The last day for contributions to the Aug-Sept double issue of the Party magazine is Sunday, Sept 8.
British Whites are being sentenced to lengthy jail terms for rioting, even those who did so online. Outrage among Whites, objecting to a 15-month prison term for Julie Sweeney, 53, of Cheshire, grows with each anti-White trial.

White Britons have had enough.
In England’s Spring elections earlier this year, EIGHT so-called nationalist parties fielded candidates for local and national offices. The dilution of solid choice for voters resulted in a landslide for the all-too-woke Labour Party, who are still not as woke as the previous multi-racial Conservative government! INSANITY.
It has all caught up to us in America. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are more beholden to Jewish interests than ever before. Trump is kissing the kosher butt of Miriam Adelson, the Israeli wife of the oily, disgusting, ugly, thankfully dead casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. In 2018 Trump gave the Jewess the Medal of Freedom and recently stated that she is greater than any dead or wounded soldier getting the Medal of Honor. What? Trump is batshit NUTS. What promises did The Donald make to Netanyahu during their private hob-nob at Mar-a-Lago last month? The caramelized-skinned Kamala, married to a woke Jew, is ready to sign a bill to forbid any criticism of any Jew for any reason, even if the subject is the behavior of the murderous Israeli Defense Force in Gaza and the West Bank. But then the first chapter of the anti-antisemitism bill was pushed out by Trump in 2019, concurrent with the wimpy dipstick DeSantis signing a Florida school version and another all-State ban of Jew criticism in April 2023 while he was “campaigning” in Jerusalem, still a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. Stongman J.D. “Valiant” Vance, with his Hindu wife and mixed-race children, is offering up the same promise.
Insane. A full report on the current dilemma facing REAL National Socialists is in the forthcoming issue of The White Worker. No more pandering to all-American flag waving “patri-diots,” as a German comrade calls them: the German nationalist sellouts to Russian hegemony; the English nationalists weak as water due to a plethora of vanity political parties, American pro-White and truly patriotic voters who squander their votes on Trump and his greedy Republicans.
We can sit here and suffocate under the chest-crushing weight of such arrant stupidity, or we can steel ourselves for a fight that grows tougher with each passing day.
Durable, true, GLR-powered Hitlerian devotion to the cause of the White race is the hardening, enheartening iron supplement we must now double in dosage!
A preview of the August-September cover is below.