Greetings Comrades,
Just a quick note that the deadline for submissions for inclusion in the April edition of The White Worker is a week from tomorrow, March 31st. If that proves too tight a deadline for some who have an article they really want for this next issue, let me now and we might be able to work something out. I know that many parts of the country have Spring Break this week and next.
We did have a number of new contributors last month, all very well received and I thank each and every one of you. I’m happy to report that submissions are already coming in for this next edition.

The April issue is, of course, a special edition for us, being the time when we celebrate Adolf Hitler’s birth. We will also continue our year-long counter-narrative to the Holocaust® Industrial Complex fabrications with more factual information. In addition, as noted in the News section of the ANP website on March 1st: “the ANP has designated April to be White History/Heritage/Pride Month… For those of you who contribute to The White Worker, it would be a good idea if your articles took this into consideration.” And of course, with the Spring Blitz still going on, articles on offering “best practices” for spreading the National Socialist word with flyers and cards and encouraging like-minded souls to join our cause would not go amiss.
I think it is important in this coming April edition to celebrate our National Socialist heritage and be positive, as next month could be more challenging: May will mark the 80th anniversary of the official end of the war in Europe, and we are sure to be inundated with even more “holier-than-thou” propaganda about how men who could walk-on-water beat the “evil Nazis” while saving the poor, abused, victimized Jews from near extinction. Even the expression “VE Day” is problematic. Victory for who? Certainly not the White Race and European culture. So this upcoming issue will focus on the positives of our National Socialist cause and that great man, Adolf Hitler, who led the way.
Again, the deadline is March 31, and submissions can be sent to: Whiteworker @ AmericanNaziParty . com
Hail Victory!
-Johann Rhein
The White Worker- Editor