March is finally here. What’s so great about March? For those of you who live in the warmer parts of the country, nothing. But for the rest of us, it means hope. The hope that winter won’t last forever. Believe me, those of us in the north are getting mighty sick of freezing our butts off, and emptying our wallets every month to pay the heating bill.
You’re right. Today is no warmer than yesterday, but in less than three weeks, spring will begin. Sure, it will still be cold here in New Hampshire. It’s kind of psychological. We associate February with winter and freezing temperatures. Just two weeks ago we were hammered by a blizzard and my pipes froze. I was lucky they didn’t break. But now it’s March and we associate that with spring and the (slow) return of the warm weather. It’s like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The end of winter weather is approaching. It may be another four to six weeks, but it is coming.
Also, March is the birthday of the founder of the ANP, George Lincoln Rockwell. I hope people will do more than just light a candle to this great man and drink a toast in his honor. That’s okay, but the commander would consider you going out and doing something to promote the cause, like giving out literature, or writing an article or doing a podcast to be more valuable that a candle or a toast. Honor Commander Rockwell by honoring the cause. Save the candle and the beer for later in the evening.
Also, the ANP has designated April to be White History/Heritage/Pride Month. I will be making posts next month that reflect this. For those of you who contribute to The White Worker, it would be a good idea if your articles took this into consideration.
We’ve Lost Our Way
by Steve Davenport
Our country sucks. We need National socialism to set things right. Our country doles out massive amounts of money. Why? Why do we have to be the world’s piggy bank? We give money to Ukraine. Why? The Ukraine-Russia war is none of our business. The Arab-Israeli war is definitely none of our business. We constantly beat on China economically. We will never break our dependence on them, because too many Jew Capitalists like cheap goods.
Human rights? This country’s solely non white. We white Aryans have NO rights. We are expected to kiss non white asses like good little liberals. The liberals see immigration as a panacea for our country. Why? Why is making this nation into a mud nation good for us? All it will do is make us a narco mud state like the rest of Latin America.
This country may be polarized, but whose fault is that? Liberals expect us to walk on our knees to non-whites. Even if we walk on our knees, there is no placating non whites. They want it all. Under liberalism, our government has practiced overreach to a grand scale. This country may be fragmented, but we white Aryans must maintain our dignity and power, lest we become just another shit hole nation like in the non white world. Become an ANP supporter Donate money. Donate your time to give out literature. Let us stop the decay while there is still time.
Comrade Davenport is so right. Just what would America be like if Whites suddenly disappeared overnight (somehow)? Just take a good look at South America. When Whites were in charge, it was a proserous country every bit as advanced as any western European nation like the UK or Germany. Now look at it. It’s a Third World crap hole. It took less than two years for it to fall apart. Do non-White Americans think it would be any different here if Whites disappeared? Don’t make me laugh. It would be just like South Africa. We run most of the government (not that that is saying much), most big businesses. Whites do most of the work and pay most of the taxes. Who is going to pay for all those benefit programs folks of color depend on? If they think they won’t need them once we’re gone, well, for their sake they’d better be right or a good many of them will starve.
Well, that’s about it for this report. Stay safe and hail victory!
Dan Schneider
Deputy Chairman
American Nazi Party