the last day for contributions to the October “Halloween” edition of the Party magazine is Tuesday, October 8.
As I write, the chosen Israelis are again bombing civilian populations with impunity, this time in Lebanon. Ostensibly targeting Hezbollah leadership, the ratio of 99 civilian kills for every one supposed Hezbollah enemy is the Jewish M.O. revealed in the Gaza Genocide. The whole world watches mass slaughter and does nothing. Man’s inhumanity to man was supposed to end via the vaunted treaties and humanitarian encomia that closed the hostilities of World War Two. All of it pious drivel. The distinct Jewish taste for blood is self-evident.
The ONE idea that can effectively fight and defeat the failed, unrealistic emotionalism of humanitarian universal multiracialism is the ONE idea we all live by. Though the distortions of that idea began years before World War Two, what has indeed become universal since that fratricidal conflict is the depraved anti-NS, anti-White indoctrination soaked into the fabric of public discourse, an insidious inculcation of such far-reaching dimension no war propagandist dared dream it possible. Hitler was Satan. Nazis are evil. Modern “neo-Nazis” prove it. No matter how reasonable our presentation of NS ideology can be, it generates an automatic, implanted reaction of rejection, even revulsion, from the White mind polluted since kindergarten by the academic, social, and legal proscriptions set against any positive light cast on National Socialism.
Similarly, the history of Heinrich Himmler’s institute for Nordic regeneration at the Wewelsburg has been depicted as a castle of devil-worshipping sorcerers, a brooding brothel birthing Aryan blond children, the site of heathen ancient Norse rituals. Just the kind of thing that attracts “neo-Nazi” mental defectives who seek to inflate their uncertain manhood and low self-esteem.
The notion that Adolf Hitler was an Anti-Christ, or at least that he practiced black magic, surfaced in anti-Nazi tracts written even at the time of the Third Reich. Today it seems to have become a “fact” – especially in popular culture and crypto history but also in scholarly writing, that leading Nazis were practicing occultists. This idea, too, is evolving, in many cases transferring the focus from Hitler as the main Dark Lord to Reichsführer SS Himmler. Although the popular idea of Wewelsburg Castle as Himmler’s “SS monastery,” “SS Vatican,” “Dark Camelot,” and similar ludicrous descriptions has been around ever since the 1950s, the interplay between popular history and fiction has firmly established the place as a site of Nazi, or specifically SS, occult practices. The Black Sun floor mosaic in the castle’s northern tower plays a significant part in this lore, partly as it is currently an object of semiotic struggle. The symbol was used early in a postwar right-wing context to symbolize certain ideological values, particularly in German-speaking areas, but remained quite obscure in mainstream culture for decades. However, following Western popular culture’s increasing preoccupation with supposed Nazi occultism – not least regarding the introduction of the Black Sun symbol in an English language context – it has also become established as a general symbol of Nazi occultism in recent decades.
The real story of the Wewelsburg and Himmler’s SS is obscured by fantasy and gross Jewish misrepresentation. During my graduate studies in Germany, I had the privilege of meeting and getting to know many former SS men. These men were tried and true, iconic living proof of NS honor and loyalty. They were approachable, candid, strong, fearless. They were –and remain– heroes.
Your articles, comments, questions, poetry, artwork…everything is welcome. A low-res preview of the TWW October cover is below.