From the Chairman
Greetings Comrades! Today is March 9th, and this is a date that is near and dear to every National-Socialist, for it is the birthday of George Lincoln Rockwell. Today also begins our annual SPRING BLITZ literature campaign where White people of ALL pro-White organizations make an EXTRA EFFORT to distribute flyers, cards, and stickers! Please participate, and HONOR GLR & Adolf Hitler with your ACTIVISM and not just empty words of praise. This Spring Blitz goes through the rest of March and all of April, which is White Pride Month.
In my decades of activism I have seen countless statements of bravado by people saying they would “die for the cause” or “die for their people”, but how many actually MADE A DIFFERENCE in their community by the simple–yet VERY EFFECTIVE–activity of distributing pro-White business cards, flyers, and stickers?? It is critical that we all realize the psychological impact a simple business card can have on someone that finds our positive message on their car windshield, or in their shopping cart, or between items at the grocery store, or wherever (be creative!). When people who are sympathetic to our cause find our message, they immediately realize that we are in their area, and that they are NOT ALONE! Countless White people reject the media’s repulsive and subversive lies, but they don’t know where to turn for a solution. When they find our cards, they find hope.
We have a host of material on our website for you to print out and distribute ( ) but feel free to use your own as well.
Please send us pictures of your activism to Staff @ AmericanNaziParty d0t com and we’ll be happy to post it.
Be someone that Adolf Hitler or George Lincoln Rockwell would be proud to shake hands with.
Let’s make THIS 2022 Spring Blitz campaign a MASSIVE one all over the country and let the ENEMY know that we are STILL HERE and we AREN’T GOING ANYWAY. The survival of our people is NON-NEGOTIABLE.