the last day for contributions to the Lincoln Rockwell birthday commemorative issue of the Party magazine is this Wednesday, March 8, 2023!
Many ANP members and supporters want to do more for the Party “Cells!” Not the jail kind (the Commander had experienced enough of those) but small Party units collected around the ideals of National-Socialism, taking action step by step as participants in a greater whole: literature distribution, participation in town halls held for the benefit of some typical bought-and-paid-for politician, raising real issues of social/racial/economic concern common to most people in the audience. Put the hack on the spot. Tell the politician to Deliver, don’t just promise solutions every election cycle!
Place ANP business cards in library books on related subjects, pinned to supermarket public bulletin boards. Or use rubber cement to paste ANP posters in bus shelters around universities or high schools.
We are working on acquiring a high-quality color printer that will print posters on 12×18 card stock, not flimsy ordinary low weight copier paper. A talented Comrade has created a number of excellent posters that deserve to be widely disseminated = planting solid Nazi seeds! The Party can then print not only propaganda for today, but also related NSDAP artwork, and portraits of great NS leaders, cultural heroes, all suitable for framing.
A feature on NSDAP cells will appear in this forthcoming issue.
Last month some dimwit(s) threw around sub amateur grossly kike themed paper — in a Jewish neighborhood, just to get the publicity. What the hell good does that kind of juvenile thrill adventure do for the White race?
George Lincoln Rockwell was our last greatest hope. We can do him proud by resurfacing through his Phase II ambition and recruiting via propaganda, and by our example. There is no doubt a young GLR is out there who needs the proper inspiration. I myself was awakened by the Commander when I was in high school. But I am certainly no Rockwell. We can find him, but we must cultivate the ground first, and that means WORK AT IT. What we may not achieve immediately we can guarantee for the future.
Essays, articles, comments, letters, artwork, —all your input is appreciated.
A low-resolution preview of the March cover is below.