This article was written by me and was published in the last issue of the White Worker. I’m reposting it here so everyone will have a chance to read it. For those who already have, you can scroll down to a new post by Comrade Steve Davenport on what happens to countries that were once run by Whites, but are now run by Blacks.
The Origins of Santa Claus
Every real American knows who Santa is.
The popular conception originates from folklore traditions surrounding the 4th-century Christian
bishop Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children. He became known for his generosity and
secret gift-giving.
The more modern conception of Santa is a jolly fat man with a white beard and red fur suit and
hat. This image of St. Nick originated in North America and was influenced by Dutch immigrants
who brought with them the legend of Sinterklaas (St. Nicholas) who was pictured with a white
beard and dressed as a Catholic bishop.
With a little reimagining and a lot of Americanization, we have the modern-day image of Santa
Saint Nicholas
Saint Nicholas was a 4th-century Greek Christian bishop of Myra (now Demre) in the region of Lycia in the Roman Empire, today in Turkey. Nicholas was known for his generous gifts to the poor, in particular
presenting the three impoverished daughters of a pious Christian with dowries so that they would not have to become prostitutes. He was very religious from an early age and devoted his life entirely to Christianity.

Father Christmas
Father Christmas dates back to the 17th Century in England. Originally, he was depicted as looking very much like the Ghost of Christmas Present in Charles Dickens’ novella “A Christmas Carol”. I’m sure everyone reading this has seen at least one of the umpteen versions that have been made in the last 90 years, so you know exactly what he looked like. As time when on, particularly in the late 19th Century, the
image of Father Christmas has been updated and today he looks a lot like Santa, except he usually wears a long red frock coat instead of one that stops at the waist. He is pictured as both fat or thin.

Dutch, Belgian and Swiss folklore
In the Netherlands and Belgium, Santa is called Sinterklaas (St. Nicholas)
or de Kerstman (the Christmas Man). As one of the common languages
of Switzerland is French, he is called Père Noël, which means Father
Christmas. He is pictured with a white beard and dressed like a Catholic
bishop like Sinterklaas. However, in these countries, he does not just bring
gifts on Christmas Eve, Children get an extra gift day on December 6. He
brings everyone gifts on the 25th. Another difference is Sinterklaas is
assisted by his helpers called Pieten, and they are not elves. Also, in many
parts of Europe, Santa is accompanied on his Christmas journey by a
sinister creature called Krampus. While Sinterklaas gives gifts to good
children, Krampus spanks bad children with a twig broom.

Germanic Paganism
During Pagan times, the Germanic peoples as well as the British celebrated a winter holiday called Yule. With the Christianization of Europe, Yuletide traditions were absorbed into Christianity. Yule was basically celebrated among the Norse culture, and those they had conquered – including Britain. From this mixture of Christianity and Odinism evolved the traditions we now observe at Christmas time in Western Culture. (The god Odin pictured below)

Christmas Eve
Hanging up stockings for Santa Claus is generally believed to have started in Worthington, Ohio in 1928. It was a custom imported by German immigrants. In the United States and Canada, children leave a glass of milk and a plate of cookies intended for Santa; in Britain, Australia and New Zealand, sherry or beer, and mince pies are left instead. In Denmark, Norway and Sweden, it is common for children to leave him rice porridge with sugar and cinnamon. In Ireland it is popular to leave Guinness or milk, along with Christmas pudding or mince pies. I wonder if in Australia they leave him Foster’s. That’s Australian for beer, mate!
In Hungary, St. Nicolaus (Mikulás) or Father Winter (Télapó) comes on the night of December 5 and the children get their gifts the next morning. They get sweets in a bag if they were good, and Krampus spanks them with a golden colored birch switch if not. On Christmas Eve “Baby Jesus” comes and gives
gifts for everyone.
In Slovenia, Saint Nicholas (Miklavž) also brings small gifts for good children on the eve of 6 December. Božiček (Christmas Man) brings gifts on the eve of December 25, and Dedek Mraz (Grandfather Frost) brings gifts in the evening of December 31 to be opened on New Year’s Day.
Appearance and Laugh
Santa’s appearance and laugh are generally attributed to poet Thomas Nast in “T’was The Night Before Christmas”, originally entitled “A Visit From Saint Nicholas”, written in 1823. Santa is usually pictured as White, but even he has become the victim of Wokeism. In 2021 Disneyland and Disney World started portraying Santa as being of color. The first one was a Black Santa. Considering that Walt Disney was an outspoken Antisemite and Nazi sympathizer, he must be spinning in his grave.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
by Steve Davenport
We white Ayans have sat on our collective buts long enough. It is high time we assert ourselves. For decades, we have watched as non-whites corrupt our nation. Lead it asray. Make a total mess out of things. Look at how non-whites have ruined our cities. They milk them for money, yet do no improvements. This is the non white way. Look at Africa. The non whites said they would build great nations. Bullshit. They are cesspools of corruption, laziness, and murder. Notice how once Rhodesia and South Africa, went to black majority rule, they ran out the whites. The result is massive crime. Economic devastation, where in Zimbabwe {formerly Rhodesia} the economy has dropped like a rock. Now currency is issued in notes of billions of dollars.
We US white Aryans have ducked a bullet with Harris’ defeat. Let’s make sure it stays that way. Help ANP keep white Aryan America white and whole. We must not let non whites take over ever again. Help ANP eliminate all these kiss nigger ass policies that have been enacted. Become an ANP supporter. Donate money. Donate your time to give out literature. Let us keep white America white. We must NEVER allow our nation to become like the whites of South Africa, where non-whites have run amok, and remade prosperous nations, turning them into mud people swamps of primitivism.
Well, that’s it for this report. Stay safe, Merry Christmas, and hail victory!
Dan Schneider
Deputy Chairman
American Nazi Party