From the desk of the chairman.
Greetings Comrades!
To say that the past year has been wild would be quite an understatement. Right now, there are 15,000 black Haitians at our border waiting to be let in by our “public servants” (as they used to be called). Mestizos from south of the border are streaming over, and close to 100,000 Afghan cave-dwellers will be forced into our neighborhoods from the 20-year war for greed that cost countless lives and trillions in taxpayer dollars.
Meanwhile, the system’s schools are continuing to teach pedophilia, perversion, hatred of White people, and everything vile and degenerate that we want to keep our kids safe from. Additionally, Big Pharma is pulling the strings of our puppet politicians and FORCING an experimental injection for millions of people.
Are you pissed off yet? Or are you still comfortable enough with your fuzzy toilet seat cover and riding lawnmower?
Unfortunately, despite our MANY YEARS of warning people against this evil system, it has taken to THIS POINT for people to start waking up. This is the silver lining in all the tyranny and madness we are facing, that forcibly injecting YOUR CHILDREN with unknown and dangerous chemical concoctions created by entirely unscrupulous mega-corporations is the wake up call for many.
Yet there are still MILLIONS of useful idiots that continue to beg the system to crack down harder on people who dare desire freedom. The judeo-television has programmed millions of people to beg for their own demise and to beg for slavery.
We have a lot of work to do. Will you join us?
The American Nazi Party is keenly aware that as the United States crumbles from the traitors within, we have the best opportunity in 50 years to gain support for National-Socialism among the masses. The GOP has been open about their failure, and their allegiance with the communist Left. People are abandoning the one-party system and finally realizing the charade. It would be utter foolishness to not take advantage of this opportunity.
We are establishing trusted Comrades as Regional Leaders (RL) to cover this country from coast to coast, and they are getting in touch with people in their area. We need MORE to step up as RL, and MORE people to step out of the shadows. The time for individualism is over. We need to build communities and increase our small cell activism to cover every city in the country. We have so many projects going that I don’t have time to cover them all, but we are recruiting, and we need honorable and dependable, men & women to make the cause of National-Socialism their PRIORITY.
Join with us NOW, before it’s too late!
For White WORKER Power!
Axl Hess, Chairman