Mit deutschem Gruß Comrades!

I hope this finds you hale and hearty! This is to inform those so inclined to submit work (article, artwork, funnies, pictures of activities, etc) for the next issue of The White Worker that the deadline for doing so is March 3. The goal is to have it out for distribution sometime in the second week of March.
March is a special month, of course, as March 9th is George Lincoln Rockwell’s birthday. So this issue obviously has a strong focus on Commander Rockwell.
Another “focus” was inspired by the “Much Ado About Nothing” infesting our news-feeds: the 80th Anniversary of the “Liberation” of Auschwitz and other labor camps. Deputy Chairman Dan Schnieder wrote an informative article for last month’s TWW which, among other things, explained how the technology employed at the time was wholly insufficient to the task of disposing of the alleged number of victims: In short, the ovens simply weren’t large enough (or of the right design) to handle the purported number of bodies. I’m so glad he wrote that, as I envision having one article each issue this year debunking some aspect of the Holohoax claim. Sort of a “counter thrust” to all the Jewish propaganda. The March issue will feature another article by Deputy Chairman Schnieder looking at the so-called Operation Reinhard and the logistical impossibility of killing 1.4 million- to say nothing of disposing of the bodies- in a 100 days. If you have other examples of “Holocaust®” absurdities, or the vast profits made from peddling such nonsense, please feel free to submit them for use in upcoming issues. Not pushing back on the falsehoods does a disservice to our ancestors and our cause. If we don’t try to get the truth out there, no one else will. Letting “them” tell their lies unchallenged furthers their narrative, not ours. Especially when the facts are on our side.
It’s been a somewhat mind-numbing month. A lot of the issues under the Biden administration were, for want of a better term, low-hanging fruit. With many of those concerns now being addressed (allegedly), we have to work a little harder, look a little deeper, and return to core principals- at least until we can accurately access the true state of things under this new administration. In the long run, of course, it doesn’t matter: Trump is a Judeo-Capitalist Zionist. The only real difference between the previous administration and this one is that the former was composed of Ideologues and the latter is composed of Opportunists. That truth will eventually become readily apparent to all and we shall have our low-hanging fruit again. But it’s early days, and the people we hope to educate are still enthralled with him (which, given the previous administration and the alternative, is not surprising). For clarification of the distinction between anything coming out of Washington and National Socialism, I refer you to the What We Stand For section of our website. It’s good to re-read that now and again.
Once more, the deadline for submissions to the upcoming TWW issue is March 3rd. So you can plan ahead, the deadline for the April issue will be March 31st. Submissions can be sent to:
Sieg Heil!
–Johann Rhein
The White Worker- Editor