life" was pulled down by Blogger after being up ten years and receiving over half a million hits. I have to tell you that that really hurt. Ten years and half a million hits - all gone. I did backup my blog last week so I still have everything up to that point. I could start another blog using a different platform. I want to do some investigating to see how strict the others are. Wordpress is … [Read more...] about ANP Report, November 16, 2020
Sidney Powell: “We’ve Identified 450,000 Ballots that Miraculously ONLY have a Vote for Joe Biden”
It ain't over until the fat lady sings. She hasn't sung yet. … [Read more...] about Sidney Powell: “We’ve Identified 450,000 Ballots that Miraculously ONLY have a Vote for Joe Biden”
Joe Biden Asshole song
No matter who wins, this is still funny. … [Read more...] about Joe Biden Asshole song
‘Australians (Americans too) must know the truth – this virus is not a pandemic’: Alan Jones
This Aussie has been saying what I've been saying all along. It's actually rather gratifying for me to have someone agree with me. This whole thing is basically bullshit. There is a virus, but there is NO pandemic. … [Read more...] about ‘Australians (Americans too) must know the truth – this virus is not a pandemic’: Alan Jones
The True Purpose for the 2020 Riots
I can't say I go along with him 100 percent, but a lot of what he says makes sense. … [Read more...] about The True Purpose for the 2020 Riots
The mystery of the Georgia Guidestones
The guy who put up the money for this called himself R.C. Christian. That has been since been determined to be a false name. Additionally, how does anyone know if he was the one really responsible? He may have been a front man working for someone else.The Guidestones were put up in the late 1970s. The threat of nuclear war was on everyone's minds. One of the things the stones say is to keep the world's population under a half billion. No one is saying we should kill six and a half billion people. Well, about five and a half billion at the time the … [Read more...] about The mystery of the Georgia Guidestones
Biden Motorcade Vs Trump Motorcade
Is this a sign that Trump will win? Not necessarily. All this proves is that Trump supporters are WAY more enthusiastic than Biden supporters. Unfortunately, there are many people who will vote for Biden only because they hate Trump. The only concern they have is getting Trump out of office. They don't really care who his replacement is. Gee, isn't that a responsible way to cast your vote? … [Read more...] about Biden Motorcade Vs Trump Motorcade