Comrades, the last day for contributions to be published in the July issue of the Party magazine is Monday, July 8.
In May of 1940 Churchill had close to 400,000 soldiers in France, the British Expeditionary Force, commanded by General Lord Gort. The French 3rd Republic had some 2,900,000 men mobilized in 1940, 5,500 tanks, 3,300 aircraft, and hundreds of vessels ranked as the 7th largest navy on Earth. But things were not going so well. Realizing the inevitable outcome, Churchill prepared for an alternative method to destroy not only Germany, but Europe as a whole!
Taking a break from his whiskey and cigars, the British Prime Minister formed a Special Operations Executive, thousands of agents planted within the Reich to sabotage, assassinate, and wage a propaganda mission while England and France worked on getting wealthy America into the war they had declared on Germany. Churchill appointed Hugh Dalton, a civilian, as Chief of the SOE. On July 16, 1940, three days before Hitler’s generous peace proposals in His “Appeal to Reason” speech (see TWW last month), the “bulldog” English warmonger instructed Dalton: “Your agents must be active, damage the enemy, and not be afraid –in their operations– to go set Europe ablaze!” That quote is from Dalton himself, his war diaries.
Churchill’s rabid hatred of Germany, despite his one-time approval of Hitler and acknowledgment of positive racial values for White nations, led to Stalin’s Communist domination of Central and Eastern Europe for 44 years, the victory of Communism in the Far East, White economic catastrophe in Europe –victors and vanquished, the death of the British Empire, the birth of Israel, and a general White cultural re-education, a surrender that has opened the gates of Europe to immigration of subraces accelerating the diminishment of White peoples everywhere. Churchill had to wait for the build-up of RAF bombers aided by Americans to set Europe ablaze (starting on D-Day, several French cities were also bombed into oblivion by the heroic Allies). Yet today the enervating vortices of old enmities continue to overwhelm our people.
The recent right-wing election victories for national representatives in the European Parliament are an indication that, finally, White people are fed up with force-fed “tolerance” at the expense of their well-being, both economic and physical. No news gets to this side of the Atlantic regarding the terror suffered in small German towns “visited” by Turkish motorcycle gangs, calling themselves clans. No news about the rampant, murderous rivalries between Muslim and black African drug gangs in Sweden.
But the European Right is as compromised as the American version. Grumbling, complaining, protesting, and electing the latest version of a self-anointed leader or anti-this/anti-that political party reveals White attitudes at the same time as our collective weaknesses. What is the PROGRAM? Where are the IDEALS? …among Republicans, Conservatives, nationalists The Tories in Britain have so fouled things up under their colored PM that the Right will drown in upcoming elections, taking the blame for “conservative” policies at large.
New, tougher anti-hate laws are pending, designed to stifle our message even more. Thus, we must talk things up wherever and whenever we can; work like Churchill’s SOE, take the fight person to person, home to home, workplace to workplace. We have a secret to reveal that has been hidden for too long. For that secret to spread, all it takes is a whisper.,
A preview of the July cover is below.
88s – HAK