America Has Become a New World Order Outpost
By Thomas W. Chittum
“These elitists of the New World Order, in pursuit of their agenda of global domination, are
systematically crushing the sovereignty of all nation states whose leaders or people dare defy
July 4, 2000 — Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the First Annual Imperial Rag Flag Burn, brought to you live from Eric Rudolph country in North Carolina.
Ladies and gentlemen, some time ago I proposed the idea of this event, and today I am gathered here with like-minded people, who have also come to believe that what I am about to do is both appropriate and just.
Before I proceed, I think it appropriate that I explain to my fellow Americans why I am taking this action.
America is no longer a nation-state in which I enjoy full rights of citizenship, but an authoritarian empire, of which I am a subject, and where I must now beg for rights that were once mine by force of law as set down in our now defunct Constitution.
This new American empire is itself merely an administrative district of the New World Order, which is run by an aristocracy of arrogant murderers and looters who have usurped the powers of governance formerly regulated and limited by our Constitution.
These elitists of the New World Order, in pursuit of their agenda of global domination, are systematically crushing the sovereignty of all nation states whose leaders or people dare defy them.
These looters of the New World Order crush all opposition by their arrogant nullification of elections , which they accomplish by economic intimidation, and when their economic bully boy tactics prove insufficient, they rain down cruise missile and cluster bombs, murdering civilians and soldiers alike, to make an object lesson of those who dare defy them.
Here in the American Empire, the NWO elitists have subverted our federal police, transforming them into a Praetorian guard of paramilitary Robo Cops, who are dispatched to harass and even assassinate law-abiding dissidents using the legal fig leaf of entrapment.
Remember Ruby Ridge?
Our once proud national military of citizen soldiers has been transformed into an imperial army of mercenaries that is routinely dispatched to crush opposition to the New World Order in every corner of the globe.
In this new American Empire, even your children are no longer your children, but are now chattel of New World Order. In this new American Empire, you are compelled to send your children cultural Marxist re-education camps for so-called sex education so they will accept what was once know as perversion.
If you don’t send your children to these cultural Marxist reeducation camps you can expect a visit from the thought police.
This new American Empire is being systematically flooded with hordes of third-world colonizers, so called immigrants, who are in fact economic neo-slaves of the new world order, imported for cheap labor and their block voting patterns that keep the NWO politicians safely in power, beyond the recall of European-American voters.
Ladies and gentlemen, this outline of abuses of the New World Order I have just set down is widely shared by many Americans who recognize and rightly oppose the NWO’s usurpation of power. When I proposed this event, many of these people who shared my opposition to the New Word Order opposed this action for a variety of reasons.
I will now state why I believe this action here today is appropriate, and reply to some of these objections.
Now these so-called patriots objected to my proposed action concerning this flag. They suggested I wash it, or fly it upside down, or this, or that or whatever, anything except my proposed action for which we are here assembled here today.
Now these so-called patriots, being herd animals, live in absolute terror of not being part of the herd. Rather than leave the herd, they’d much rather shuffle off to the slaughterhouse with the herd than face the unknown terrors of liberty.
Ladies and gentlemen, I think it time for a little American history 101. Remember the real patriots and what they did before our War for Independence?
They didn’t salute the British imperial flag. They hauled it down and trampled it under their boots and raised the liberty flag. They didn’t enlist in his majesty’s Redcoats, they heaved snowballs at them.
They threw his tea in Boston harbor and they knocked down his statue and drug it through the streets of New York.
Consider George Washington. He fought under the British imperial flag just as I fought under the American imperial flag, but he chose liberty.
Today, we are gathered here, because like George Washington, we have chosen liberty, and like George Washington we understand that liberty means rejecting all the symbols of imperial tyranny.
Ladies and gentlemen, the nation-state this flag supposedly represents is no more. It’s gone, dead and buried, a vanished relic of the past.
The American nation-state no longer exists.
We must compel the subjects of the new American Empire to face up to this reality and take appropriate action.
They must be forced to choose between two paths, and we are gathered here today so demonstrate to them that there is another path.
This path is not an easy one; it is not a path for the timid. But this difficult path is the only one that leads to the restoration of liberty, the liberty that our founding fathers bequeathed to us, our rightful patrimony, which has been usurped by murdering looters of the New World Order.
The so-called patriots can continue to cringe and obey the NWO elitists every time they wave this rag in their faces, or they can side with us and tell the Globalists to take their stinking empire and take their stinking rag and shove them.
Ladies and gentlemen, saluting this imperial flag is not a act of patriotism, it is a ritual of submission to the New World Order.
Ladies and gentlemen, this ritual of submission to the New World Order is a classic case of Pavlovian conditioning.
Ladies and gentlemen, if the New World Order is to be defeated and our traditional liberty restored, then we must expose this ritual of submission and reject it publicly and unequivocally for all the world to see.
We must force the so-called patriots to choose between continuing down the road to the New World Order slaughterhouse, or siding with us in the restoration of liberty.
Ladies and gentlemen, this flag is not my flag. This flag can not possibly be my flag because the nation-state it once represented is gone, dead and buried, right along with the Constitution and everything else that once made America great.
This flag is now nothing more than the corporate logo of an administrative district of the New World Order.
This flag is not my flag.
This is the flag of the New World Order. This imperial rag represents everything they stand for, and everything I despise.
This arrogant rag is now the symbol of tyranny, globalism, imperialism, and the murderous, looters of the New World Order. This murderous rag flies over once independent and sovereign nations now starved and bombed into submission to world-wide oligarchy of the New World Order.
This racist symbol says that I, because I am a European, must ride the back of their racist affirmative action bus and shuffle and apologize whenever a non-European assaults me, either verbally or physically.
This imperial banner demands that you send your children to their state-run re-education camps where they will be programmed to accept every facet of the anti-religious, cultural Marxist New World Order, no matter how disgusting, or else.
Ladies and gentlemen, If you want your children back, then this flag must be sent to hell where it belongs.
This cynical corporate logo says that if any third-world neo-slave can be found anywhere who will work for less than a European-American, then he has your job, and you’re a racist if you dare object.
This flag is not my flag, this is the flag of the Maquiladora sweat shops.
This flag is not my flag. This is the flag of talking heads who live in walled suburbs patrolled by armed guards, and who proclaim that I can’t own a gun.
Why? I think we know why.
I say let the two-faced spin merchants like Dan Rather salute this flag all they want. Me, I’ve got a Zippo in my pocket.
This flag is not my flag. This is the flag of the New World Order hirelings like that corporate lawn jockey Jesse Jackson.
I say let Jesse Jackson and his fellow syncopated bigots wave this flag whenever they demand that I be seated in the rear of their racist affirmative action bus.
Me, I’m finished with it.
This flag is not my flag. This is the flag of Globalist bully boys who have proclaimed that the people of Austria may not choose their own leader and their own destiny, but stand by while their prosperous and orderly country is turned into a third-world dump like Haiti.
This flag is not my flag. This is the flag of the oligarches that looted Russia so they could stash billions in Swiss bank accounts.
If any sheeple want to salute this flag on their way to the slaughterhouse, I couldn’t care less.
Me, I’ve got a real hot idea for this flag, and it doesn’t involve going baaa baaa baaa.
This flag is not my flag. This is the flag of the Israeli lobby that has decreed that we must pay $3 billion dollars every year in tribute to Israel, so sayeth the New York Times. If anyone dares object to this shakedown, he’s called an anti-Semite.
Now ladies and gentlemen, if $3 billion a year is the price of not being called dirty names, then I’d just as soon keep the $3 billion, and they can call me all the names they want.
This flag is not my flag. Let the gangster shakedown artists of the Israeli lobby wave this flag. I say to hell with their $3 billion annual shakedown, and I say to hell with their flag.
I say it’s time for ordinary European-Americans like us to put the establishment on notice that they can no longer lead us around like sheep by waving this imperial rag in our faces.
Ladies and gentlemen, this flag is not my flag. This imperial flag is an instrument of classic Pavlovian conditioning.
The globalists wave this flag for one reason and one reason only. The globalists wave this flag to induce a carefully programmed conditioned response in the deluded, so-called patriots.
When the deluded patriots see this rag being waved, they go baaa baaa baaa and shuffle off, following their New World order shepherds to the shearing pens.
When the so-called patriots see this stimulus, they are deceived into thinking that all is well, they are deceived into thinking that the defunct Constitution really means something.
It doesn’t.
When the so-called patriots see this stimulus, they are deceived into thinking that all is well, that they can change the course of events via the ballot box.
They can’t.
Any referendum seriously impeding the agenda of the New World Order is struck down by the imperial Supreme Court.
When the so-called patriots see this stimulus, they are deceived into thinking that all is well, that they are citizens of a sovereign nation state who have rights.
They aren’t.
They are subjects of an empire who must beg for privileges, they are mere cattle grazing on a world-wide global plantation.
Ladies and gentlemen, I fought under this flag in Vietnam. I can’t tell you exactly how many lifeless bodies of my fellow soldiers I picked up and threw on helicopters for a one-way ride back to their parents, I lost count. On their headstones they should have inscribed this:
He gave his life for the New World Order, thank’s a lot, sucker.
Does anyone in America seriously think that the Globalists in their yacht clubs and walled suburbs would actually risk their lives fighting under this flag?
Hell no, they wouldn’t, so why should we?
Some time ago I saw our Emperor, William Jefferson Clinton, doing some sort of photo-opt thing at the Vietnam Memorial Wall.
I was outraged. How dare that draft dodger soil that sacred place of honor with his hypocritical presence. He won’t fight for this flag, but he’ll salute it to deceive the suckers.
I am not a hypocrite, and I’m certainly not a sucker. If I am not willing to fight under a flag, then I will not salute it. I’ll leave that to the hypocrites like William Jefferson Clinton, and suckers like the so-called patriots.
Any European-American who enlists in the military is literally enlisting to fight to ensure that he rides the back of the affirmative action bus.
He is literally fighting to ensure his own status as a second class citizen in an empire that mocks and reviles him.
I say that the members of our military, and those thinking about enlisting, should confront this reality and choose freedom, and I say that freedom can only secured by first recognizing that this flag is the flag their subjugation , and then by taking the appropriate first step on the long hard road to the restoration of liberty.
Ladies and gentlemen, I say that all the former symbols of vanished America are now nothing more than stimuli used for inducing carefully programmed conditioned responses in the so-called patriots.
I say to hell with these Pavlovian stimuli, and I say to hell with patriotism. I say to hell with this filthy empire and all its filthy works and all its filthy imperial symbols.
Ladies and gentlemen, this flag is not my flag. This is the flag emblazoned on the arm bands of the Imperial Robo Cops that entrap and then assassinate law abiding dissidents.
Remember Ruby Ridge?
This is the flag displayed in the cultural Marxist reeducation camps, the so-called schools, where your children are programmed.
This is the flag stenciled on the imperial jet fighters that rain down cluster bombs all over the world.
This flag is not my flag.
This is the flag of the Trilateralists, the Bilderbergers, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
This flag is not my flag.
This is the flag of Wall Street, PAC money, Yacht clubs, Walled suburbs, Tax-exempt foundations, and the very belly of the beast, Washington D.C..
This flag is not my flag.
This is the flag of George Soros, William Jefferson Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Morris Dees, Janet Reno and Madeline Albright.
This flag is not my flag.
This is the flag of murder, theft, and affirmative action racism, and this is the flag of the Israeli lobby shakedown artists.
This is the flag that files over the global plantation.
I, say let’s burn their global plantation right down to the ground, starting right now here today for all the world to see.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s just about time.
Are you with me?
If you’re with me, then let me know by applauding when this New World Order rag goes up in flames.
That’s right, I want you to clap and cheer when this sucker goes up.
Ladies and gentlemen, are you with me?
Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for liberty?
OK, like we used to say in Vietnam, It’s Zippo time.
Burn Baby Burn.
— This was the speech delivered by Thomas W. Chittum at the First Annual Imperial Rag Flag
Burn, July 4th, 2000 in North Carolina.