May is half over now and our Spring Blitz campaign is winding down. We had a good response this year – better than usual. A lot of materials were ordered and we had a higher than usual visit rate to the website, probably to download materials. I wish more of you hadn’t waited until the last minute to download. Really, it’s no skin off of my teeth, but you only made it harder on yourself. Next year, do it early and get everything ready in advance and you’ll find it all goes much easier. Procrastination is the bane of our efforts.
Announcement: The next meeting of the ANP Procrastinator’s Club has been postponed.
I would also like to remind everyone that we still have merchandise available. Just go to the website’s store and see what we have.
Well, Title 42 of our immigration law has finally expired. Title 42 allowed for the immediate deportation of illegals because of the Covid Pandemic. With the pandemic over with, Biden has ended Title 42. As predicted, the hordes at the border have gotten even worse than before, if that’s possible. There have even been incidents of immigrants shouting obscenities across the border and calling us racists. Gee, they sure have a way of endearing themselves. Come to a country and insult the natives until they let you in. Sounds like a real smart tactic.
In many people who were born in the United States, the thought of immigration conjures up nostalgic images of their own ancestors arriving here from Europe. Of images of Ellis Island, which opened in 1890 and closed in 1954, only to be reopened as a museum in 1990. Most immigrants of today come here to leach off the American people, but every now and again we see a non-White immigrant working hard and pulling his load.
However, if we take the 30 million immigrants who have arrived here both legally and illegally from 1970 to the present, it represents the equivalent of the entire population of Central America, which has been in the news a lot these past few weeks. At some point we must put up our “No Vacancies” sign. If not we’ll end up a lot like the countries these people are fleeing.
There are many who assume that immigration levels have always been high. This is untrue. From 1776 to 1965 the average annual immigration rate has been only about 230,000 people per year. It has only been since 1970 that the rate has skyrocketed.
During the 21st Century, most lawmakers virtually ignore the public’s wishes and continue to work for more and more immigration. They dismiss the people as being ignorant of what’s best for the country or call them racists. The truth is our entire way of life has been transformed because of skyrocketing immigration.
Whole industries in the 1970s and 1980s reorganized to exploit compliant foreign tabor, with the result that conditions have deteriorated for all workers in those industries.
- Long trends of rising U.S. wages have been reversed.
- Poverty has increased.
- The middle-class way of life has come under siege; income disparities have widened disturbingly.
- The culture–and even language–of many local communities has been transformed against the wishes of their native inhabitants. Instead of spawning healthy diversity, immigration has turned many cities into caldrons of increased ethnic tension and divisiveness.
- A stabilizing U.S. population with low birth rates (like other advanced nations) has become the most rapidly congesting industrialized nation in the world (resembling trends in Third World countries). Vast tracts of remaining farmland, natural habitat, and ecosystems have been destroyed to accommodate the growing population. Environmental progress has been set back by the addition of tens of millions of new polluters.
- Numerous organized crime syndicates headquartered in the new immigrants’ home countries have gained solid beachheads of operations. Law enforcement agencies have been confounded just as they thought they were near victory over the crime organizations that other ethnic groups had brought with them during the New Great Wave.
Because of all this, the people of the United States live in a climate of ever increasing economic disparity. The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. Immigrants are willing to work for lower wages than are native born Americans and this has caused a general lowering in the general wage index.
As salaries go down, fewer people can afford college tuition. With fewer people attending college, tuition goes up to make up the difference. College is becoming increasingly out of reach. Without college, more and more Americans are only fit for the kind of jobs the immigrants take. Even if they agree to the lower salaries, employers often prefer to hire immigrants as they are less certain of their rights and are therefore easier to intimidate.
For the first time in American history, today’s young workers (Millenials) are worse off financially than their parents (Generation X). This trend only promises to continue unless something is done to stop it.
What can we do? For starters, economic immigration should be merit based. Only those who have something like a valuable skill should be allowed in. Fleeing poverty is not a good enough reason. There are billions of impoverished people in this world. We can’t help them all even if we wanted to.
As for asylum seekers, they must prove their lives would be in danger if sent back. Their word of honor is not good enough. Also, as in the case of the Central American asylum seekers, if they pass through a country on their way here, they must stop and apply in the first country where they will no longer be in danger. If they are turned down, then they must apply in the next country, and so forth. The Central American asylum seekers were all offered asylum in Mexico. It wasn’t good enough for them. They don’t want to settle for hamburger, they want prime rib.
They have been offered asylum in Mexico, therefore they are no longer asylum seekers. They are economic immigrants. Most of them have little to offer the United States therefore they should be turned away. It’s not like they’ll be sent back to Central America. They can settle in Mexico. They’ll be safe enough there.
Yes, the United States is a nation of immigrants, but just as with anything a little is good, a lot is bad.
by Steve Davenport - The White race is under immense pressure these days. Not just from non-Whites, but from White race traitors especially. Yes, sad to say, our very own people are betraying us. Joe Biden and the rest of the Liberal ilk, want to kiss Black ass. Do whatever non-Whites want. The fact that Whites will get chopped at the knees doesn’t bother them. They just want to screw Whitey. I look in a mirror. I see White skin. Whether I want to or not, I struggle for the White race, as it means my own personal survival. So it is very bad for White in America Today. Fight or die. Our race is under siege. Non-Whites want our jobs. They want our money like reparations for slavery. They want White family life destroyed. They want all political power, not to the Soviets, but non-Whites. This is pseudo Marxism at its worst. I can’t for the life of me understand why Whites would betray their own race, but it happens every day. It’s time to put an end to it. We must support organizations like ANP to save ourselves. To preserve what we are. Donate to ANP. Money. Your time to give it literature. Help the cause of white survival. It’s fish or cut bait. If we hesitate, our race will be lost. Frankly, I feel our race has achieved too much to be just allowed to die. We are owed much by this world. Let’s start demanding it. Demand, not beg, DEMAND.
- That’s about it for this report. Sorry about the black dots. They just kept appearing and I couldn’t get rid of them. Stay safe and Hail Victory!
- Dan Schneider
Deputy Chairman
American Nazi Party.