The following contribution came from one of our Official Supporters (OS) and I thought I would share. Enjoy! – ANP Staff
Since I bragged on Gab how I was going out to spread the Good News, I thought I’d let you know how it went. It was better than I expected!
I spent from late morning to late afternoon and unloaded every last piece of literature I had: stickers, cards, flyers, posters, old White Worker issues, everything (took a long time to cross out our old Westland address, but waste not, want not)! Hundreds of items! I visited 5 towns.
I hit three libraries, salted the WWII & 3rd Reich books with flyers, left White Worker copies among the free newspapers, and distributed material in other legal places that might reach people for the National Socialist cause. One of the parking lots I covered had some kind of customer appreciation event going on which made it even easier and care-free.
Remember those Illegal Immigrant bumper stickers? I had about 6 left and I found places to put all of them. I also posted our old White Pride 8.5×11 poster in a mall and on a post next to a large parking lot. Something for the disgruntled Aryan working class to gaze upon when they go shopping.
I have to confess, I’ve been cowardly about aggressive posting. I’ve often left a card or sticker here and there, but not as much as I should have. It’s been good for my soul to confront my fear and just do it. I got inspired by a Teddy Roosevelt quote, something to the effect that when he was afraid, he pretended not to be afraid, and pretty soon he wasn’t. It works!
I’ve managed to organize my time better to allow myself to devote more to this throughout the month. Wish me luck! Have a good weekend & thank you for taking time to read this. White Power!