Well, it’s June already. Can you believe that at the end of the month the year is half over?! The weather is nice and I hope people are still keeping up with their literature distribution. It’s nice weather for being outside. I remind everyone in California and the South West that in a month you’ll be roasting in 100 degree plus weather so make the most of June. The heat will come. Those of you in the Gulf states have the same problem and with horrible humidity on top of it. Make the most of the nice weather while it’s here.
I have some more news on the merchandise front. Like I said, we’re learning as we go. As I told you, the yard signs are here, but what we forgot to consider is the cost of shipping. We also had to find just the right packaging to use for shipping. I think we have gotten most of that done. The signs were shipped to me, but I in turn sent them to another member of the leadership. As I live in a rural area, my options for buying economical packaging are limited. My basic choices are the post office and Walmart. The post office charges too much for boxes. Walmart is limited. I couldn’t find the proper size. The nearest Office Depot is like 40 miles away. That’s an 80 mile round trip and with gas pushing $5.00 (thanks Biden), I wasn’t about to go down there and buy boxes. The comrade who will be handling this lives in a major city and has Office Depots, Office Maxes, and Staples within a few miles of him. Plus, he has a machine for metered mail and an account with the post office. He won’t even have to go to the post office to mail out orders. He’s already received the box with the spikes, so the actual signs should get there in a day or two.
He’s also the same one who is handling our clothing items. He just informed me that our replacement order is now in the Port of New York. There are no problems. It’s just waiting it’s turn to go through customs and then it will be on it’s way to him. When? Considering customs is a government department, who can say? We all know the government is extremely inefficient, but as it is in the country, it can’t be too much longer.
One other thing. Yet another food processing plant has been destroyed by fire. That’s about 30 in the last two months. This one was an egg processing facility. They estimate that at least 10,000 chickens were killed. Poor things. What a horrible way to go. What I want to know is why aren’t these fires being properly investigated? They always seem to be able to tell if a fire is caused by arson. All these incidents cannot be a coincidence. Our food supple is under attack. Once again I urge you all to stock up on emergency food like MREs. Remember, foil wrapped is better than plastic. Plastic is not an oxygen barrier.
The Biden administration is telling us that this is all normal and fires occur all the time and there is nothing to worry about. I suppose the baby formula shortage is also nothing to worry about either. I wouldn’t be surprised if those DC scum are behind the whole thing to wear the people down and make them hungry and desperate to accept any Leftist plan to restore some form of normalcy. I hope you will try and warn people not to be fooled by a government that is only out for itself.
I’m of course trying to warn you of the New World Order. Some may ask, why would the government be willing to surrender any of their power to a world government? The answer is simple. They believe the New World Order is inevitable and by getting on board with it now will allow them to retain some of their power when it dawns. The NWO is called The Commonwealth of Nations. Just look at the British Empire (what’s left of it). Every one of their commonwealths has a prime minister and its own parliament. The current regime plans on becoming the the government of the American Commonwealth when the NWO dawns. It all makes perfect sense. I wouldn’t trust the Republicans to fight them either. They’re probably just as much in favor of it as the Democrats. They just appear to be against it so they can be the White Knights who tried to stop it.
As I always say, the Democrats and the Republicans are leading this country to the same place. They’re just taking different roads to get there. I also say, let’s not make it easy for them Let’s do whatever we can to stop them! Hail Victory!
Dan Schneider
Deputy Chairman
American Nazi Party