Comrades, I don’t know how good this report will be because I have been sick as a dog all week. I have no idea what I’ve got, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t Covid because I don’t have any lung issues. I’m not going to go into the symptoms because some of them would simply be TMI. Suffice it to say that I am sick with something.
Anyway, I can’t believe the winter is almost over. Just a few more weeks and spring will have sprung. Technically spring starts next week, but I mean the spring weather. It doesn’t matter what the calender says if it’s snowing. All you can do is say like Homer Simpson said, “Lousy Smarch Weather!”

Another thing the spring brings is our annual even called Spring Blitz when we try and get out as much literature as possible. You can wait until around May, which is when we do it. The cold is over with but the heat has not begun unless you live in some God-foresaken place like Southern California. But now is a good time to order your literature so you’ll get it in time, or you can download the free stuff off the website.
You don’t have to hand out stuff directly to people. That can be risky nowadays, depending on where you live. There are a number of methods you can use where you don’t need to come into direct contact with people. First, you can get your own blimp and fly over a town at night and just throw flyers overboard and let it rain literature. Don’t have your own blimp? Well, you can go to your local library and slip them into the books. WW II books are most appropriate. Don’t even look at the children’s section. You can also leave them in public restrooms. Slip them onto shelves at stores or even in the pockets of clothing. Just use your imagination.
In April I will post more on this in greater detail. I know some of you are familiar with all of this, but the newer people might not be.
We Have Lost Our Way
by Steve Davenport
Why do we have a MLK holiday? Why do we have black history month? I’ll tell you why. We white Aryans have become spineless. We give in to blacks on everything they want. Why? White guilt? We feel guilty. The people who practiced black slavery are all dead. No one living today had anything to do with it. Why feel guilt over something you didn’t do, that happened 300 years ago. Seems pretty damn ridiculous when you think about it. . This shows how Asinine whites have come to be. We worry about something none of us had anything to do with. I say enough black history month. Enough of MLK day. MLK is NO national hero. He worked solely for blacks, not whites. Aren’t national heroes supposed to be for the entire nation, not one group?
Join ANP as a supporter. Donate money. Donate your time to give out literature. We whites have kissed black ass more than enough. It’s time we took our nation back from the evil things who have seized it. The unholy trinity of the Democratic party, BLACKS/GAYS/LESBIANS. The Jews favored groups. The very same groups who want to destroy white Aryan society and civilization. If we continue as we have, we are doomed. Our children will grow up ashamed of being white, and will slaves of the non whites.
Well, that’s about it for this report. Stay safe and hail victory!
Dan Schneider
Deputy Chairman
American Nazi Party